JULY 2024
1 Jul – XNF lands at 4:30 and is quickly followed by XRF. They fly off together at 5:10. XRF returns at 6:00 looking well fed. The adult male arrives 15 minutes later with part-eaten Feral Pigeon. XRF grabs the meal and stashes it in the box; the male flies off. XRF soon leaves and the female lands and feeds on the pigeon, then flies out at 6:40. XNF lands at 9:25 and is joined by XRF 15 minutes later. XRF flies off after ten minutes whilst XNF sits on the ledge. XRF returns at 10:05 and the two lie on the platform until 12:30 when they move to the ledge after a spot of sibling bonding. XRF flies off at 12:50 and XNF 15 minutes later. XRF is back briefly at 13:15 and flies in again at 17:15 when it searches for food but soon leaves. It is back at 18:15 until 19:10, and again at 20:10 until 20:45. The male flies in at 21:05 but is forced off by the arrival of XRF who leaves at 20:30.
2 Jul – XRF and XNF fly in at 4:25. XNF leaves at 4:50 whilst XRF remains on the ledge until 6:25. The male flies in carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 11:20 and is followed by XRF. He flies out with the meal and the juvenile is close behind. At 14:55, XRF arrives with a meal and feeds on the platform, moves to the ledge then lies on the platform. It returns to the ledge at 17:05, flying off 30 minutes later. XRF is back at 19:45 remaining until 20:50.
3 Jul – XRF lands at 4:20 for 30 minutes. It returns at 6:05 looking rather wet, flying off at 6:45. XNF flies in with Feral Pigeon prey at 7:40 and feeds on the platform, then moves to the ledge before leaving at 8:05. XRF is back at 8:45 with a full crop until flying off at 9:15. XNF flies in with fresh Feral Pigeon at 9:30 and feeds in the box until moving to the ledge at 9:55 before leaving at 10:20. The male flies in at 12:25 quickly followed by XNF that forces him to leave. XFN remains in the box and feeds on stashed prey until leaving at 12:50. XRF lands briefly at 19:15. XNF is back at 20:20 and feeds on some remains in the box. It moves to the ledge ten minutes later, then into the box at 20:50 to feed on more scraps. It sits on the ledge with a full crop before flying off at 21:00. XRF returns at 21:35 to pick at scraps before flying off at 21:55.
4 Jul – the adult female flies in at 2:45 and falls asleep. She moves into the box at 3:50 looking for scraps then returns to the ledge until flying off at 4:55. The male goes into the box and sits in the scrape at 5:40 and is joined by the female a few minutes later. They spend a few moments bonding and the female sits in the scrape. He soon leaves and she feeds on scraps until flying off at 6:00. XNF lands at 8:10 and goes into the box for five minutes. The male quickly lands with part-eaten Feral Pigeon prey then leaves. XNF is already well fed and ignores the meal and sits on the ledge until moving into the box at 9:00. XRF lands at 9:05 and goes into the box to join its sibling, then moves to the ledge before lying on the platform in the sun. The adult female is back at 9:15 and feeds on the pigeon brought in by the male, then flies off 15 minutes later. XRF is joined on the platform by XNF at 11:10 and returns to the box at 11:30 soon followed by XRF. At 12:50, XRF moves to the ledge and XNF follows ten minutes later. XRF flies off at 13:20 whilst XNF feeds on scraps in the box. XRF is back at 13:40 and XNF has finished feeding five minutes later. XRF then feeds on scraps before returning to the ledge at 14:15. XNF flies off at 14:40 and XRF at 14:55. The female pays a quick visit to the box at 17:00 and is soon joined by XNF. She flies out and the juvenile goes into the box. At 17:10, XRF lands with plucked prey, feeds, then stashes the remains before sitting on the ledge. At 18:10, XRF feeds on the stashed scraps, then returns to the ledge. XNF flies off at 18:45 and XRF at 19:20. The male flies in at 20:35 and goes into the box for ten minutes before moving to the ledge. He is chased off at 21:45 by XRF but returns at 22:15 remaining until midnight at least.
5 Jul – the adult male remains on the ledge from the previous evening until 4:20 when he is chased off by both XRF and XNF. They sit on opposite ledges and XNF makes two short flights. They leave together at 5:00 but XRF is back after five minutes until 6:00. It returns at 9:00 carrying unidentified prey but soon leaves. The male flies in at 11:05 followed by XRF but leaves quickly and XRF ten minutes later. The male is back at 11:30 until 12:05. At 18:45, XNF arrives with prey soon followed by XRF. It goes into the box and feeds whilst XRF remains on the ledge. XRF snatches a morsel at 19:05 and the siblings then feed together until XNF gives up at 19:10 and flies off ten minutes later; XRF leaves after another five minutes. The male is back at 20:30 but is quickly forced off by XRF which feeds on scraps before leaving at 20:45.
6 Jul – the adult female checks out the box at 11:45 but quickly leaves. The adult male flies in at 12:30 and is soon followed by XNF. He flies out but the juvenile remains on the ledge until 13:15. At 16:55 XRF and XNF fly in together. They leave ten minutes later but XRF quickly returns with fresh Feral Pigeon prey obviously supplied by the adults. XNF lands a few moments later. XNF tries to muscle in on the meal but is pushed away. After ten minutes, XRF relents, and they feed together. XNF moves to the ledge at 17:30. XRF joins it 15 minutes later at which time XNF returns to the pigeon to feed until 18:20. The two juveniles sit on the ledge with full crops. Two hours later and XNF feeds on the scraps. XRF joins in 15 minutes later. They move back to the ledge at 21:00 but XRF leaves after five minutes whilst XNF remains until 21:25.
7 Jul – the female flies in at 1:10 carrying fresh Moorhen prey and stashes it by a column. She moves into the box until 2:30 when she sits on the ledge. She is joined by XRF at 4:15 who forces her from the ledge, and it follows. The female soon lands but is chased off by XNF who is quickly joined by XRF. XNF picks at scraps, not noticing the stashed Moorhen. It suddenly sees the meal at 4:55 and rushes across the platform but does not eat it. Both juveniles then fly off. They soon return and XRF grabs the meal and drags it around the box before properly feeding on it whilst XNF watches on. It flies off with the remains at 5:20 and is followed by its sibling but they are soon back. XRF stashes the remains and sits on the ledge; XNF flies off at 5:30 and XRF follows. XNF returns at 6:10 carrying a plastic bag, no doubt caught whilst floating in the breeze. It finds the stashed Moorhen at 6:30 and flies off with it. The adult female lands at 7:20 followed by XNF who chases her off and follows soon after. The adult male lands on the ledge at 9:15. He goes into the box, returning to the ledge at 9:35. He flies off on the arrival of XRF at 10:10 who goes into the box and feeds on scraps, then moves to the ledge. XNF lands at 11:15 with the Moorhen meal and takes it into the box, feeds and stashes the remains, then sits on the ledge with a full crop. It flies off at 12:10 followed by XRF ten minutes later. At 14:15, XRF and XNF arrive together, XRF feeds on scraps as XNF goes into the box after feeding. XRF flies off at 16:40 returning 30 minutes later. XNF leaves at 17:20 and XRF follows five minutes later. XNF arrives at 18:45 with fresh Starling prey and eats it in the box, flying off at 19:20.
8 Jul – the first activity of the day was not until 11:45 when XNF landed and searched for scraps before flying off after five minutes. At 12:50, XNF arrives with fresh Starling prey and takes it into the box to feed. It flies out with the remains at 13:10. It is back with the meal 15 minutes later closely followed by XRF. XRF moves to the ledge as XNF mantles the meal and then stashes the remains by a column. It sits on the opposite ledge at 13:50 then lies on the platform. It is joined by XRF at 14:10 but their rest is disturbed by the adult male arriving with fresh Feral Pigeon prey. The two juveniles have a tug-o-war over the meal which XRF wins; XNF sits on the ledge. XRF stashes the remains at 15:10 and joins its sibling on the ledge. XNF picks at the remains at 15:50 then returns to the ledge 30 minutes later. It joins its sibling on the platform at 16:45 before flying off at 18:00. XRF feeds on the stashed pigeon and Starling remains at 19:00, then leaves at 19:40. XNF is back at 20:15 to feed on scraps until flying off at 20:50.
9 Jul – it is a very wet morning, and a rather wet female makes a brief visit at 9:25. The male flies in at 20:40 and sits on the ledge until midnight at least.
10 Jul – the male remains on the ledge from the previous evening and is joined by the female at 1:25 who goes into the box and falls asleep. She moves to the ledge at 3:00 and the male flies off at 4:25. She leaves at 4:50. XRF arrives at 9:30 and sits on the ledge. The female arrives at 9:55 but is chased off by the juvenile who leaves at 10:40. XNF lands briefly at 12:40. XRF is back at 15:10 and sits on the ledge until 15:55 and is back briefly at 16:50. The adult male lands at 20:20 and remains until at least midnight.
11 Jul – the male remains on the ledge from the previous evening until leaving at 5:20. He returns at 20:00 and goes into the scrape in box before moving to the ledge after ten minutes, then flying off at 20:20.
12 Jul – the male arrives at 8:00 and goes into the box before moving to the ledge and flying off at 8:20. XNF arrives at 18:00 carrying the remains of fresh Feral Pigeon and feeds in the box until 18:40, then moves to the ledge before stashing the remains and flying off at 18:50. It is quickly replaced by the female who feeds on the pigeon and leaves at 19:00. XNF is back at 20:35 and picks at scraps, then flies out after five minutes. The male lands at 21:40 quickly followed by XRF. The male both soon leaves but XRF feeds on small scraps on the platform for five minutes, then flies off.
13 Jul – the adult male lands briefly at 15:20. The adult female flies at 20:00, goes into the box and tends to the scrape. She leaves 30 minutes later.
14 Jul – the female flies in at 00:10 carrying part-eaten Feral Pigeon prey. She stashes it by a column then flies out. She is back at 1:05 carrying fresh Black-tailed Godwit which she also stashes, then leaves. The male arrives at 2:45 and drags the Godwit into the box, then sits on the ledge. At 4:30, XNF arrives carrying Moorhen prey which he mantles: the male flies out. It feeds and is soon joined by XRF who watches from the ledge. XNF stashes the remains next to the Godwit and pigeon. XNF flies off at 5:35 but XRF remains and feeds on the stashed Moorhen, then picks at the pigeon and Godwit, before moving to the ledge at 6:05. XNF is back at 7:10 with a full crop and flies off after 20 minutes but is back briefly five minutes later. XRF resumes feeding on the pigeon and Godwit at 7:45, moves to the ledge at 8:05 and flies off at 8:55. The male arrives at 9:05 and feeds on the pigeon. He stashes the remains at 9:35 and flies out. He is back at 10:15 looking well fed but is forced off by XNF who feeds on the pigeon remains, then sits on the ledge. The male arrives at 13:35 and goes into the box followed by the juvenile. He then moves to the ledge but after five minutes is forced off by XNF who quickly follows him. XRF lands at 16:15, goes into the box, finds the stashed Godwit and feeds on it until 16:30 when it sits on the ledge. XNF arrives 20 minutes later and feeds on the Godwit before sitting on the ledge ten minutes later. XRF flies off at 18:05 but returns at 18:30 to feed on the Godwit: XNF soon leaves. XRF finishes eating at 18:45 and flies off soon after. XNF is back at 19:30 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon which it eats, then stashes the remains 15 minutes later. It sits on the ledge with a full crop until flying off at 20:05. The male lands at 20:20 with another part-eaten pigeon but does not stay long.
15 Jul – XNF lands at 8:20 and feeds on the Godwit in the box. The adult male arrives at 8:40 and is immediately followed by XRF. The male goes into the box but is forced out by the two juveniles. XNF continues to feed whilst XRF sits on the ledge. XNF joins its sibling on the ledge at 8:50 but XRF soon leaves: XNF follows at 9:00. The male lands at 16:55 and feeds on Godwit scraps in the box, moves stones in the scrape, then sits on the ledge at 17:20 before flying off at 17:55.
16 Jul – a very wet XNF lands at 8:10 and picks at scraps in the box but leaves quickly. The male arrives briefly at 11:40. XRF flies in at 14:45 until 15:20 and the female lands briefly at 15:45. The male lands at 18:15 and is joined by the female 15 minutes later. They go into the box, he is in the scrape bonding, but she is not interested and leaves quickly with some scraps. He returns to the ledge flying off at 18:40 and is back at 22:05 for 25 minutes.
17 Jul – the male pays a brief visit at 4:25 and is replaced by XRF for ten minutes. There was no further activity on camera today.
18 Jul – The female and XNF arrive together at 8:35 but she is chased from the platform. The juvenile checks the box then flies out. It is back at 12:15, picks up some scraps and leaves. It returns at 18:55 carrying fresh Blackbird prey but quickly leaves with the meal. The male flies in at 21:00 quickly followed by the female. They start bowing and bonding but are interrupted by the arrival of XNF. The male leaves immediately but the female remains whilst the juvenile calls loudly. She feeds on scraps and XNF tries to snatch it from her, and she flies out. The juvenile sits on the ledge before flying off at 21:15. XNF is back at ten minutes later and picks at scraps on the platform before flying off at 21:40.
19 Jul – the female flies in at 00:50 carrying fresh Moorhen prey which she stashes by a column. She sits on the ledge with a full crop but is forced off at 4:45 by XRF who feeds on the Moorhen. The juvenile flies off at 5:20 and returns briefly 20 minutes later but there was no further activity on camera thereafter.
20 Jul – the female flies in at 2:00 carrying another fresh Moorhen prey but flies off 30 minutes later. The male arrives at 8:05 closely followed by XNF and XRF. He leaves quickly and XNF flies off as XRF decides to pluck and feed on the stashed Moorhen. It leaves with the meal at 8:45 and returns to the ledge ten minutes later. It flies off at 9:10 and returns at 12:25 for an hour. The male and female fly in at 13:45 but the male leaves quickly. The female remains in the box feeding on scraps. Her meal is interrupted by the arrival of XRF and she flies out. XRF remains on the ledge until 15:20.
21 Jul – XNF flies in at 4:55 and sits on the ledge until flying off at 6:10. The adult male arrives at 8:30 quickly followed by XNF. He flies out and the juvenile sits on the ledge with a full crop. XRF joins its sibling at 9:50. They look for scraps in the box at 10:00, then return to the ledge. XNF is back in the box 20 minutes later and sits at the back in the shade away from the heat of the sun, returning to the ledge at 11:55. XRF flies off five minutes later, whilst XNF remains until 15:05.
22 Jul – XRF lands briefly at 4:40 and the adult male briefly at 9:55. XNF flies in at 10:35 with fresh Starling prey. It leaves with the meal ten minutes later returning at 11:20 with a full crop. XRF joins its sibling at 11:40 and they fly off together after ten minutes. XNF is back at 12:55 and remains on the ledge until 16:05.
23 Jul – for the first time since the breeding season started there was no activity on camera today.
24 Jul – XRF lands briefly at 10:00. The male flies into the box at 15:20 quickly followed by the female. He soon leaves and she flies out a few minutes later. XRF is back briefly again at 20:15.
25 Jul – XRF lands on the ledge at 4:55 for 15 minutes. The male lands at 10:35 but is immediately knocked off by the returning juvenile, but it leaves five minutes later. XNF arrives carrying part-eaten Feral Pigeon at 16:20 and takes it into the box, stashes it then sits on the ledge with a full crop until 18:15.
26 Jul – there was no activity on camera today.
27 Jul – the only activity on camera is when XRF lands on the ledge at 4:25 until 4:50.
28 Jul – the male arrives at 12:45 with a full crop and sits on the ledge until 15:05. He returns at 21:00 quickly followed by XNF. He soon leaves and the juvenile checks the box before flying out a few minutes later.
29 Jul – the male flies in at 6:40 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey. It is snatched from him by the following female. He quickly flies off and she leaves with her meal 15 minutes later. XNF flies in with Feral Pigeon prey and a full crop at 9:35 but quickly leaves. The male is back briefly at 11:20.
30 Jul – the female lands at 6:05, checks the box then flies out 15 minutes later. XNF lands at 9:00 carrying fresh Feral pigeon prey and takes it into the box to feed. It moves to the ledge 9:40 returning to the shade of the box and out of the heat 30 minutes later. It moves to the ledge at 13:25 flying off after 20 minutes. The male flies in at 17:30 and goes into the box ten minutes later, returning to the ledge at 17:50. He walks into the box at 18:55 and moves some stones in the scrape, before returning to the ledge and flying off at 19:20.
31 Jul – the female flies in at 5:50 carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey. She plucks and feeds on the pigeon until flying off at 6:40. XNF arrives at 6:45 carrying the remains of the pigeon quickly followed by XRF. XNF goes into the box and XRF flies off. XNF has finished feeding at 7:05 and moves to the ledge, then flies off. The siblings return together at 9:05. XNF soon leaves and XRF goes into the box, snatches the remains of the pigeon and feeds until flying out with the remnants at 9:25. XNF returns five minutes later and checks the box then leaves. The adult pair land at 13:35 and go into the box. There is a prolonged period of bonding across the scrape until the male leaves at 13:55. She then moves stones in the scrape before sitting in the back of the box until moving to the ledge at 18:15 and flying out.