1 Jan – the female leaves the safety of the box at 00:10 after the fireworks had calmed down. The male is back at ten minutes later looking for her. He sits on the ledge then goes into the box at 00:30. He is back on the ledge at 2:10 but is displaced by XRF at 6:05. The juvenile flies off at 8:00 and returns at 10:25 followed by the female who goes into the box to feed on scraps. XRF is unhappy about this and forces the adult onto the ledge, then to leave. The juvenile flies off at 11:10 but returns at 13:30 with a full crop. It flies off at 16:30 and is replaced by the male but he does not stay long.
2 Jan – XRF lands with the male at 7:20 but they quickly leave. The adults fly in together at 12:55 and go into the box for a short bonding session. He soon flies out as she feeds on scraps, then moves to the ledge before leaving at 13:10.
3 Jan – the male lands briefly at 11:50. He flies into the box at 12:35 and is soon joined by the female. He moves to the ledge after a short bout of bonding and quickly fly out together. XRF flies onto the ledge at 15:25 and remains until 16:30. The male returns at 23:30 and falls asleep until midnight.
4 Jan – the male remains sleeping on the ledge until 7:45. At 9:10, XRF arrives with part-eaten Golden Plover prey followed by the female who quickly leaves. The meal is stashed in the box and the juvenile sits on the ledge with a full crop until leaving at 9:50. The female is back ten minutes later and feeds on the plover before flying off at 10:30. XRF is back at 14:15 and sits on the ledge. The female flies into the box ten minutes later and is pursued by the juvenile. She quickly leaves and XRF feeds on scraps before returning to the ledge at 14:50 and flying off 15 minutes later.
5 Jan – the sleet and snow started soon after midnight and continued for most of the morning. There is no activity on camera until XRF land briefly at 19:30. It is back 20:55 but does not stay long.
6 Jan – the male flies in at 12:25 quickly followed by the female with a full crop. He goes into the box, and she soon follows for a brief bout of bonding. He flies off after five minutes and she leaves a few moments later. XRF arrives at 16:05 and checks the box for scraps, then sits on the ledge until 16:15.
7 Jan – the pair fly in together at 12:00. They go into the box for a short bonding session, but the male quickly leaves, and the female follows soon after.
8 Jan – the male arrives at 3:05 and falls asleep on the ledge. He is joined by XRF at 6:40. The male flies off at 7:05 and the juvenile follows 45 minutes later. The juvenile is back at 15:50 with a small prey item and feeds on it, then flies off ten minutes later. The female flies in at 18:45 carrying fresh Golden Plover prey, stashes it by a column and leaves.