31 October – the male arrives at 7:05 and goes into the box before moving to the ledge. He moves back into the box on the arrival of the female at 7:30. She picks at some scraps on the platform and there is calling between the pair. He flies off after a few minutes and she goes into the box before moving to the ledge; she flies off at 7:55. The male is back at 10:10 and sits on the ledge until 10:35 when he flies off, returning at 11:45. He flies out 10 minutes later returning for a few moments at 13:40. The pair fly in at 15:05 and go into the box and have a bonding session. The female then moves to the ledge with the male still in the box. He sits on the opposite ledge a few minutes later. They are both back in the box bonding at 15:40. he moves back to the ledge whilst the female makes a scrape and moves a few stones. She is back on the ledge at 15:45 opposite the male who flies off at 15:55. She leaves at 16:20.
30 October – the male arrives at 1:30 but leaves after a few minutes. He is back at 6:30 but leaves 5 minutes later. He returns at 7:25 with a full crop and sits on the ledge until 8:50 when he pays a quick visit to the box, in anticipation of the arrival of the female, before returning to the ledge. He flies off at 9:30, returning two hours later. He does not stay long and there is no further activity on camera today.
29 October – the pair arrive together at 6:15 and there is quiet calling between them. The male sits on the ledge whilst the female is on the platform. They fly off in unison at 6:20. The male lands briefly a few moments later then again after 5 minutes. He moves to the ledge remaining until 7:10 when he takes a brief flight. He returns and walks into the box calling before moving to the ledge. He flies off at 7:25 and is back at 9:50 when he walks into the box for a few moments, then the platform and finally back on the ledge. He flies off at 10:00 and is back at 11:15 but leaves after 10 minutes. There is no further activity on camera today.
28 October – the male flies in at 00:35 and remains on the ledge until 5:35 when he flies off. The pair fly in together at 6:20, the male going into the box. He flies out 5 minutes later. She flies off at 8:30. The male makes a brief visit to the box at 13:55. He returns again for a few minutes at 17:20.
27 October – the male arrives at 6:20 (the clocks have gone back an hour!). He takes a brief flight 10 minutes later and sits on the platform calling before moving to the ledge at 6:50. At 8:10, he makes a short visit to the box, then returns to the ledge. He flies off 2 hours later. The female flies in at 11:40 and leaves at 12:30. The male is back 20 minutes later but flies off at 13:05. The pair fly in together at 16:40 calling. The male goes into the box with the female on the ledge. She replaces him after a few minutes and he stands on the platform. He flies off as she moves to the ledge where she remains until 18:10.
26 October – no activity was seen on camera today but a quick trip to buy a camera battery at around 14:00, ended with finding the pair sitting on ‘Lewis’s’ tower sheltering from the rain.
25 October – the female flies in at 5:45 and falls asleep on the ledge. The male arrives at 7:35 and goes into the box. There is calling between the pair and he then places himself behind the central column so the female cannot see him. She replaces him in the box 20 minutes later and he goes to the ledge. She then takes his place and forces him on to the opposite ledge. Ay 8:30 he makes a brief visit to the box before returning to the ledge. They fly off together at 9:05. The male returns at 9:30 and the female joins him at 11:50. He goes into the box but they swap places after a few minutes. She makes a scrape, then moves top the ledge at 12:00 forcing the male into the box. He is back on the ledge 5 minutes later and they remain there until they fly off within moments of each other at 13:00. The male is soon back but leaves an hour later. There is no further activity.
24 October – the female remains sleeping on the ledge until 7:20 when she wakens. The male arrives at 8:15 and she goes into the box. However, he leaves almost immediately and she returns to the ledge, flying off 10 minutes later. The male lands on the platform at 8:55 calling loudly before entering the box, then moving to the ledge. He starts calling again at 9:10 for few minutes before settling down, then flying off at 9:55. He is back at 10:15 and takes a brief (hunting) flight at 10:40. He is off again at 11:05. The pair arrive together at 11:55 calling to each other and both well fed. The male goes into the box but is soon replaced by the female. She then moves back to the ledge and starts to walk towards the male who flies off. She settles down where he was sitting. He returns at 17:00 and he walks into the box. They call to each other and after a few minutes they change places, before she moves back to the ledge. The female flies off at 18:05 and he eventually leaves at 19:30.
23 October – the female arrives with a full crop at 8:10 and falls asleep. She moves into the box when the male, also well fed, joins her at 9:30, returning to the opposite ledge 5 minutes later. The pair remain there until 11:00 when the female flies off. She is back 35 minutes later and there is calling between the pair before settling on the ledge. He flies off at 11:45 and she follows a few moments later. They both return at 12:00 until the male flies off at 12:25 followed by the female after 20 minutes. As I was in the town at the time, I noticed that both birds moved to crosses on the Cathedral spire. The male returns to the ledge at 13:05 calling loudly, flying off after a few minutes. [Whilst walking through the city today in the early afternoon, I noticed the two adults engaging with three Buzzards drifting through. They forced them out of their territory before returning to the Cathedral.] The male is back on the ledge at 13:55 and is joined by the female 20 minutes later. She sits on the ledge preening until 15:25 when she flies off. The male walks into the box at 16:35 when the female returns. He flies out a few moments later, returning at 16:55 as the female moves to the box. He only stays a few minutes and the female runs to the ledge to watch him go. She falls asleep at 18:00 and remains on the ledge until midnight at least.
22 October – the male arrives at 3:25 and falls asleep. He is awakened by the arrival of the female at 7:15 and he goes into the box. They swap places a few moments later and he sits on the ledge until she approaches him at 7:20 and he flies off. She looks for some scraps on the platform then settles on the ledge. He returns at 9:00 and goes into the box but is displaced by the female. Five minutes later they are both in the box and there is posturing and calling between the pair. The male then moves back to the ledge and the female likewise a few minutes later before flying off. He leaves at 9:40 returning at 10:15 before flying off again at 12:40. He is back at 13:55 and stands on the platform looking out over the city until 14:35 when he sits on the ledge. He flies off 15 minutes later and there is no further activity.
21 October – the female arrives with a large item of prey, a Stock Dove, at 12:20 and proceeds to pluck and eat it on the platform. She has finished eating 40 minutes later and stashes the remains by the column, then sits on the ledge with a very full crop but flies off a few minutes later to be replaced by the male. He notices a few scraps on the platform and eats those before spying the remains by the column. He drags that to the platform and flies off with it.
20 October – the male arrives at 7:20 and flies off 25 minutes later. This was the only activity today.
19 October – the male arrives at 7:10 and sits on the ledge until 7:45 when he moves to the box on the arrival of the female carrying a small item of prey; a Treecreeper. It takes less than 3 minutes to finish her snack. She flies off soon after and the male runs to the ledge. He moves into the box at 10:45 as the female returns. She finds a few scraps on the platform then sits on the ledge with the male now sitting opposite. At 10:55, she walks into the box and makes a scrape and moves stones. She displaces the male 25 minutes later and he flies off. She remains on the ledge preening until 15:15 when she falls asleep, then dozes on and off until 15:45 when she makes a brief flight. She is off again just moments later and does not return.
18 October – the male arrives at 7:15 with a full crop and spends his time preening until flying off at 7:50. The female lands 5 minutes later, also well fed, and starts to preen. She flies off at 8:50, returning at 11:10. She walks into the box at 12:20 as the male lands. He sits on the ledge whilst she makes a scrape then moves to the opposite ledge 5 minutes later. He sits preening until 12:30 when she calls briefly and flies out quickly followed immediately by the male (usually the sign of an intruding bird). He returns a few minutes later and watches carefully from the ledge. At 13:00 he moves briefly into the box calling before returning to the ledge remaining until 15:55 when he flies off. He is back at 16:20 but is replaced by the female at 17:15 who remains until 18:35 when she flies off.
17 October – the male arrives at 1:00 and sits on the ledge calling for a few moments before settling on the ledge. He flies off 15 minutes later, returning at 2:30 and falling asleep. At 4:20, he walks into the box calling and turns to look over the city, expecting the arrival of the female. He returns to the ledge after a few minutes. At 6:55, he walks into the box calling. After a few minutes he returns to the ledge. He is back in the box calling again at 8:15 when the female arrives. They swap places 25 minutes later and she makes a scrape in the box before returning to the ledge. The male flies off at 9:50 and the female 5 minutes later. He returns after a few minutes but does not stay long. He is back at 11:30 and snoozes on the ledge until 11:55 when the female arrives with a full crop, and he goes into the box. They swap places after a few minutes and she moves back to the ledge at 12:05. She goes back into the box at 14:10 and there is calling between the pair and she makes a scrape and moves some stones around. She returns to the ledge after 15 minutes. The male flies off at 14:45 and she sits preening. He returns briefly at 17:45, staying only 5 minutes. She leaves at 18:05.
16 October – the female remains sleeping on the ledge with her full crop from the previous evening until 2:25 when she wakens and flies off. She is back at 7:05 and sits on the ledge preening until 8:30 when she walks into the box as the male arrives. There is calling between the pair and after a few minutes they swap places. She flies off a few minutes later and he moves to the platform and watches her go before settling on the ledge. He spends most of the time preening until 13:00 when he walks into the box when the female arrives. There is calling between the pair and they soon swap positions but after a few minutes, she flies off and he quickly follows. He is back a few moments later and watches from the ledge then settles down again. The female is back at 14:45 and he goes into the box, swapping a few moments later. She generates a scrape and moves stones whilst he preens on the ledge. He flies off 10 minutes later and she moves to the ledge. He re-joins her at 15:06 and sits on the ledge until 16:45 when he walks into the box keeping the central column between him and the female until 17:40 when they swap places. She generates scrapes and moves stones throughout the box. They swap again at 18:10 and he flies out 5 minutes later. She remains on the ledge until 20:25 when she flies off.
15 October – the first activity of the day did not occur until 17:50 when the male arrives with a half-eaten pigeon. He flies off 5 minutes later as the female arrives with a very full crop. She remains on the ledge until midnight at least.
14 October – the male arrives at 6:50 and flies out at 8:10. He is back briefly at 8:55. At 9:10 he flies in and goes into the box waiting for the female but returns to the ledge 15 minutes later before flying off at 11:15. He returns at 11:40 and again enters the box but is back on the ledge after 45 minutes. He flies off again at 12:35 and there is no further activity today.
13 October – the weather is very wet and there is no activity until 12:45 when the male lands and walks into the box. He remains there until 12:5, when the weather improved and he moves to the ledge. The female flies in at 13:35 with a full crop and he goes into the box. She sees something and flies off and he runs to the ledge and watches. He remains until 12:30 when he takes a brief flight. He goes back into the box when the female returns at 15:15 but they swap places a few minutes later. She creates scrapes and moves stones before settling on the ledge. The male takes a couple of quick flights at 15:25; obviously in hunting mode, and does not return after the third attempt at 15:30 until 20 minutes later when he is well fed. The female goes into the box on his arrival and she makes a scrape and moves a few stones before sitting on to the ledge. She flies off at 17:25 but he remains until 18:40. There is no further activity thereafter.
12 October – the female flies in at 7:05 remaining on the ledge until 9:00 when she flies out. The pair fly in together two hours later with the male initially in the box whilst she sits on the ledge with a full crop. They swap places a few minutes later. She then walks to the ledge and displaces the male who flies off returning after a few moments. They remain on the ledge until 13:40 when the male flies off. The female makes a short flight a few minutes later then leaves after an hour. The male is back briefly at 16:55 after which there is no further activity.
11 October – the female remains on the ledge from the previous evening then moves into the box on the arrival of the male at 7:15. There is calling between the pair, but he keeps the central column between them. They swap places 5 minutes later. The female approaches the male at 7:30 and he flies out and is immediately followed by the female. He returns after a few minutes and calls from the ledge. He flies out again at 8:00. The female is back at 9:25. She flies off at 10:05 and returns a few minutes later with the male. He goes into the box whilst she sits on the ledge and there is calling between the pair. The male leaves after 10 minutes. She flies off briefly at 11:15 then moves into the box when the male flies in at 12:45. She creates scrapes and moves stones whilst he sits on the ledge. Something attracts his attention at 13:20 and he flies off. She moves to the platform to watch him. He returns a few minutes later but he flies out again as she approaches him on the ledge. She remains there preening until moving into the box when the male is back at 16:40. She creates scrapes and moves stones until they swap positions at 17:25. He sits on the ledge 10 minutes later then the pair quickly fly off. There is no further activity today.
10 October – the male flies in at 2:50 and remains on the ledge until 7:15 when he walks into the box briefly, returning to the opposite ledge. The female flies in at 8:00 and goes straight into the box. There is calling between the pair and they swap places after 5 minutes. He walks around the box moving stones and she then picks at scraps on the platform. He flies out at 8:20 and she follows at 9:00. The male returns a few moments later and sits on the ledge preening. He makes a short flight at 9:50 and again a few minutes later. He is off again at 10:05 returning 30 minutes later. He runs into the box on the arrival of the female at 10:55 and she follows him in. He then goes to the ledge and she makes scrapes and moves the stones around. He walks to the opposite ledge at 11:15 moving stones on the platform as he goes. She remains in the box ‘tidying’ until 11:40 when she goes to the ledge and displaces the male who flies off and returns to the opposite ledge. He flies off at 12:40 and she follows 10 minutes later. The male returns at 13:15 and sits preening until flying off at 14:10. The female flies in with a full crop at 14:45 and the male joins her at 15:10. The male moves into the box at 18:45 and there is calling between the pair. The male flies out 10 minutes later, the female remaining until midnight at least.
9 October – the male arrives at 6:40 with a full crop and settles on the ledge until 7:15 when he enters the box on the arrival of the female. They swap places 5 minutes later and after a further few minutes, they are on opposite sides of the ledge. The male flies off at 8:30 and the female follows 5 minutes later. The male is soon back and sits on the ledge before leaving at 10:15, returning 10 minutes later. Something attracts his attention at 11:00 and he flies off. He is back 15 minutes later and enters the box in anticipation of the arrival of the female, but she does not land and he returns to the ledge. He flies off at 12:35. The female flies in at 13:15 but leaves 20 minutes later. The male returns at 14:05 and sits on the ledge until 15:35. There is no further activity today.
8 October – the male arrives at 6:45 with a full crop and sits on the ledge until the arrival of the female and hour later when he goes into the box. She joins him and there is calling and posturing. After a few minutes he moves back to the ledge and she moves to the opposite side 5 minutes later. She moves back into the box at 9:00 returning after 5 minutes, then flying off at 10:00. The male walks into the box at 11:35 as female flies in. After a few minutes, he flies out briefly. They settle down on opposite ledges until 12:05 when he flies off. She follows at 13:30. He returns at 13:55 and is followed immediately by the female carrying prey. He goes into the box whilst she eats her meal on the platform. He flies out 5 minutes later. She finishes eating at 14:15 and stashes part of the remains by the column and leaves a section on the platform. She sits on the ledge until 14:25 when she enters the box on the arrival of the male. He sees the remains on the platform and starts to eat it. The female watches from the box occasionally making a scrape. At 14:45, he has finished that section of the remains and notices the other part stashed by the column. He proceeds to eat that too. The female stays in the box making scrapes and moving stones. He has finishes at 14:55 and sits on the ledge with the female still in the box scraping. They eventually swap places at 16:10, the male flying out a few moments later. She flies out at 18:10.
7 October – the adult male arrives at 6:25 and is followed by the female who does an immediate U-turn and fails to land. The male leaves a few minutes later. He returns at 6:55 and enters the box on the arrival of the female 5 minutes later. She walks into the box and there is calling and posturing. The male moves to the ledge after a few minutes later, flying off at 7:15. The female then relocates to the ledge. The male returns at 7:40 and the female goes back into the box. He sits behind the column on the platform as she makes a scrape. She moves to the ledge 15 minutes later and he enters the box. He flies out at 8:05 and she follows half an hour later. The male is back with a full crop at 11:00 and sits on the ledge. The female arrives at 13:30 and the male enters the box. They swap places after a few minutes and she moves to the ledge 10 minutes later. They sit opposite each other, preening and dozing, until 15:35 when the female goes back into the box and makes a scrape. They swap places 15 minutes later and the male flies off after a few moments. The female remains on the ledge preening and dozing until 18:10 when she walks on to the platform and starts to arrange the stones! She is back on the ledge 5 minutes later, falling asleep at 18:25. She flies off at 21:55.
6 October – the adult male arrives at 7:30 but leaves soon after. He returns at 8:55 and is immediately followed by the female carrying a large item of prey despite already being well fed and sporting a full crop. He goes into the box and there is calling between the pair. He flies out a few minutes later whilst she stashes the remains of her meal by the column and then settles on the ledge. The male is back at 9:35 and whilst the female is preening, sneaks in and snatches the prey that she has stashed and flies off. At 12:05, the female walks into the box and starts to generate a scrape before returning to the ledge 5 minutes later. She remains on the ledge, swapping sides occasionally, until 18:35 when she walks along the ledge flapping her wings whilst watching the sky above, almost as if she is preventing a bird from landing. Soon after she flies off and is replaced by the male. He remains until 18:55 when he flies off.
5 October – Strangely, there was no activity at all today.
4 October – the adult female arrives at 7:15 and sits on the ledge preening before flying off at 9:45. The adult male flies in at 12:15, remaining until 13:05. He returns half an hour later before leaving at 14:30. There is no further activity today.
3 October – the adult male arrives at 6:45 and is joined a few moments later by the female with a full crop. There is calling between the pair and 10 minutes later both are in the box posturing and calling. The male then sits on the ledge but flies off at 6:00 when the female moves to the ledge. She flies off at 8:00 returning 40 minutes later. She remains on the ledge preening until 12:55 when she goes into the box on the arrival of the male. He watches as she makes a scrape in the stones. At 13:05, they swap places and he sits, out of her line of sight, behind the central column moving to the ledge 10 minutes later. She flies off at 13:50 and he follows a few moments later. There is no further activity today.
2 October – the adult male arrives at 6:30 and sits on the ledge until 7:00 when he enters the box briefly in anticipation of the arrival of the female but then returns to the ledge. He flies off at 8:40. The female flies in with a full crop and settles on the ledge. The male lands briefly at 11:45 but soon leaves. The female flies out at 13:15. There is no further activity today.
1 October – the adult male arrives at 6:55 and sits on the ledge until 7:30 when he flies off. He is back an hour later but flies off again at 8:50. He returns 10 minutes later and sits on the platform looking out before going into the box, then settling on the ledge preening. He flies off at 10:45. There is no further activity today.