Nest Box Cameras- Live Streaming

The next WATCH DAY will be on Thursday 25th April from 9:30 in St. Martins Square.

Most Recent Activity:

1 May – the female sits tight incubating until 4:15 when she flies out as the male lands. He takes over until she returns 20 minutes later. At 5:45, she flies out then returns to the chicks after a few minutes. She flies out at 6:40 but is back quickly, no doubt looking for the first meal of the day. She checks from the platform at 6:55, 7:10 and 7:35. The city is covered in a mist – not ideal hunting conditions. She flies out at 7:55, returning quickly again. She checks at 8:15 and flies off at 8:35 and 8:45 but returns empty handed. Finally, at 8:55, the male brings in fresh Feral Pigeon prey and they get their meal. She flies out to stash the remains. She looks for the male at 10:15, then returns to the chicks but he arrives quickly with the pigeon, and she feeds the chicks. She stashes the remains by a column. She flies out at 11:40 and returns at 12:00 with another Feral Pigeon and tries to feed the chicks but they are well fed, so she leaves with the meal. At 13:55, she takes the stashed pigeon from the box and feeds the chicks, flying out with the remains at 14:10 but is soon back in the scrape. The male brings the remains back at 14:50 and there is another feed. The female flies off with the leftovers and returns to the chicks. She flies out briefly at 17:10 and at 17:30 returns with Feral Pigeon prey for the chicks. The male lands at 17:40 for five minutes. She flies out to stash the remains at 17:50. The male lands at 18:40 and the female looks to fly out. He goes into the box, but the female does not leave and the male retreats to the ledge before flying out. She looks out from the platform at 20:00 and flies off five minutes later. She returns with remnants from a previous meal, feeds the chicks then covers them for the rest of the evening.

Want to know what happened yesterday, read the daily activity blog: Click HERE

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To see video snippets and photos from previous seasons please visit:

2021 – The Story

2020 – The Story

2019 – The Story

2018 – The Story