Nov 1 – the female flies in at 8:25 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey. She takes it into the box to feed. She has finished at 9:10, stashes the pigeon, then flies out. She is back at 15:10 and goes into the box and feeds on the pigeon remains. There is nothing left at 15:40 and she flies out. She immediately returns but does not stay long. There is no more activity today.
Nov 2 – the female lands on the ledge at 7:00 for five minutes. She is back briefly at 12:45 and flies into the box at pace at 14:50. She looks out over the city and quickly leaves. She is back on the ledge at 18:00 and flies off at 21:20, returning at 23:55.
Nov 3 – the female remains on the ledge from the previous evening until 6:20 when she flies off. She does not return for the rest of the day.
Nov 4 – the female arrives at 7:00 carrying part-eaten Feral Pigeon prey. She has a full crop and has obviously already fed. She stashes the pigeon in the box and flies out after five minutes on the ledge. At 14:15 she returns with a partially eaten Woodcock prey which she stashes in the box, then flies out. There is no further activity on camera thereafter.
Nov 5 – there is no activity on camera today.
Nov 6 – the female lands briefly at 8:25 and 10:10. There is no further activity on camera today.
Nov 7 – the female lands at 8:50 and goes into the box to retrieve the stashed Woodcock, then flies out. She is back briefly at 9:40 looking well fed, and again at 14:10 and 16:00. There is no further activity thereafter.
Nov 8 – this morning we received confirmation from DEFRA that the male died as a result of Avian Influenza. The female arrives on the ledge at 1:00 but leaves 15 minutes later. She lands for literally five seconds at 10:20, reacting to a pursuer. She bounces onto the platform for a few seconds at 12:00. There is no further activity on camera.
Nov 9 – the female lands for a few moments at 8:40 and again at 9:05, when she quickly checks out the box. She next arrives at 19:15 looking very well fed with a full crop and carrying the remains of a Feral Pigeon. She leaves her meal on the platform and flies off.
Nov 10 – the female first arrives at 9:20 and snatches the remains on the pigeon and flies off. She is back briefly at 16:25 but there is no further activity thereafter.
Nov 11 – the female lands at 00:35 and watches the night skies. She remains on the ledge until 6:00 when she checks out the box, then returns to the ledge. She flies off 30 minutes later and returns at 7:00 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she stashes in the box, then leaves. She returns at 9:25 and plucks the pigeon in the box, leaving at 9:45. She is back at 14:45 and goes into the box to feed on the pigeon remains. She has finished feed 30 minutes later and flies out.
Nov 12 – the female lands at 8:20, checks out the box, feeds on scraps, then leaves. She is back at 9:55, calls from the platform and leaves a few minutes later. She returns at 18:00 carrying fresh Woodcock prey which she leaves on the platform then flies off. She is back with another Woodcock at 19:15 which she also stashes, then leaves.
Nov 13 – there was no activity on camera today.
Nov 14 – for the second day running, there was no activity on camera.
Nov 15 – the female makes a very brief appearance at 8:15, bouncing off the platform calling. She returns at 17:50 carrying fresh Woodcock prey, leaves it on the platform and flies off.
Nov 16 – the female flies in at 2:05 carrying yet another Woodcock prey, her fourth in four days. She stashes it on the platform and leaves. She is back briefly at 12:50 calling continuously but there is no further activity thereafter.
Nov 17 – despite the fact there are four Woodcock tenderising on the platform, there was no activity on camera today.
Nov 18 – the female lands at 13:30. She ignores the four Woodcock and checks out the box and leaves. She is back at 17:50 carrying yet another Woodcock – her fifth in seven days. She leaves it on the platform and flies off, already looking well fed.

19 Nov – the female lands on the ledge at 17:15 with yet another Woodcock and drags it a short way across the platform, then flies off. There is no further activity today on camera.
20 Nov – there is no activity before the cameras go down at 9:20.
21 Nov – unfortunately, the cameras were down until 9:50. From the change in position of the array of Woodcock, it seems that the female has spent some time on the platform whilst the cameras were down. Indeed, despite the multitude of prey already available, she has brought in Feral Pigeon and another Woodcock which are in the back of the box.
22 Nov – the female arrives at 8:45, picks up one of the Woodcock and flies out. She is back at 9:05 still carrying her meal but leaves a few minutes later. she flies in at 20:50 carrying Blackbird prey which she adds to the Woodcock pile, then flies off.
23 Nov – the female flies in at 11:40, grabs one of the Woodcock on the platform and flies off with her meal. She is back with the remains meal at 12:10 and stashes it in the box, then flies out.
24 Nov – the female lands at 6:25 carrying another fresh Woodcock. She drops it on the platform, sits on the ledge for a few minutes, then flies off. She returns at 11:25 and sits on the ledge for five minutes. She picks up one of the Woodcock but puts it down again, then picks up one of the other birds and flies off with it. It was almost as if she was checking how tender the meal was. She is back at 16:05 and picks up another stashed Woodcock and feeds on the platform until 16:40 when she flies off.
25 Nov – the female flies in at 7:50, starts to feed on one of the stashed Woodcock, then flies off with it after five minutes. There is no further activity until 17:40 when she flies in carrying Redwing prey which she stashes on the platform, then leaves. She is back at 18:05 with another Redwing which she places next to the first. She flies off, already looking well fed.
26 Nov – the female flies in at 11:05, picks up one of the Redwing and leaves. She returns with another fresh Redwing at 11:40 and stashes it in the box, then flies out. She is back at 15:55, takes a second Redwing from the platform and leaves.
27 Nov – the female lands at 8:40, ignores the Woodcock prey but feeds on the stashed Blackbird, then flies off with it a few minutes later. She is back briefly at 12:40, but there is no activity for the rest of the day.

28 Nov – there is no activity on camera today.
29 Nov – the female arrives at 10:50 carrying the remains of a part-eaten Feral Pigeon. She stashes it in the box, then flies out. There is no further activity on camera.
30 Nov – the female lands at 9:30, grabs one of the stashed Woodcock and flies off. She is back at 10:45 and goes into the box and picks up a stashed pigeon. She drops it as she flies out and U-turns to retrieve it. She flies in at 19:35 carrying fresh Redwing prey which she stashes on the platform, then flies off.