1 Sep – the male makes a brief visit at 00:10 and is back on the ledge at 4:25. The female flies in at 5:55 almost knocking the male off. They go into the box for a short bout of bonding. The male flies out and the female follows but soon returns until 6:05. The male is back at 6:50 and calls from the platform and the female arrives five minutes later; the pair go into the box. He flies out a few moments later and she follows. He is back briefly at 7:50 and again at 9:05. The female flies in at 9:55 carrying fresh, pink-dyed Feral Pigeon prey which she takes into the box. The male arrives at 11:05 and watches her feed. She has finished at 12:30 but stands over the remains protecting them from the male. He flies off an hour later and she quickly follows. The pair are back in the box bonding at 14:10. The male then feeds on the scraps of the pigeon before flying out; the female follows. He returns briefly at 14:35 and during the next hour checks the box three times. The pair are back at 15:50 but both have left ten minutes later. He returns at 18:05, checks the box, then flies off and is replaced by the female; she leaves at 18:15. The male is back at 19:35 for ten minutes but neither bird was seen later.
2 Sep – the male arrives at 4:00 and falls asleep. He flies off at 6:10 and quickly returns with the female. He leaves after a few minutes and she follows soon after. He is back briefly at 6:25 and at 7:20, and the female five minutes later. He is back at 8:05 for five minutes and the pair at 9:25. At 9:50, the pair go into the box. The male moves to the ledge flying out five minutes later, she leaves at 10:00. They return briefly at 11:30 and 12:35. The male arrives at 14:05 carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey. He plucks and feeds on the platform. He flies off with it at 14:25 but quickly returns, takes his meal into the box and resumes feeding. He moves to the ledge at 15:05 and flies off. He is back at 17:55 but leaves after five minutes. The pair return at 19:30 and the male sits on the ledge whilst the female feeds on scraps in the box. She flies out at 20:05 and the male feeds on the remains. He moves to the ledge and flies off five minutes later.
3 Sep – the male lands for five minutes at 00:40. He is back four hours later and sits on the ledge and is joined by the female at 6:10. He leaves a few minutes later and she flies out at 6:20. He is back briefly at 6:50, the female a few moments later, the pair at 8:10, and the male again at 8:40. The pair are back at 11:25 for a few minutes and also at 12:20. The male is back two hours later but does not stay. They are back briefly at 16:25 and the male at 18:10, and female at 19:50.
4 Sep – the male arrives at 3:40 and falls asleep on the ledge until flying off at 6:10. He is back for five minutes at 7:35. The female lands at 9:00 calling, then goes into the box and picks at some scraps. The male lands ten minutes later but quickly flies out and she follows. He is back briefly at 9:40, 12:15 and 12:55, and the female at 13:00. She is back 15 minutes later carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey, quickly followed by the male. She takes her meal into the box and feeds whilst he sits watching from the ledge. Between then and 15:00 he has at least ten attempts at stealing her meal, but she mantles it and calls at him. He returns to the ledge each time. The fact that he can get so close without her attacking him shows the strength of the bond that they have made in a short time. He tries again at 15:15 but is given short shrift by the female. She has finished feeding at 15:40 and looks to leave the box with the remains but the male blocks her and tries to snatch her meal, so she returns to the box. He tries again ten minutes later and twice at 16:15 with the same result. She resumes feeding, but at 16:25 has finally had enough and leaves the remains for the male. He picks them up and feeds on the platform; she flies out. He moves into the box and feeds on the scraps, then flies off at 16:40. The male is back for a quick check of the box at 19:20 the final activity today.
5 Sep – the male flies in a 1:35, checks the box then sits on the ledge sleeping until 6:00. The female flies in at 8:15 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey and is quickly followed by the male – no doubt looking for an easy meal. After several attempts, he manages to snatch a small morsel at 9:00. The female flies out with the remains 30 minutes later and the male checks the box, then follows. He is back briefly at 10:35. The female lands at 16:35 and goes into the box looking for scraps for 20 minutes. She makes a couple of scrapes in the stones before flying out. The male checks out the box briefly at 18:10, then returns with the female a few moments later. She goes into the box, but he flies off; she leaves ten minutes later. He is back on the ledge at 23:00 remaining until midnight at least.
6 Sep – the male remains on the ledge and is joined by the female at 5:45. She goes into the box, and he flies off; she follows a few moments later. He returns at 5:55 but is off 15 minutes later. He is back at 6:35 and is quickly joined by the female who goes into the box. The male flies off and she follows. She is back briefly at 9:20. The pair return at 12:00 and the female goes into the box. The male calls from the platform, then moves to the ledge sporting a full crop. He pays a quick visit to the box then flies out at 12:15 and the female follows. She returns at 12:55 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey but leaves quickly with her meal. There is no further activity until the male returns at 19:40 and sits on the ledge leaving after ten minutes.
7 Sep – the male lands at 00:45 and falls asleep on the ledge, eventually flying off in the rain at 6:20. The female flies in at 6:35 but she does not stay long. The male is back at 7:40 carrying Feral Pigeon prey and is pursued by the female. They go into the box and the female snatches the meal from him. The male flies out and she follows with the meal five minutes later. At 7:50 the pair arrive, the male carrying the meal with the female pursuing, but they soon leave. The female is back at 9:20 carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey and takes it into the box. She is continually watching the sky whilst holding onto her meal and does not start feeding properly until 10:15. She has finished at 11:25, stashes the remains and flies out. The male flies in at 13:50 and goes into the box and feeds on the remains. He is on the ledge at 14:15, then flies off. The female is back at 19:00 and picks at scraps in the box and leaves ten minutes later.
8 Sep – the male arrives on the ledge at 2:35. The female flies in at 6:10 and the pair go into the box where there are a few moments of bonding before he returns to the ledge. He flies off at 6:20 and she follows. The pair are back at 12:25 and go into the box. The male moves to the ledge a few minutes later, then flies out and the female follows. The male is back briefly at 19:30 but there is no further activity thereafter.
9 Sep – the pair fly in at 5:30, the female goes into the box as the male sits on the ledge. She flies out at 6:15 and he leaves at 6:40. The pair return briefly at 11:40. The female flies in with fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 13:40. The male lands at 14:30 and watches her feeding. He makes several attempts to snatch her meal, but she leaves with the remains at 15:25. He flies off at 15 minutes later. There is no more activity today.
10 Sep – the male lands at 1:40 and falls asleep, flying off at 6:10. He returns briefly at 7:25. The pair fly in at 7:55 but leave after a short bonding session. The female is back briefly at 8:10 and the pair return at 10:55 but leave after five minutes bonding. He is back at 13:30 for five minutes and again at 13:35. The female returns briefly at 14:15 and the pair fly in at 14:40 but soon leave. They are back briefly again at 15:55 and the male at 14:45, and the pair again at 17:50. At 22:20, the male arrives and searches the night sky; he leaves quickly, no doubt looking for a meal.
11 Sep – the male arrives at 4:25 and sits on the ledge. He is joined by the female at 5:35 and the pair go into the box for a few minutes. The male returns to the ledge until 6:10 when he goes back into the box with the female. They both fly out a few moments later. They are back at 8:10 but the female leaves immediately and the male quickly follows. He returns briefly at 10:30 and both return at 15:00 but soon leave. They are back 30 minutes later, the female carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey. The female feeds in the box whilst the male tries to steal the meal from her. She mantles her prey to protect it, but he manages to snatch a morsel at 16:35. She flies out with the remains at 17:00 and he searches for scraps in the box but there is nothing and he leaves a few minutes later. She is back at 17:30 with a full crop still carrying her meal, but soon leaves. The male lands at 19:05 for five minutes. There is no further activity.
12 Sep – the male flies in at 1:20 and remains on the ledge until 6:15 when he flies off. He returns with the female at 7:00 and they go into the box but leave a few moments later. The female briefly is back in the box at 8:10 and the pair return to the box at 10:45, flying off ten minutes later. The male returns carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey. The female lands at 14:25 and he mantles his meal and takes it into the box whilst she sits on the ledge, flying off five minutes later. She is back at 17:45 and goes into the box. He mantles his meal then drags it onto the platform and resumes feeding. The female watches on. He flies off with the prey at 15:00 and she follows. He is back at 19:40 sporting a full crop and sits on the ledge for ten minutes, then from 23:15 until 23:55.
13 Sep – the male arrives at 5:35, leaving at 6:05. The female flies in carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 6:30 but quickly leaves as the male returns. He goes into the box and flies off ten minutes later. He is back briefly at 10:00 and the female five minutes later. He is on the ledge at 11:10 but quickly leaves to be replaced by the female that soon flies out. He is back briefly at 11:45 and again at 13:30. At 14:05 he flies in with another fresh Feral Pigeon and takes it into the box. The female follows and he defends his meal. She sits on the platform looking out until 14:30 when she takes the meal from the male. He sits on the ledge with a full crop whilst she feeds. She has finished at 15:15, so he grabs the remains and resumes feeding. She flies off a few minutes later and he follows at 15:35.
14 Sep – the male lands at 5:30 and sits on the ledge until 6:05. He returns with the female at 7:15. They go into the box for a short bout of bonding. He moves to the ledge whilst she feeds on scraps. He flies out at 7:25 and she soon follows. The pair return at 9:15 but quickly leave. They are back at 11:40, the male carrying fresh Feral Pigeon. He plucks and feeds on the platform protecting it from the female who watches from the box. She snatches it from him at 11:55 and he flies off. She feeds on the scraps, then leaves at 12:00. The female is back briefly at 12:40 but there is no further activity on camera today.
15 Sep – the male flies in at 1:25 and falls asleep on the ledge. He sees something overhead and flies off at 6:25, returning a few minutes later with the female but they quickly leave. The female returns at 7:50 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey. She drags it into the box when the male arrives five minutes later. She has finished feeding at 8:45 and he grabs the remains. She flies off as he feeds. He has finished at 9:15 and flies off. He is back at 12:40 for ten minutes and the pair return at 15:15. The female feed on the remains of this morning’s pigeon as the male watches from the ledge trying to snatch a morsel or two. He flies off at 15:55 and the female follows. He is back at 17:45 for five minutes and again at 19:25 for ten minutes. At 23:10 he flies in carrying very fresh Teal prey. He feeds for 15 minutes, then flies off leaving the remains on the platform.
16 Sep – the male arrives at 4:15 and falls asleep on the ledge. At 5:40, he decides to have a snack and feeds on the Teal remains for ten minutes, then flies off at 6:10. He is back at 7:20 and resumes feeding and is joined by the female at 7:45; she feeds on the scraps in the box. He leaves with the remains at 8:00 and she stays in the box until flying out at 8:35. At 9:45, the male is back for ten minutes. The female flies into the box at 19:50 and remains there, sleeping until 13:10. She is back in the box at 16:15 and flies out at 16:30 and is replaced by the male; he soon leaves. The female is back briefly at 17:20 but there is no more activity thereafter.
17 Sep – the male lands at 4:50, checks the box, then sits on the ledge and falls asleep. He flies off at 6:35 returning 15 minutes later carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey. He plucks and feeds on the platform stashing the remains at 7:15 and flying out. The female lands five minutes later carrying her own Feral Pigeon prey. She quickly leaves but returns at 7:40 with her meal and takes it into the box. She stashes the remains and flies off at 7:55. The male lands briefly at 13:25 and again two hours later, and the female at 18:55. There is no activity thereafter.
18 Sep – the pair arrive together at 4:35 but the female soon leaves. The male moves from the box to the ledge and falls asleep until 6:20 when he flies off. The pair return at 6:55, the female carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey. She goes into the box to feed as he watches from the platform. He manages to steal the meal from her, and she flies out at 7:00. He stashes the pigeon five minutes later and flies off. They are back at 8:10 and she picks up the pigeon and feeds on the platform as he goes into the box. She flies off with it five minutes later and he follows soon after. The pair are back at 10:25 and go into the box. After a few minutes bonding the male notices the remains of an old pigeon and starts to feed, the female watching on, calling. He finishes feeding at 10:45 and flies out and she follows. The male lands for a couple of minutes at 12:30 and at 13:05 for ten minutes. The pair are back at 16:00 and go into the box, the female picking up the remains of the pigeon en route. He then moves to the platform and watches her feed, occasionally trying to snatch a morsel or two. He moves to the ledge at 16:25 and flies off five minutes later; she follows. There is no further activity today.
19 Sep – the pair arrive together at 5:25 and go into the box. The male moves to the ledge after a few minutes and flies off at 5:35. The female remains in the box, moving to the ledge at 6:10 and flying off five minutes later. The pair are back at 7:05 and go into the box but quickly leave. The male is back for a few minutes at 8:10. They are back in the box at 9:35 and the male finds some scraps of the Teal and feeds on them. He flies out at 9:45 and she follows. He is back briefly at 16:35 and 19:15. There is no activity thereafter.
20 Sep – the male lands on the ledge at 2:45. He flies off at 6:30 and immediately returns with the female and they go into the box. He quickly flies off and she follows soon after. They are back briefly at 7:50 and return at 9:35 but he quickly leaves, and she follows five minutes later. They are back at 14:10 but he leaves after a few minutes bonding in the box, and she leaves at 14:20. The male lands briefly at 17:45. At 18:05, the male lands carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey. He drags it into the box to feed. He has finished at 18:35 and flies out. The female flies in a few minutes later and leaves with the pigeon remains. The male lands at midnight.
21 Sep – the male remains asleep on the ledge from the previous evening until flying off at 6:20. The pair return almost immediately, and the female watches the sky calling as if there is an intruder in the area. She quickly leaves and he follows. He is back at 6:55 for five minutes and the female lands very briefly – their actions indicate they are defending the site from an intruder. The pair are back at 7:40 for five minutes and the male briefly at 8:45. The pair are back at 15:00 and the male calls to something above him; the female is in the box. He follows activity in the sky for five minutes, then the pair fly out. They are back at 19:30 (in the dark) and go into the box. The male soon flies out and the female follows. There is no further activity.
22 Sep – the pair arrive at 6:20 and go into the box. The male flies out after a few minutes, then the female follows. They are back at 10:40 and there is some bonding. He flies off five minutes later and the female makes a scrape in the stones then leaves at 11:00. The male returns at 12:25 and sits on the ledge for five minutes. The male lands on the platform at 18:05 calling to the sky but quickly leaves. There is no further activity.
23 Sep – the male flies in at 3:10 for five minutes. The pair arrive together at 6:15 and go into the box. He then moves to the ledge, leaving a few minutes later, quickly followed by the female. She lands very briefly at 12:10 and the male is back at 13:30 for five minutes. The female returns an hour later carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey. She goes into the box when the male lands a few minutes later. He watches, then tries to snatch her meal and manages on his first attempt. She allows him to feed on the platform as she looks on from the box. He flies off with the meal at 15:10 and she follows; the last activity of the day.
In addition, I spent a very enjoyable hour at the Cathedral and watched the pair sunning themselves on two of the spire crosses.
24 Sep – the male arrives at 5:40 and sits on the ledge. He is joined by the female at 6:10 and they go into the box. He leaves soon after and she flies out at 6:20. He is back briefly at 7:10 and again at 13:10. He returns at 13:55 and goes into the box, flying out a few minutes later. The pair are back at 18:10 for a few minutes and again at 19:25. The male leaves quickly and the female soon follows.
25 Sep – the male flies in at 6:20 and sits on the ledge until 6:50 when he flies off and quickly returns with the female. He soon flies out and she follows. They are back in the box briefly at 9:15. The male returns at 13:30 for five minutes and the pair are back at 18:55 but leave quickly. The male lands at 19:05 but flies off after five minutes. He is back on the ledge at 22:00 for ten minutes. The pair return at 23:25 and the male sits on the ledge whilst the female goes into the box, both remaining until midnight at least.
26 Sep – the male remains on the ledge and is joined by the female at 2:10. She goes into the box and falls asleep. They fly off together at 5:40. There is no further activity until they return together at 19:00. The male goes into the box but the female leaves immediately. He flies out a few minutes later.
27 Sep – the male lands carrying fresh Teal prey at 1:40. He stashes what is left at 2:05, sits on the ledge and falls asleep. He wakens at 6:30 and resumes feeding. He stashes the remains 25 minutes later and returns to the ledge. He flies off at 7:15 and returns with the female a few moments later. She snatches the stashed Teal and feeds in the box as moves to the ledge. At 8:00, he picks at some scraps that the female is leaving whilst feeding. She leaves at 8:10 and he follows five minutes later. He is back at 10:05 and goes into the box 20 minutes later feeding on scraps, then flies out at 10:30. The pair return at 12:35 and go into the box. The male moves to the ledge after a few minutes bonding and flies off an hour later. He is back at 18:00 and goes into the box to feed on more scraps before flying off after five minutes. He returns to the ledge at 19:20 and leaves at 21:30.
28 Sep – the male arrives at 2:40 with partially-eaten Feral Pigeon prey. He stashes the meal, sits on the ledge and falls asleep. He remains until 7:00 when he flies off. The pair arrive at 8:35 and the female picks up the stashed pigeon and flies off. The male goes into the box briefly but soon follows. The pair are back at 11:25 but the female leaves quickly whilst the male remains for five minutes and again at 19:05 for five minutes. At 21:05 he returns with a small unidentified item of prey which he stashes, then flies off.
29 Sep – the male lands at 5:55, ignores the stashed prey and sits on the ledge. He falls asleep until flying off an hour later returning immediately with the female, but they both soon leave. He is back at 7:50, picks up the stashed prey and flies out. The pair are back briefly at 8:10 and return at 9:00 for some brief bonding but the male soon leaves and the female five minutes later. The male makes a short visit at 12:30. The female flies in at 15:30 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey, quickly followed by the male. She feeds in the box as he watches from the ledge occasionally trying to snatch scraps. He flies off at 16:10 and she continues to feed until leaving at 17:30. The male flies in and feeds on the remains until flying out at 18:10. The male is back at 21:50 carrying an item of prey which he stashes, then flies off.
30 Sep – the male flies in at 6:20. He is joined by the female at 7:25 and she feeds on scraps in the box. The male flies off ten minutes later and she follows carrying her meal. He is back at 8:10 for five minutes. The pair return at 12:30 and they go into the box for bonding and both make scrapes in the stones. He flies off at 12:50 and she leaves five minutes later. He is back at 13:00 for ten minutes and the female returns at 15:15 and sits on the ledge. She is joined by the male at 16:55 and they go into the box. He flies off a few minutes later and she moves back to the ledge remaining for the rest of the evening.