JULY 2022
1 July – TJC remains on the ledge until 4:40 when it flies off. The male flies in with very fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 10:10 and is quickly followed by the female. She goes into the box as he prepares the meal. At 10:30, she moves to the ledge and watches him; he flies off with the pigeon. She remains on the ledge until forced into the box by the arrival of TJC – she flies out. TJC lies on the platform. The male lands briefly at 13:10 and is pursued by THC who greet its sibling. They sit on the ledge together for five minutes then TJC searches the box for scraps. There is nothing of note available and they return to the ledge and fall asleep. TJC goes walkabout for scraps again at 14:30 then flies out five minutes later; THC remains on the ledge. TJC returns at 15:25 and they spend 30 minutes bonding. They fly off in unison at 16:00 and are back briefly a few minutes later. The female lands at 16:10, checks the box then sits on the ledge until 20:25. THC arrives and chases her out and follows. TJC lands with Starling prey at 20:40 and feeds on the platform. It has only just finished when THC lands and calls. TJC picks up a scrap from the platform and drags it into the box to feed as THC watches from the ledge. At 21:15, the male arrives with a meal. There is a tug-o-war between the three, but THC wins out in the end. TJC watches from the ledge whilst THC feeds. It joins its sibling when it has finished and the two sit together on the ledge and fall asleep. They remain there for the rest of the evening at least.
2 July – the two juveniles remain together side-by-side on the ledge until 4:05 when TJC feeds on some scraps on the platform, then flies off 30 minutes later. THC leaves at 5:20. They return together at 8:50. They sit on the ledge and fall asleep until 10:00 when TJC picks at more scraps. THC lies down on the platform and TJC returns to the ledge after 25 minutes. THC flies out at 11:20 and TJC 20 minutes later. They return together at 11:55 and fly off together at 13:15. They are back together at 13:50 and sit next to each other on the ledge. It is like watching a pair of twins mirroring and copying each other; they like to be close to one another. They fly off together at 15:30. TJC is back ten minutes later and THC at 16:00. They are off together at 16:25 and return at 17:40. They pick at scraps then sit on the ledge. They fly out at 18:10 and return a few moments later pursuing the male that is carrying fresh Starling prey. TJC wins the tug-o-war and the male flies off. THC consoles itself with scraps, then sits on the ledge as TJC feeds. THC takes over when TJC has finished, and they reverse roles. They are next to each other on the ledge at 19:15. At 22:05, the male arrives with fresh Black-headed Gull prey. TJC drags it into the box, the male flies off and THC sits on the ledge. After feeding, TJC re-joins its sibling at 22:35. They fall asleep and remain for the rest of the evening.
3 July – the juveniles remain on the ledge until 4:05 when TJC flies out. THC looks for scraps on the platform then leaves at 4:25. TJC is back at 5:55 and the male flies in with Starling prey a few moments later. THC arrives at 6:10 and tries to steal the meal from TJC. THC feeds on the stashed gull whilst TJC continues with the Starling. They stop feeding at 6:10 and sit on the ledge. At 6:45, the male arrives with another prey item and THC is first to react. It takes the meal into the box; the male flies off. At 7:25, TJC flies off and THC sits on the ledge, then leaves 30 minutes later. The female is back at 8:55 and picks up some scraps and flies off with them. TJC is back at 11:40 and THC ten minutes later. The female arrives at 12:40 and drops off a pigeon. For the first time there is a real tussle between the siblings for the meal and THC comes out on top. TJC watches from the ledge but ignores the nearby gull – maybe it is too difficult to pluck. THC has finished at 13:10 and sits on the ledge with a full crop. At 13:45, TJC feeds on the remains of the pigeon. TJC is back on the ledge next to its sibling at 14:35. There is a period of bonding then they settle down. TJC flies off at 15:10 and THC follows at 15:35. THC is back at 18:05 and is joined by TJC at 19:40 carrying a small meal. THC takes it from TJC and feeds whilst TJC sits on the ledge. At 20:10, TJC takes over whilst THC is on the ledge. The two are together at 20:35, fall asleep side-by-side and remain there for the rest of the evening.
4 July – the two juveniles remain on the ledge until 4:25 when they fly off together. The male arrives with fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 5:45 and is followed quickly by TJC. He leaves the pigeon by a column and flies off. TJC instead feeds briefly on the remains of yesterday’s gull, sits on the ledge, then quickly flies off. The female lands at 6:00, picks up the new pigeon and starts to pluck it. TJC lands and waits to be fed; the female duly obliges. She flies off with the remains at 6:20 and TJC follows. It is back on the ledge at 8:55, watches the sky and leaves a few minutes later. TJC arrives at 10:35 and remains on the ledge until 11:30 when it feeds on scraps. It drags the gull towards the box but continues to feed on scraps. TJC is back on the ledge at 11:40 and falls asleep. It wakens at 13:10 and flies off. The female flies in at 14:30 and goes into the box when the male arrives ten minutes later. There is a very brief period of bonding then the male quickly flies out and she returns to the ledge. She flies off at 17:45 after watching the skies above her. There is no further activity until 22:00 when TJC lands on the ledge and remains for the rest of the evening.
5 July – TJC remains on the ledge until flying off at 4:20. The male arrives at 9:40, looks around the box and feeds on scraps on the platform. He flies off after ten minutes. Unexpectedly, the cameras go off at 12:55 but returned at 16:20. The next activity on camera is the female landing at 18:20. She ignores the gull as she already looks well fed. She settles on the ledge until 21:20 when she flies off. There is no further activity this evening.
6 July – the first activity of the day is TJC arriving at 6:40 but it leaves a few minutes later. The female arrives at 8:40 with very fresh Feral Pigeon prey and is quickly followed by TJC looking to be fed. The female ignores the youngster and feeds itself. TJC tries to feed on the gull remains but soon gives up. The female flies off with the meal at 9:20 and TJC follows ten minutes later. The female is back at 12:15 but leaves after 25 minutes. She returns at 13:00 and goes into the box at 16:15 when the male arrives. They swap places a few minutes later, he then flies out and she quickly follows. The female is back at 17:50 and sits on the ledge until 20:30. TJC arrives at 21:10 and picks at scraps on the platform, then sits on the ledge until midnight at least.
7 July – TJC remains on the ledge until 4:10 when it goes into the box and then feeds on scraps on the platform. It flies off at 4:35 and returns at 7:25 carrying a large meal. It drags it into the box, then sits on the ledge until leaving at 8:05. The male lands at 13:50 and remains on the ledge for 15 minutes. The female is back at 14:25 and flies off at 17:30 and TJC returns a few minutes later. It feeds on the remains of a pigeon in the box then sits on the ledge at 17:55, leaving five minutes later. TJC is back at 20:50 and resumes feeding on the pigeon and finishes at 21:20. It falls asleep on the ledge and remains for the rest of the evening.
8 July – TJC remains on the ledge until 4:25 when it flies off. There is no further activity until 11:45 when the female arrives and is followed quickly by the male. She goes into the box whilst he picks at scraps, then joins her for a few moments before returning to the ledge and flying off at 11:55. The female then sits on the ledge. The male flies in at 13:25 followed quickly by TJC, the male does not remain, and the female also leaves. TJC picks at scraps then moves to the ledge until flying off at 15:35. There is no further activity until TJC flies in at 22:05 and falls asleep. The female arrives at 23:45 with Feral Pigeon prey and feeds TJC, then herself. They are both still there at midnight, TJC on the ledge and the female in the box.
9 July – TJC remains on the ledge when the female moves into the box at 00:20, returning to the ledge two hours later. It is noticeable that she is growing two new central tail feathers. She remains opposite the juvenile until 4:10 when TJC runs towards her calling to be fed; she flies off followed by the youngster. The male lands at 6:20 pursued by TJC but flies off immediately. TJC finds a scrap on the platform and feeds, moving to the ledge when finished at 6:50 and fling off at 7:55. The male is back at 10:25 but is immediately knocked off by incoming TJC. It feeds on scraps, then sits on the ledge. The female lands at 11:25, picks up the remains left by TJC and eats it. The male lands at 11:40 and TJC goes into the box with the female briefly. He quickly leaves and is immediately followed by the female; TJC remains until 11:55. It returns at 16:35 carrying Feral Pigeon food and feeds until 17:10, flying off five minutes later. The female returns at 18:50 and feeds on the remains of TJC’s pigeon, leaving with the remains at 19:15. TJC is back at 21:10 feeding on scraps she falls asleep on the ledge remaining for the rest of the evening.
10 July – TJC slept on the ledge until woken at 2:10 by the male bringing in very fresh Black-headed Gull prey. He flies off and TJC returns to sleep. It makes a half-hearted attempt to pluck the gull at 3:40 but returns to the ledge and flying off at 4:20. The male lands at 10:00 and is followed quickly by the female that is dive-bombed by TJC. The adults leave quickly and, after briefly trying to pluck the gull, TJC follows. TJC is back on the ledge at 13:40 and falls asleep in the heat. It flies off at 15:35, distracted by something overhead and lands a few minutes later behind the male carrying another very fresh Feral Pigeon – a shocking-pink colour-dyed bird. He stashes it by a column and flies off; TJC follows. There is no further activity until 20:20 when the female returns to feed on the coloured pigeon. She flies off with the remains at 20:55. There is no further activity on camera for the remainder of the evening.
11 July – the is no activity until the female arrives with very fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 7:10, looks around and flies off after five minutes. She is back with the meal at 7:25, plucks and feeds, then leaves 15 minutes later. The next activity is when the female returns at 13:10. She falls asleep on the ledge with her wings slightly open trying to catch a breeze. She goes into the box at 14:30 when the male lands followed quickly by TJC that joins the female. The adults soon fly out and TJC leaves a few moments later. The male is on the ledge at 15:45 and is joined by the female. They are in the box for a few moments before he flies out. She moves to the ledge at 16:00, once again holding her wings open on the hottest day of the year. She remains until 18:55 when she flies off returning at 21:00 until at least midnight.

12 July – the female remains on the ledge until 5:35 when she flies off. She does not return until 11:25 when she goes into the box, sits with her wings open to catch a breeze, then makes a scrape in the stones. A Stock Dove lands on the ledge which entices the female out at 11:55. She moves to the ledge where she remains until flying off at 15:15. She returns five hours later looking very well fed and falls asleep on the ledge with a full crop, remaining until midnight at least.

13 July – the female remains on the ledge until 5:10 when she flies off when TJC arrives; TJC follows. The male lands at 6:30 and goes into the box, returning to the ledge after ten minutes, then flying off. The female is back briefly at 7:50 pursued by TJC. The male arrives at 11:50 and sits on the ledge in the shade. The female flies in at 12:10 and the pair have a brief bonding session before the male leaves. She makes a scrape and titivates the stones, then moves to the ledge 30 minutes later. She remains until 16:45 when the male arrives, and the pair go into the box for a bonding session. The female moves back to the ledge at 16:55 and the male flies out a few moments later. She remains on the ledge until 18:20 when she goes into the box on the arrival of the male. The pair are in the box for another short bout of bonding. The male flies out and is immediately back on the ledge. Both adults leave when TJC lands a few minutes later; TJC follows. The male is back at 20:45 for 15 minutes. There is no further activity this evening.
14 July – the female arrives at 6:35 and sits on the ledge. She picks at scraps on the platform at 9:30, then goes into the box for shade. She is back on the ledge at 11:50. The male arrives at 12:05 and the pair go into the box for a brief bonding session. The female soon flies out and the male leaves at 12:20. He returns briefly at 13:05. TJC lands at 13:20, picks at the gull for a few moments, then flies off. It returns five minutes later and has another pick at the gull then sits on the ledge. The female lands at 13:35 and TJC goes into the box. The female flies off after five minutes and TJC follows. The male returns briefly at 19:15 but there is no further activity this evening.
15 July – the male lands briefly at 5:05. There was no further activity until 14:30 when TJC lands for a few moments to check the gull. It flies off without attempting to feed. The pair arrive at 16:05 and the female grabs some scraps the male was eating. The male flies off, and the female feeds. She leaves after ten minutes and returns to the ledge at 17:05 until 19:15 when she feeds on more scraps, then flies off with them. She is back on the ledge at 20:25, then goes into the box at 20:40 and makes a scrape in the stones. The male arrives on the ledge a few moments later and they call to each other. She continues to make scrapes then moves to the ledge at 20:55. The pair remain on opposite ledges until the male flies off at 23:00.
16 July – the female remains on the ledge until 2:05 when she flies off. She returns at 3:55, leaving at 6:05. There is no further activity until she is back again at 15:05 and sits on the ledge preening and dozing. She flies off at 19:25 when TJC arrives with fresh Feral Pigeon prey. It plucks and feeds on its meal. It mantles the prey when the female returns ten minutes later. The female leaves at 19:45 and TJC resumes feeding. The female is back at 20:20 and snatches the meal from TJC and feeds; TJC flies off. The female leaves with the meal at 20:40. There is no further activity this evening.
17 July – the male arrives at 5:15 quickly pursued by TJC. He flies out immediately and TJC sits on the gull but does not feed, then flies off. The male is back briefly at 14:20. The pair return at 15:40 and go into the box. There is a short period of bonding, then the male moves to the ledge. The female joins him on the platform at 15:50 and he soon leaves. She sits on the ledge until 16:10, returning at 16:45 until 18:00. She is back briefly at 20:10 and is on the ledge an hour later remaining for the rest of the evening.
18 July – the female flies off at 2:35. There is no more activity until she returns at 13:35 and stands with long legs and wings spread trying to get some breeze below her feathers on the hottest day of the year so far. She finds a position on the platform and dozes in the heat with wings ajar. She goes into the box when the male joins her at 14:25; he moves to the ledge. They swap places five minutes later and he quickly flies out. She searches for a cool spot around the platform. She is on the ledge again at 15:25 and flies off five minutes later. She is back at 16:05 for 30 minutes and on the ledge again at 17:20. She sits trying to catch a breeze, then leaves at 19:50. The male returns with another fresh Feral Pigeon prey two hours later. The female quickly follows. She walks toward him, and he flies off with his meal. She remains on the ledge until midnight at least.
19 July – the female flies out at 4:50. TJC arrives at 11:40 carrying the remains of a pink-stained Feral Pigeon. It stashes the meal by a column and leaves. The female lands ten minutes later and grabs the stashed meal. She stands on the pigeon but does not feed just dozes in the heat. The male arrives at 13:10 and there is calling between the pair. At this point she decides to feed rather than allow the male to take the meal. The male snatches the remains from her at 13:25 and she allows him to feed – it must be too hot to argue! The remains of the gull that lies on the platform moves around in the breeze and shocks the male who literally jumps from his meal onto the ledge and looks incredulously at the gull. The pair watch as the remains tumble off the platform and into the street below. The female goes into the box at 14:00 and the male flies off ten minutes later. The female remains in the box trying to catch the breeze then moves to the ledge at 15:10. She then picks at the remains of the pink-pigeon but flies off at 15:25 when TJC arrives. TJC feeds on the pigeon then flies off after ten minutes. The female is back at 16:20 and stands in the box with long legs and dropped wings. She moves to the ledge at 19:05 and flies off at 19:55. There is no further activity this evening.
20 July – the first activity on camera is the arrival of the female at 11:05. She sits on the ledge in the sun until 11:50 when she goes into the shade of the box to preen. The male flies in at 12:15 and joins the female. There is a brief bout of bonding, then the male moves to the ledge until 14:10 when he flies off. The female remains in the box preening and dozing until 17:35 when she moves to the ledge, flying off 20 minutes later. She returns at 19:25 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she plucks on the ledge. The male quickly arrives but is knocked off by TJC. The male is soon back on the ledge with TJC, and they both watch as the female feeds. After five minutes, the female feeds TJC but the juvenile is not happy and snatches the meal from the female to feed itself. At this time, the male sees his opportunity and grabs the meal from TJC. There is a tug-o-war with the female, but the male retains the meal; the female flies out. TJC sits on the ledge calling whilst the male feeds in the box. He has finished at 19:40 and moves to the ledge. TJC feeds on the scraps in the box until flying out at 20:15. The female is back at 21:25 and forces the male to the opposite ledge; they both remain until midnight at least.
21 July – the male goes into the box at 5:05 and returns to the ledge 20 minutes later. The female flies out at 6:00 and the male an hour later. He is back at 13:30, checks out the box and flies off after 15 minutes. The female flies in at 16:05 and sits on the ledge with a full crop. She leaves at 17:45. There is no further activity today.
22 July – the first activity of the day is the arrival of the male at 6:15. He checks the box then flies off five minutes later. He returns carrying Feral Pigeon prey at 10:20, plucks it in the box and then moves to the ledge at 10:45, flying off five minutes later. The female lands immediately but remains for only a few minutes. The male is back at 12:15 and feeds on the pigeon. He flies off with the remains at 13:05. The female returns at 16:05 and feeds on scraps then goes into the box and makes a scrape in the stones. She dozes in the box then sits on the ledge at 17:00 and flies off ten minutes later. TJC arrives at 19:00 and picks at scraps but soon leaves. The female lands at 20:20 and is quickly followed by the male. She is forced off the ledge by the arrival of TJC who goes into the box. The male moves to the ledge at 20:25, and TJC drags a stashed gull on to the platform. The male flies off and TJC watches him go and follows a few moments later, leaving the gull behind. The female is back at 20:35, strangely ignores the gull remains but picks at other scraps, then sits on the ledge until 21:30.
23 July – the male arrives at 3:20 carrying fresh Black-headed Gull prey. He partially plucks it then sits on the ledge at 3:40, then flies off at 5:15. The female is back at 11:50 and goes into the box. The male returns at 12:00 and feeds on the gull. The female watches him whilst she preens and dozes in the box, then tries to steal the meal from him 15 minutes later but he flies off with it; she follows quickly. The female is back at 16:55 looking well fed. The male joins her on the ledge at 19:25 and the pair remain until midnight at least.
24 July – the pair remain on the ledge until the male leaves at 5:30 and the female at 6:35. The male is back for a few minutes at 7:20. The female returns at 13:05 and is joined briefly by a rather startled Stock Dove. The female leaves at 16:20 returning at 21:00 and settles on the ledge for the rest of the evening.
25 July – the female remains on the ledge until flying off at 5:10. She is back at 6:30 with a full crop and flies off two hours later. The male lands with a full crop at 9:25. He goes into the box when the female returns at 11:00 but is back on the ledge after a few minutes bonding. TJC lands at 11:15 and both adults fly off quickly. TJC leaves at 13:25. The male returns an hour later but flies off at 15:50 when TJC returns; TJC follows. The male is back at 17:35 and chases a Stock Dove that lands on the ledge. Presumably he missed as a Stock Dove visits a few minutes later and two later in the evening. There is no further activity.
26 July – the female arrives at 5:55 with fresh Feral Pigeon prey. The male arrives at 6:05 and watches her pluck her meal from the ledge. She mantles when he gets too close, so he goes into the box. She continues feeding but he manages to steal her meal at 6:15. She sits on the ledge and watches him pluck the pigeon, then feed. At 6:50 she decides it is her turn and snatches the pigeon from him. He sits on the ledge with a full crop, and she feeds without hindrance and flies off with her meal at 7:30. The male remains until 12:25. TJC arrives with a full crop at 17:15 and goes into the box briefly before flying off at 18:35. The female returns at 21:20 and is joined by the male 15 minutes later. They go into the box for a short bonding session. The female then moves to the ledge, and he flies off at 21:45. She remains until midnight at least.
27 July – the female flies off at 5:10 and the male arrives 20 minutes later staying for just five minutes. The female lands at 6:00 disturbing two Stock Doves taking an interest in the platform. The male arrives a few moments later and the female chases after a pigeon. She returns quickly to join the male in the box. There are a few moments of bonding, then he leaves, and she moves to the ledge, flying off at 6:15. She is back at 11:25 but leaves 15 minutes later. The male flies into the box pursued by TJC at 13:25, but he leaves immediately followed by the juvenile. The female lands at 18:05 and sits on the ledge for the rest of the evening.
28 July – the female remains on the ledge until 5:10 when she flies off. There was no further activity on camera today.
29 July – the male flies in at 5:15 and after a short visit to the box, sits on the ledge. He flies off at 5:35. He is not back until 12:50 but leaves quickly as he is pursued by TJC; the juvenile follows. There is no further activity today.
30 July – the female lands briefly at 12:50 being displaced by the arrival of TJC, who then follows. The female returns at 21:35 and remains on the ledge for the rest of the evening.
31 July – the female remains on the ledge until flying off at 5:40. The male lands briefly at 8:45. There is no further activity on camera for the rest of the day.