1 Sep – the male arrives at 5:45 for 25 minutes. He is back at 12:55 and moves into the box at 14:40 and is quickly joined by the female. There is a period of bonding before he flies out at 15:00. She attends to the scrape, then flies out at 17:00.
2 Sep – there was no activity on camera today.
3 Sep – a rather wet and bedraggled male lands briefly at 7:20 and again a few moments later calling loudly into the sky. He flies into the box with a full crop at 16:55 before moving to the ledge five minutes later. He flies off at 19:50.
4 Sep – juvenile XRF arrives at 5:55 and remains for 15 minutes. The male arrives at 6:40 but flies out ten minutes later. He quickly returns pursued by XRF but leaves immediately. The juvenile sits on the ledge until 7:00. The female lands a few moments later and goes into the box but leaves at 7:10. The female arrives with a full crop at 10:50 and goes into the box. She flies out at 11:10 and is replaced by the male who leaves at 12:15. The male is back at 16:25 and goes into the box at 17:30 and tends the scrape for five minutes. He leaves 15 minutes later. XNF arrives at 18:10 carrying part-eaten Feral Pigeon and takes its meal into the box. The female lands at 18:30 and checks in the box but the juvenile defends its meal and the female flies off. XNF finishes feeding at 18:55 and moves to the ledge with a full crop and flies off at 19:25. The male lands at 19:40 and feeds on the scraps before he leaves at 20:25.
5 Sep – the male arrives at 12:25 and goes into the box. He sits in the scrape until 13:30 when he moves to the ledge. The female lands at 15:50 and goes into the box. She returns to the ledge after ten minutes and flies off at 16:15. Ten minutes later XRF arrives but quickly leaves. The male returns briefly at 19:45.

6 Sep – The male arrives at 13:35 leaving at 14:20. He returns at 15:45 and remains until 16:25.
7 Sep – there was no activity on camera today.
8 Sep – the male arrives at 11:35, checks the box then moves to the ledge before flying off at 14:05. He returns at 17:20 with a full crop and sits on the ledge until at least midnight.

9 Sep – the male remains on the ledge from 17:20 the previous day, until 6:10 when he goes into the box on the arrival of juvenile XRF. He quickly flies off and XRF follows at 6:20. The male is back at 9:55 until 10:20, then returns at 14:35 with a full crop and remains on the ledge until flying off at 22:15. He is back at 23:55.
10 Sep – the male remains on the ledge until 5:55 when XRF arrives and forces him off. After picking at scraps in the box, the juvenile leaves at 6:15. XRF returns briefly at 6:40 now looking well fed. The male returns at 9:30 for ten minutes. The female arrives at 9:55 but quickly leaves. Both adults fly in at 11:15 and go into the box for a spot of bonding. The male moves to the ledge after five minutes, then flies off at 11:30. The female remains in the box until 14:45. The male is back at 20:05 and goes into the box but quickly flies out.
11 Sep – juvenile XRF arrives at 6:05 for 20 minutes. The male flies in at 8:55 for ten minutes. The adult pair fly into the box at 10:00 for bonding but the male leaves quickly. XRF is back at 10:15 with a full crop and checks the box where the female is and so moves to the ledge. XRF is back at 12:40 but on seeing the female in the box moves to the platform and flies out, the female quickly follows. She is back at 12:55 and goes into the box. The male lands at 14:15 quickly followed by XRF. He immediately leaves and the juvenile goes into the box forcing the female to fly out; XRF follows. The male lands briefly at 19:10 but is knocked from the ledge by XRF who leaves a few moments later.
12 Sep – the female flies in at 2:40 and falls asleep. XRF lands at 5:45 and wakes the female and forces her from the ledge. The juvenile leaves at 6:10. The female is back at 9:15 and goes into the box. She remains until 13:15. The male lands briefly at 15:00. The female arrives at 21:30 carrying the remains of her previous meal which she stashes by a column then flies off.
13 Sep – the female lands at 11:15 and grabs the stashed meal. The male arrives a few minutes later and checks the box, then quickly leaves. He bounces off the platform twice at 12:25, then lands on the ledge at 12:50 remaining until 16:05.
14 Sep – the male flies in at 00:45. He remains on the ledge until 6:00 when he goes into the box on the arrival of the female. She is quickly followed by XRF and both adults immediately leave. The juvenile flies off ten minutes later. It is back at 6:45 looking well fed and remains until 7:20. The female returns at 8:40 and goes into the box before leaving at 12:20. The male lands at 17:00 and goes into the box, tidies the two scrapes then returns to the ledge. He is back in the box at 17:30 for ten minutes and flies off at 18:10. He returns at 20:00 and remains until 21:30.
15 Sep – the female lands at 2:45 with a full crop. XRF arrives at 6:15 and both birds go into the box. The female quickly flies off and the juvenile sits on the ledge preening until leaving at 6:35. The male lands briefly at 9:40. He returns at 19:30 and remains until midnight at least.
16 Sep – the male remains on the ledge from the previous evening until 6:15. He is back at 7:05 quickly followed by XRF but the juvenile quickly leaves. The male moves to the ledge and flies off at 7:20. The female lands at 13:10 and goes into the box. She leaves an hour later. The male returns at 15:10 and goes into the box to tend the scrapes, then moves to the ledge before flying off at 15:35. He is back at 17:50 for ten minutes.
17 Sep – the male lands at 19:40, checks the box, then leaves. There was no other activity on camera today.
18 Sep – the male lands at 13:10 and is quickly followed by XRF who goes into the box. The male flies off after five minutes and the juvenile moves to the ledge to watch him go, then leaves five minutes later.
19 Sep – there was no activity on camera today.
20 Sep – for the second successive day, there was no activity on camera.
21 Sep – the male flies into the box at 6:55, checks the box, then leaves. There was no other activity on camera today.
22 Sep – there was no activity on camera again today.
23 Sep – the male flies in at 7:05 quickly followed by XRF. The adult bounces off the platform and leaves immediately whilst the juvenile flies out five minutes later.
24 Sep – the male lands at 6:30 but is immediately forced off by XRF who leaves ten minutes later. The male is back at 9:25 followed by the female. They go into the box, but he soon files out. She tends to the scrape then moves to the ledge after ten minutes and flies off at 9:40. The male is back again briefly at 13:45 calling loudly. He returns to the ledge at 17:45 and goes into the box at 18:00 for ten minutes, then moves to the ledge until 19:35. The female flies in with very fresh Golden Plover prey at 23:30 and stashes it by a column before leaving 15 minutes later.

25 Sep – the female lands at 4:30 and sits on the ledge until flying off at 6:50. The male arrives at 7:40 and is joined by the female five minutes later: they go into the box. The male flies out at 7:55 and the female a few moments later. The pair fly in together at 14:05 and go into the box for bonding. They leave together after five minutes. XRF flies in at 14:20 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey and plucks and feeds in the box. The female lands on the ledge grabs the stashed Golden Plover and flies out. The juvenile has finished feeding at 15:25, stashes the remains and moves to the ledge before flying off.
26 Sep – XRF lands at 6:25, finds the stashed pigeon and feeds in the box. It moves to the ledge at 7:20 and flies off after ten minutes. The juvenile is back at 11:05 and goes into the box and feeds on scraps of the previous pigeons. It then sits on the ledge and flies off at 11:25. The male lands at 11:55 and feeds on scraps, then sits on the ledge. He flies off at 14:25 into the rain. A rather wet-looking XRF returns at 15:10 and goes into the box. It moves to the ledge at 15:50 and flies off five minutes later. The male is back at 17:40 and feeds on more scraps. He flies off at 17:50 when the female lands. She goes into the box to shelter. Despite the torrential rainstorm, she flies out at 18:25.
27 Sep – XRF lands at 3:40 and sits on the ledge until flying off at 7:10. It returns with fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 8:05 and feeds in the box for ten minutes, then moves to the ledge and flies off at 8:20. The male arrives at 8:55 and finds the remains of the pigeon meal and feed in the box. XRF is back at 9:00 and steals the meal from him. The male sits on the ledge watching whilst the juvenile feeds in the box. At 9:40, the male grabs the stashed meal and XRF sits on the ledge with a full crop. The juvenile flies off at 9:55 and the male finishes feeding five minutes later and flies off. The male returns at 13:30 quickly followed by the female. He does not have time to pick up the stashed pigeon, but the female does. He flies off as she feeds, then moves to the ledge at 13:55 and flying off. The male is back at 14:55 and checks the scrape in the box at 15:20, then flies off ten minutes later. XRF is back at 16:45 and feeds on scraps in the box. It moves to the ledge at 16:50 remaining until 17:35. The male lands a few minutes later and is quickly followed by the juvenile who goes into the box before forcing the male from the ledge. It leaves at 17:45 and is replaced by the female who feeds on scraps and like the male, also tends to the scrape. She moves to the ledge at 18:10 and flies off 15 minutes later.
28 Sep – the male flies in at 4:00 and falls asleep on the ledge. He is joined by the female at 7:00 and the pair go into the box. He quickly leaves, and she follows five minutes later. She is back at 11:25 and feeds on scraps in the box before leaving at 11:50. XRF arrives at 14:05 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey and feeds in the box. The male lands at 14:20 and watches from the ledge for a few minutes before walking into the box to tend the scrape. The female lands at 14:45 and sits on the ledge. The male flies out ten minutes later and the female at 15:00. The juvenile continues plucking and feeding on the pigeon. The male is back at 16:05 and sees his opportunity to feed on the remnants left by XRF who moves to the ledge with a full crop. The male sits on the ledge well fed at 16:55, then flies off to be replaced by the female; XRF is still on the ledge. The female feeds on scraps and tends to the scrape, then leaves at 17:20. The juvenile visits the box again at 18:45 and picks at scraps but leaves ten minutes later.
29 Sep – XRF lands briefly at 6:20. The male flies in at 7:45, checks the box and tends the scrape, then moves to the ledge before flying off at 7:55. The juvenile is back at 15:25 and searches for scraps in the box before flying off ten minutes later.
30 Sep – XRF flies in at 10:40 carrying Feral Pigeon prey. It moves to the ledge at 11:25 with a full crop after feeding. The male arrives on the ledge at 12:40 and goes into the box to find the remains of the juvenile’s meal. He returns to the ledge at 14:05. He goes into the box at 15:15 and is back on the ledge after ten minutes. XRF then flies in, and the male leaves at 15:30. The juvenile feeds on the remains of the pigeon and moves to the ledge when finished feeding at 16:05 before leaving ten minutes later.