The Next Leicester Peregrine Watch Day:
Tuesday 11 March 2025 – weather dependent
Please check back or follow on Twitter: @LeicsPeregrines
Peregrine Watch Days provide a way for people to become engaged with local nature and to get involved with the natural world. The Leicester Peregrine Team from the Leicestershire and Rutland Ornithological Society (LROS) hold regular sessions in the Leicester Cathedral grounds. Volunteers are on hand to help you use our telescopes or binoculars to watch the Peregrines, to answer your questions, and to talk to you about the birds and the Leicester Peregrines Project.
Anyone can attend a Watch Point which is free. There is no need to book. They start around 9:30am in St. Martin’s Square usually finishing about 1:30pm or later if there is lots of activity. They may not run if the weather is inclement. Follow @LeicsPeregrines on Twitter for updates.
If you are interested in helping to show Leicester Peregrines to the residents and visitors to the city, please contact David Gray via email: