MAY 2024

1 May – the female sits tight incubating until 4:15 when she flies out as the male lands. He takes over until she returns 20 minutes later. At 5:45, she flies out then returns to the chicks after a few minutes. She flies out at 6:40 but is back quickly, no doubt looking for the first meal of the day. She checks from the platform at 6:55, 7:10 and 7:35. The city is covered in a mist – not ideal hunting conditions. She flies out at 7:55, returning quickly again. She checks at 8:15 and flies off at 8:35 and 8:45 but returns empty handed. Finally, at 8:55, the male brings in fresh Feral Pigeon prey and they get their meal. She flies out to stash the remains. She looks for the male at 10:15, then returns to the chicks but he arrives quickly with the pigeon, and she feeds the chicks. She stashes the remains by a column. She flies out at 11:40 and returns at 12:00 with another Feral Pigeon and tries to feed the chicks but they are well fed, so she leaves with the meal. At 13:55, she takes the stashed pigeon from the box and feeds the chicks, flying out with the remains at 14:10 but is soon back in the scrape. The male brings the remains back at 14:50 and there is another feed. The female flies off with the leftovers and returns to the chicks. She flies out briefly at 17:10 and at 17:30 returns with Feral Pigeon prey for the chicks. The male lands at 17:40 for five minutes. She flies out to stash the remains at 17:50. The male lands at 18:40 and the female looks to fly out. He goes into the box, but the female does not leave and the male retreats to the ledge before flying out. She looks out from the platform at 20:00 and flies off five minutes later. She returns with remnants from a previous meal, feeds the chicks then covers them for the rest of the evening.

1 May 2024 – Video: the male watches the chicks closely and is joined by the female.

2 May – the female keeps the chicks well covered until 5:25 when the male flies in and takes over. She is back 15 minutes later. She looks out at 6:30 and three times around 7:30, takes a short flight at 7:45 and flies out at 8:20. She returns with fresh Feral Pigeon prey. She leaves to stash the remains15 minutes later. The male flies in with the remains ten minutes later but quickly leaves with it. He is back a few minutes later and the female takes it from him. She flies out at 9:25 and returns five minutes later and feeds the chicks with the remains of the pigeon. The male lands with more Feral Pigeon prey at 10:30 but she ignores him, so he leaves. He returns at 12:40 but quickly leaves. The female flies out at 12:50 returning 15 minutes later and again briefly at 13:35 and 14:25. She checks the platform four more times before 15:00 when she flies out and returns with a Starling meal for the chicks. She flies out again at 15:45 and is replaced by the male. He leaves at 16:15 when the female returns with fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she stashes by a column. She feeds the chicks on the pigeon at 17:15. Two of the chicks managed to get out the scrape they have grown so much in seven days. Thirty minutes later the male arrives with a meal. She re-stashes one of the pigeons at 18:20 and there is another feed at 19:25. She flies out with the remains 15 minutes later and the male flies in with a new meal which is stashed. He sits on the ledge for five minutes when the female returns before flying off. The male is on the ledge at 20:50 then collects one of the stashed pigeon, plucks it and returns it to the column, flying off at 21:05.

2 May 2024 – Video: the female feeds the chicks, two of which managed to walk out the scrape.

3 May – the female flies out briefly at 5:10 and again at 5:35 – it should be noted that there is plenty of food stashed in the box. A few minutes later, she notices a pigeon and feeds it to the chicks. She flies out with the remains at 5:55. She takes another flight at 7:35 and returns quickly with a small meal. The male lands with more food at 8:00 and just misses hitting the female on landing who had ventured onto the platform to eagerly. She checks the platform again at 9:50. The male brings in fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 10:00 and the chicks feed for 15 minutes before the female flies out with the remains. The male takes over incubation two hours later but the female is soon back and forces him out. He is back for another attempt at 14:40 when she leaves but is soon back with a part-eaten pigeon for the chicks to feed on. The male sits on the ledge until 16:25 when he checks the box for stashed food and then flies out as there is none. The female leaves at 17:25 and quickly returns with food. The male brings in another meal an hour later. He tries to feed the chicks when she leaves to stash the remains, but she is back too quickly for him.

4 May – the female checks the platform at 0:55. The male arrives at 4:45 and takes over as the female flies out. She is back at 5:25 to resume. She looks out from the platform at 6:25 and 6:30. At 6:45, she flies out and returns ten minutes later. She checks from the platform at 7:25 and flies out ten minutes later but quickly returns. She leaves again at 8:05 and returns after ten minutes with plucked pigeon prey. She flies out to stash the remains and is back at 8:30. She looks out from the platform again at 9:30 and 10:15. The male flies in a few minutes later with Robin prey. He sits on the ledge for ten minutes, then flies off. It was obviously not enough of a meal for the three growing chicks as the female is still looking for the male from the platform. She looks for anything stashed in the box then walks to the platform again at 10:55. She flies out at 11:25 for 15 minutes. She flies out at 12:00 and is back after 15 minutes but without food. She is off again at 12:45 returning 30 minutes later with a meal. She flies off at 13:25 and returns with a part-eaten Feral Pigeon – no doubt caught by the male and eaten before offering it to the female. she flies out at 14:40 and 15:50 but is back quickly on both occasions, then walks around the platform at 16:10. There was another quick flight at 17:05 and ten minutes later leaves but is back without any food. She flies out at 17:30 and the male flies in with fresh plucked Feral Pigeon prey. She lands and takes it feeds the chicks. She takes the remains and stashes them after 15 minutes. At 18:30, she takes another short flight and again at 19:40, returning with a part-eaten pigeon for the chicks.

5 May – the female flies out at 1:10 but quickly returns. She does the same again at 2:25 – a bit of night-time hunting? She covers the chicks until leaving at 5:00, returning 20 minutes later. She is off at 5:45 returning at 6:05 without food and looks out from the platform at 6:15 then flies off at 6:30. The male arrives at 7:05 and is quickly followed by the female. He goes into the box, she sits on the ledge calling to him. He leaves after a few minutes and the female goes to the chicks. She looks out over the city a few minutes later and then flies out at 7:25. She is back at 7:40 with Feral Pigeon prey. The chicks feed until 8:05 when the female stashes the remains in the box. The male lands on the ledge at 9:00 for 15 minutes. She feeds the chicks the scraps from 11:20 until 11:45. The male lands at 12:55, checks for stashed food, then flies out. The female flies off 15 minutes later but returns quickly and again at 13:25, and 13:30 when she returns with pre-plucked prey. The male lands with fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 14:10. The chicks are already well fed, so she flies out to stash the meal. He sits on the ledge, then follows. She returns with the meal at 14:35 and initially stashes it in the box but then leaves with it again. She is back with the chicks five minutes later. She flies out at 14:35 and does not return until 16:30 – the male lands briefly at 15:55. She leaves again at 16:40 and returns with the stashed pigeon from earlier, feeds the chicks and leaves with the remains at 17:10. She does not return to the chicks until 17:45. At 18:50, she flies out and is soon back with the pigeon remains. After feeding, she stashes the remnants in the box and settles down for the night. The male lands on the ledge at 19:40 and remains on the ledge until midnight at least. The female flies out at 23:10.

6 May – the male remains on the ledge and the female flies in to the chicks at 1:00. They are too large to fully incubate now, so she shelters them from the wind. The male leaves at 4:55. At 5:15 the female feeds the chicks on a small meal stashed by a column. At 5:50 she looks for the male from the platform for five minutes. At 6:15, she flies out. The male lands at 6:30 with fresh Feral Pigeon prey which he stashes by a column, then leaves. The female is back ten minutes later and feeds the stashed pigeon to the chicks. It is a quick feed as she flies out with it after just five minutes, then returns at 7:00. The male flies into the box at 8:50 checks the female then flies out. She watches him from the platform and returns to the chicks. At 9:45 she looks out from the platform for 15 minutes, then flies out at 10:15. She is back at 10:30 but without food. She is off again at 10:40 and returns at 11:15 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey. She leaves with the remains 15 minutes later, then returns to the chicks. At 13:25, she flies out for 20 minutes later. She looks out from the platform at 14:00 and flies out ten minutes later. She bounces off the platform at 14:20 chasing a pigeon and lands briefly a few minutes later but without her quarry. She is back at 15:30 but leaves quickly returning at 17:20 with fresh Feral Pigeon prey and feeds the chicks for 25 minutes. She flies out at 17:35 and returns 20 minutes later. She is off again at 18:15 returning at 19:05 with yet another Feral Pigeon meal. They feed for 30 minutes, and she flies out with what little is left. She returns to shelter the chicks for the rest of the evening.

7 May – the female shelters the chicks until 4:10 when she sits on the ledge for a few minutes. The male lands on the ledge at 4:30 and takes over from the female 15 minutes later. She sits on the ledge calling at him and he flies out at 4:50 as she returns to the chicks. She flies out at 5:20 and the male flies in a few minutes later with Great Tit prey and feeds the chicks. The female returns soon after and displaces the male and he flies off. It obviously was not a good enough meal as she keeps walks to the platform looking for him. She flies out at 5:55 and is back preyless at 6:10. She moves to the ledge a few minutes later, looking out. After checking on the chicks, she returns to the ledge, flying off at 6:45. The male returns carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 7:15. He plucks the meal but then, rather than feed the chicks, flies out with it. The female returns with it at 7:50 and feeds the chicks. They have finished eating at 8:15 and she stashes it off site and is soon back. She flies out at 11:30 returning at 11:55. She flies out at 12:25 and the male lands 15 minutes later. He goes into the box and shelters the chicks. The female flies in with another pigeon meal at 12:50 and he leaves. They finish feeding at 13:10 and she leaves to stash the remains, returning quickly. She flies out at 15:55 and returns at 17:05 with a small parcel of food. She is off again at 17:20 and is back with more pigeon prey 20 minutes later. She leaves with the remnants at 18:05 and is back at 18:30. She is off again ten minutes later and is back with the male at 20:00. He sits on the ledge, then joins the female in the box with the chicks. He flies out at 20:10. She leaves briefly at 21:25 then settles down for the evening.

7 May 2024 – Video: the male and female in the box with the three chicks.

8 May – the female shelters the chicks, then looks out from the ledge for ten minutes at 2:25. She is back on the ledge at 4:45 for another ten minutes. The male arrives for a changeover at 5:00. After checking the chicks, he sits on the ledge but flies off 20 minutes later and is replaced by the female. She leaves at 5:35 and the male returns at 5:55 for five minutes. He is back a few minutes later with fresh Feral Pigeon prey and feeds the chicks. The female takes over at 6:20 and the male moves to the ledge. She flies out with the remains at 6:35 and the male leaves a few minutes later. The pair quickly return, the female carrying the pigeon remains which she feeds to the chicks again until 6:55 when she flies out. She is back to cover the chicks at 7:05 and the male flies off at 7:15. The female leaves at 10:00 and the chicks huddle together. She returns at 13:05, checks the chicks, then flies out but is soon back. She is off again ten minutes later; no doubt looking for food and returns with fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 15:35. The male arrives ten minutes later with another Feral Pigeon which the female taken from him; he flies off. She has finished feeding the chicks at 16:10 and leaves with the remains although there is another pigeon still in the box. She is back to remove it 15 minutes later. However, the male flies at 16:35 with one of the pigeons and starts to feed the chicks but flies out after ten minutes. The female is back at 17:00 and feeds on scraps around the box, then shelters the chicks until flying off at 17:40. The male flies in at 19:25 with a part-eaten meal quickly followed by the female who takes it from him and feeds the chicks; he sits on the ledge. She flies out after ten minutes but is back at 19:55 with another pigeon. She leaves with the remains at 20:15 and is back with the chicks 30 minutes later. She remains in the box until midnight and the male sits on the ledge until 21:50.

9 May – the female moves to the ledge at 2:10 and flies off 15 minutes later. She is back after ten minutes and watches the skies, then flies off again at 2:50 – no doubt in hunting mode. She is back on the ledge after five minutes. She goes to the chicks at 4:25 when the male arrives. He leaves at 4:55 and she watched from the platform a few minutes later, then flies out at 5:20. She is back after a few minutes with a part-eaten Feral Pigeon which she feeds to the chicks. They have finished after 15 minutes, and she leaves at 5:45. The male flies in with Feral Pigeon prey followed by the female. She takes the meal from him. He flies off and she feeds the chicks. She leaves ten minutes later with the remains and is back with the chicks at 7:00. She looks out from the platform at 8:20, then returns to the chicks until 9:00 when she flies off. The male lands a few minutes later and sits on the ledge. He checks on the chicks at 9:25, then sits on the ledge until 10:00 when he flies off. The female is back at 10:20 and goes into the box, checks for food, then flies off. She returns at 11:45 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey and feeds the chicks. They have finished at 12:20 and the female leaves with the remains. She is back with the chicks at 14:40 until flying out at 15:45, returning at 17:20 with fresh Feral Pigeon prey. They feed for 20 minutes, then she leaves with the remains. She is back at 18:15 and feeds the chicks some scraps from the box, then shelters them. The male lands at 18:50 with the remains of the previous pigeon. She feeds the chicks whilst he remains on the ledge. she flies out at 19:15 and he remains on the ledge. The female returns to the chicks at 21:10. At 23:45, she approaches the male on the ledge and he flies off and she goes back to the chicks.  

10 May – the female looks out from the platform briefly at 4:10. The male arrives at 5:00 and the female leaves, but he soon follows. She is back 6:25 and checks the chick, moves to the platform, then flies out a few minutes later. She returns at 7:50, checks the chicks then leaves again at 8:00. The male flies in at 8:50 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey followed quickly by the female. She snatches the meal to feed the chicks, and he flies off. They have finished feeding at 9:30 and she shelters them. She flies out at 11:05 but does not return for three hours. She checks the chicks then flies out at 14:15. She returns at 14:50 with the male that is carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey. She takes it from him to feed the chicks and he flies off. They finish feeding and she shelters them until 17:25 when she flies out. The male arrives at 18:35, checks the chicks then moves to the ledge before leaving at 18:50. The female returns at 19:30 and feeds the chicks on scraps from the box, then flies off at 19:45. She is back for the evening at 21:05.

11 May – the female looks out from the platform at 00:30 before flying off at 1:00. She is back on the ledge five minutes later, still looking out over the city, then returns to the chicks at 2:25. The male arrives at 4:30 and she leaves whilst he sits on the ledge until 4:50. She is back briefly at 6:10 to check on the chicks, and again at 6:40 for ten minutes. The male lands at 7:40 and he also checks the chicks, then leaves. The female returns at 8:05 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she feeds to the chicks. They have finished after 30 minutes and she leaves with the remains. The male lands a few minutes later and sits on the ledge briefly. The female is back in the box with the chicks at 8:50 until 10:20 when she flies out. She is back briefly at 12:10 and again at 12:15. She returns ten minutes later with the remains of this morning’s pigeon meal. They have finished the meal an hour later and she shelters the chicks. She flies out at 14:05 and returns briefly at 16:15. The male checks on the chicks at 20:35 and is quickly followed by the female. He flies out and she feeds them scraps. She looks out from the platform at 21:00, then returns to the chicks. She flies out at 23:10 and does not return before midnight.

11 May 2024 – Video: one of the more adventurous chicks decides to go on walkabout.

12 May – the female flies in at 00:15 carrying fresh Moorhen prey which she stashes by a column, then shelters the chicks. The male arrives at 4:25 and wakens the female. She grabs the stashed meal to stop the male stealing it and the chicks; the male leaves. She flies off with the remains at 5:10 and returns 15 minutes later. She leaves again at 6:05. The male arrives with fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 6:25, followed by the female. She takes the meal and he flies off. The chicks have finished feeding 30 minutes later and she flies out with the remains but is soon back. She leaves again at 9:15 and returns at 10:05 and looks out from the platform at 10:30. At 11:25, she flies off and quickly returns with the remnants of the previous meal and feeds the chicks. She leaves at 11:50 and is back five minutes later. The chicks are becoming much more adventurous walking around the box. The female flies out at 14:25 and returns at 17:00 with the remains of the previous Moorhen meal to feed the chicks. The male lands at 17:35 and watches from the ledge. He sneaks in and grabs some scraps when the female has her back turned and he flies out. She leaves at 18:45 and returns at 19:20 with the male carrying the remains of the previous pigeon for the chicks. She takes it from him, and he leaves. The chicks are well fed, and she flies out with the remnants after ten minutes, retuning quickly to shelter the chicks. The male arrives with the remnants at 19:45 and the female takes them from him. He sits on the ledge until midnight.

13 May – the male remains on the ledge and the female leaves the chicks to join him at 1:35. They fall asleep until she returns to the chicks at 3:30. She is back on the ledge at 4:35 and the male flies off. She leaves at 5:00 and is back an hour later carrying very fresh colour-dyed Feral Pigeon prey. She takes the meal into the box, plucks it then feeds the chicks. They have finished at 6:35 and she leaves with the remains. The chicks fall asleep. She is back to shelter them at 7:30 for an hour until the male arrives, but he leaves after ten minutes. The female is back at 8:55 but leaves quickly. She is back at 10:05 and looks out from the platform 30 minutes later then returns to the chicks. She is back on the platform at 10:50 and flies off a few minutes later but is back at 11:10. She flies off two hours later. At 13:10, the chicks are removed for ringing under license. They are returned after 25 minutes unharmed. There appears to be two female [XNF and XSF] and one male [XRF]. They huddle together and fall asleep. The male flies in with fresh Feral Pigeon at 14:55 but the female snatches it from him and feeds the chicks. She leaves with the remains at 15:10 and is back sheltering the chicks at 15:55. She is on the platform again at 17:50 and flies out 15 minutes later. The male lands at 18:20 followed by the female carrying Feral Pigeon prey. He sits on the ledge whilst she feeds the chicks. They have finished at 18:40 and she flies out. The male leaves an hour later and the female returns at 19:50.