31 July – TLC is in the back of the box and at 00:50 walks onto the ledge but is back in the box after a few minutes. She is back on the ledge at 2:00 but only stays out in the rain for 10 minutes. She is back on the ledge at 2:45 remaining until 4:05 when she returns to the box. Back on the ledge at 5:10 looking out over the city, she flies off at 5:35. At 7:55, she is back carrying a Feral Pigeon which she takes into the box and feeds on, stashing the remains by the column at 8:05, then settles on the ledge. She is joined by TFC at 8:15 who is also carrying prey. The full crop shows that TFC has already eaten and is holding on to the remains. TLC moves back into the box at 8:35 and TFC stashes its remains on the opposite side of the column. Five minutes later, both juveniles are on the ledge. At 9:10, TLC moves to sit next to TFC on the ledge. She moves into the box 15 minutes later. At 10:40, TFC walks to the stashed prey that it put next to the column, and starts to feed on it. TLC is initially sleeping on the bar at the back of the box but wakens after 10 minutes. and watches TFC eating before moving to the ledge. Surprisingly, she does not interfere with TFC but looks out over the city. TFC stashes the remnants by the column at 11:05 and is well fed and goes into the corner of the box for 10 minutes. At this point TLC becomes interested and pecks at TFC’s feet. She follows TFC into the box and there is a short game of tag. They settle in their normal positions, with TLC in the box and TFC on the ledge. They remain this way until 11:50 when after a quick spat, they are both on the bar in the box. They are having another game of tag at 13:00 mainly in the back of the box. TLC picks up the remnants its previous meal at 14:20. TFC watches closely and tries to steal a piece 10 minutes later. TLC is not impressed and drags TFC from the box and onto the platform as it holds onto the prey. TFC lets go and TLC returns to the box. TFC picks up another piece of prey that is lying about and feeds on it. TLC has finished and moves to the ledge at 14:40. At 15:20, there is not much left other than a pile of feathers and TFC moves top the ledge. A few moments later, TLC has a nip at TFC’s tail. When her back is turned, TFC has a nip at TLC then goes into the box before starting to feed on the remnants left by TFC. She moves back to the ledge at 16:35. At 17:00, the male arrives with well-plucked prey which is immediately snatched from him by TLC who takes it into the box. TFC walks out calling and settles on the ledge. The meal lasts just 10 minutes and TLC sits beside TFC and starts to nip at its feathers. TFC moves to the opposite ledge; both birds have very full crops and they fall asleep. At 17:45, TFC flies off.
30 July – the female lands at 6:20 with a large item of prey (a Moorhen) – the male can be seen flying past in the background. Whilst she plucks it on the platform, he lands 15 minutes later and goes into the box. He soon leaves as at 6:35 TFC lands and there is a short tug-of-war with the female who allows TFC to have the meal. It feeds on the prey. There is not much left when TFC has finished at 7:10 and settles on the ledge. The adult male arrives at 7:30 closely followed by TLC who chases him from the ledge. TLC feeds on the remnants of the meal. After 10 minutes, it takes the remains into the box and feeds on it there then flies out at 7:50. TFC remains on the ledge satisfied with a full crop. Despite this, at 8:45 it notices a couple of scraps on the platform and eats them before returning to the ledge. It goes into the box when the adult male arrives at 9:30 looking for remains. It runs at the male screaming and forces him from the platform and follows a few moments later. The female lands at 9:35 but is chased off by TFC who follows. A rather bedraggled TLC arrives at 14:25 and goes into the box out of the rain. She remains there for an hour then ventures onto the platform at 15:30 calling. She picks at some scraps, then sits on the ledge at 15:50 where she is joined by TFC. After a few moments, TLC goes goes into the box and is joined by TFC at 16:10. Both juvenile remain there until 17:20 when they make a quick visit to the platform. It is still raining and they return to their shelter. TLC takes another trip at 18:05 but returns quickly. It is TFC’s turn at 18:25 but it too returns quickly to the box. It is back 5 minutes later and is joined by TLC who forces TFC from the ledge. TLC remains on the ledge until 19:10 when she moves back into the box due to the rain. She spends a few moments out at 20:55 but returns quickly to the box. She remains there until midnight at least. 30 July – the female lands at 6:20 with a large item of prey (a Moorhen) – the male can be seen flying past in the background. Whilst she plucks it on the platform, he lands 15 minutes later and goes into the box. He soon leaves as at 6:35 TFC lands and there is a short tug-of-war with the female who allows TFC to have the meal. It feeds on the prey. There is not much left when TFC has finished at 7:10 and settles on the ledge. The adult male arrives at 7:30 closely followed by TLC who chases him from the ledge. TLC feeds on the remnants of the meal. After 10 minutes, it takes the remains into the box and feeds on it there then flies out at 7:50. TFC remains on the ledge satisfied with a full crop. Despite this, at 8:45 it notices a couple of scraps on the platform and eats them before returning to the ledge. It goes into the box when the adult male arrives at 9:30 looking for remains. It runs at the male screaming and forces him from the platform and follows a few moments later. The female lands at 9:35 but is chased off by TFC who follows. A rather bedraggled TLC arrives at 14:25 and goes into the box out of the rain. She remains there for an hour then ventures onto the platform at 15:30 calling. She picks at some scraps, then sits on the ledge at 15:50 where she is joined by TFC. After a few moments, TLC goes goes into the box and is joined by TFC at 16:10. Both juvenile remain there until 17:20 when they make a quick visit to the platform. It is still raining and they return to their shelter. TLC takes another trip at 18:05 but returns quickly. It is TFC’s turn at 18:25 but it too returns quickly to the box. It is back 5 minutes later and is joined by TLC who forces TFC from the ledge. TLC remains on the ledge until 19:10 when she moves back into the box due to the rain. She spends a few moments out at 20:55 but returns quickly to the box. She remains there until midnight at least.
29 July – TLC remains on the ledge from the previous evening and flies off at 4:55. The adult male lands at 5:10 and sits on the ledge preening. He flies off at 6:15 returning at 10:35 but is immediately displaced by the arrival of TFC who sits preening until leaving at 10:50. The adult female arrives at 11:15 and goes into the box where she make a couple of scrapes. The male lands a few moments later but something catches his eye above him and he flies off. It was TFC incoming. The female moves tot he ledge as TFC starts to call loudly from the box. Despite this, the female falls asleep and by 11:50 TFC has calmed down and also snoozes before moving to the ledge at 12:00. At 12:35, TFC lies prostrate on the platform and falls asleep whilst the female preens on the ledge. It is awake again at 13:35 and turns top face the female and calls at her. The adult ignore the calling and TFC moves to the ledge but is still vociferous. The female flies off at 13:50 and is followed quickly by the juvenile. There is no further activity today.
28 July – a rather wet and bedraggled TLC arrives at 7:05 and sits on the ledge. It is raining heavily again. She looks well fed with a full crop. She moves into the box at 9:45 and settles at the back preening and keeping out of the rain. At 10:10, she lies flat in the box, nestled against the central column looking out. She is back on the ledge 10 minutes later, flying off at 11:15. The adult male flies in at 13:45 and sits on the ledge preening. He falls asleep an hour later but flies off quickly on the arrival of TLC at 15:35 who is followed by TFC 5 minutes later who goes into the box. TLC initially follows TFC into the box but then both juveniles move to the ledge at 15:45. Five minutes later, TFC is back in the box and TLC watches and follows then forces TFC back onto the ledge. Once again, despite the fact that there has been no food brought into the box for a number of days and therefore no scraps to be had, TLC is showing a tendency to defend the box and she sit on the bar at the back. TFC makes another sortie at 16:10 but is forced out. Five minutes later and another try. TFC jumps on the back of TLC and pecks at her tail feathers before running back to the ledge. At 16:20, TFC is in the box and twice jumps on the back of TLC who does not react but remains sitting on the bar. TFC sits in the opposite corner in the box. A few minutes later, TFC walks towards TLC and tries to stand on her tail. This time she does retaliate and forces TFC onto the ledge again. This must be a game TFC enjoys as it is back and nudges TLC who turns round and tries to grab her sibling with and outstretched leg. TFC retreats then runs at TLC but TLC is too strong and pushes TFC out of the box and off the platform before returning to the box. Looking for more, just a few moments later TFC is back and goes to sit on the bar at the back of the box. TLC is not allowing this and forces TFC out again. This is the last playful episode for a while and 45 minutes later TFC flies off. It returns at 18:15 and goes into the box where TLC is sleeping. TFC claws at TLC’s wing twice and eventually wakens TLC who seems startled and runs in and out of the box 3 times before going back in and picking up a stone which it appear to be playing with. TFC sits on the bar watching the TLC suddenly lurches at its smaller sibling and forces it out the box and back onto the ledge. TLC settles on the bar at the back of the box. There is another round of tag 10 minutes later with the inevitable result of TFC on the ledge and TLC in the box. At 18:25, TLC searches the box and platform for scraps before sitting on the opposite ledge to TFC who is snoozing. TLC returns to the box at 19:15 and for the next 15 minutes the two juveniles chase each other around the box and platform taking it in turns to annoy the other but nipping their feathers or jumping on the back. TFC flies off at 19:30 whilst TLC sits on the ledge, before returning to the box at 19:45. She is back on the ledge at 20:05 just before flying out, returning at 20:05 remaining until midnight at least.
27 July – the male arrives at 3:10, leaving at 6:05. He is back at 9:00 and goes into the box calling, flying off 5 minutes later. It is raining heavily and there is no activity on the platform until 15:45 when the male is back and goes into the box calling. He leaves quickly a few moments later on the arrival of juvenile TLC who looks out over the city calling loudly. She searches the platform and box for scraps of food before sitting on the ledge and flying out 5 minutes later. There is no further activity today.
26 July – the male arrives at 4:45 and after 10 minutes sitting on the ledge goes into the box calling, in anticipation of the female. When she arrives, she goes into the box and he moves to the platform hiding behind the central column. There is calling between the two. At 5:00, she moves to the ledge and he hops into the box but makes sure the column is still between them. He flies off 5 minutes later whilst she sits and preens before falling asleep at 5:30. The male is back at 5:55 and goes into the box. He calls to the female whilst keeping the column between them. They both fly off at 6:00 and the male can be seen flying up towards the spire. The male returns to the ledge at 6:35 and flies off at 7:10. He is back on the platform again at 11:40 with a Blackbird as prey which he plucks but does not eat. He stands on the platform looking out over the city with the prey in his talons, possibly waiting for one of the juveniles to arrive. He waits until 12:50 when he decides to eat the meal settling on the ledge with a full crop when he has finished. Remarkably he remains in the same position until 23:00 when he flies off.
25 July – the male arrives at 6:45 and sits on the ledge until 8:10 when he flies off. He is back 15 minutes later with an item of prey which he plucks and eats on the platform. He moves back to the ledge after 10 minutes, then flies off at 9:00. The male is back at 11:10 and immediately finds a bit of shade close to the column on the hottest day of the year. He sits with his wings slightly open, trying to catch a little bit of cooling breeze – I don’t think there is any! After a bit of preening he starts to snooze. His slumber is rudely awakened and he falls rather than flies off the ledge by the arrival of female who herself does a quick U-turn due to TLC quickly following behind. TLC sits on the ledge watching them go. She is panting in the heat with her wings held open. After a few moments, she goes into the shade of the box. She stands panting heavily with wings open. A few minutes later, she is joined by TFC. At 12:25, their breathing and panting has subsided and TFC goes and sits on the ledge which is all in shade now, whilst TLC remains in the box for a further 5 minutes before joining its sibling on the ledge. There does appear to be a bit of a breeze but I’m not sure how cooling it is. When TLC sits next to TFC, the size difference is quite apparent. TLC must be feeling better as she starts to bully TFC, picking at its feet and wings so much so that TFC falls off the ledge! TLC seems to be searching for TFC in flight. She then begins to look around the platform for scraps of food before returning to the ledge. At 13:35, she goes back into the box searching for food but is back on the ledge after 10 minutes. Something overhead grabs her attention at 14:00 probably a passing adult and she starts calling. She is back in the box at 14:30 with wings drooped. It is still very hot but she is back on the ledge 5 minutes later. At 14:45, she sees the adult male approaching with some prey and flies out to meet him. He lands with what appear to be a Song Thrush and almost immediately it is snatched from him by TLC who then runs into the box in one seamless motion. The male moves safely away and then flies out. TLC plucks and eats her meal. TFC obviously survived being pushed off the ledge as it arrives at 14:55 looking for a piece of the action. As soon as TFC gets close to the food, TLC raises her wings aggressively and TFC wisely flies to safety but returns quickly and sits on the ledge. Unperturbed, whilst TLC is in the corner of the box with her back turned, TFC sneaks up and tries to snatch a piece. TLC is too alert and takes hols of the meal and walks around the other side of the column and onto the platform. TFC follows it and gets its own back by pecking at TLC’s tail feathers. TLC turns around by TFC is not fazed, holding its ground. TLC returns to feeding whilst TFC claws and pecks at her tail and wing. This time TLC is a little more riled and tries to push TFC from the ledge but it holds its ground. At 15:05, TLC appears to have finished her meal and stands on the platform with drooped wings looking out over the city, then moves to the ledge. The two sit like bookends for 20 minutes until TLC moves back into the box returning to the ledge at 15:55. At 16:00, TFC walks into the box looking for leftovers and scraps from TLC’s meal. TLC is always defensive of her food and watches closely. She tries to force TFC out, first by walking up and pushing, then by going around the opposite side of the column to force it from the back. TFC holds its ground. Persistence pay and TFC is finally forced onto the ledge. TLC is not finished and tries to force TFC from the ledge. TFC fights back and pecks at TLC’s tail and pushes her into the box. This spat goes on for about 5 minutes before TLC finally allows TFC to pick at the scraps in the box. When there is no more to be found, TFC returns to the ledge leaving TLC in the box. At 16:40, TFC flies out and TLC runs to the platform to watch it go. She moves to the ledge at 17:15 and back into the box 15 minutes later before flying out at 17:35. The adult male arrives at 19:05 and sits on the ledge with his wings drooped. It is still very hot in the city. He is finally sitting naturally at 21:00 and 30 minutes later is preening. He flies off at 21:15.
24 July – the male arrives at 7:25 and goes into the box for a few moments then sits on the ledge where he remains until 8:50 when he flies off. He returns at 9:25 and once again heads for the box where he waits before moving to the ledge at 9:55 where he starts preening. He moves to the opposite ledge an hour later. A few moments later he moves into the box as the female arrives but before they are able to do any kind of bonding, TLC lands; the female does a U-turn and flies out and the male rushes around the other side of the central column and also leaves. TLC sits on the platform watching them go. After a few minutes the juvenile walks around the box looking for scraps of food. At 11:10, the male lands but as soon as he sees TLC walk towards him he flies off. TLC sits at the back of the box until 11:45 when it starts to preen in the box keeping out of the heat of the day. She makes her way to the ledge at 12:50 and sits preening. She eventually flies off at 14:25. The male is back at 16:00 and sits on the ledge for 10 minutes before flying off.
23 July – the first action of the day was the arrival of the female at 10:05 who started making scrapes in the box. She moves to the ledge after 10 minutes and begins preening. She moves to the opposite ledge with the sun on her back at 11:00. She remains on the ledge preening until 17:20 when she flies off. There is no further activity today.
22 July – the male flies in at 2:20 and sits on the ledge until 5:25 when he leaves on the arrival of TFC and TLC. Both juveniles sit looking out over the city. At 6:40, TLC flies off and is joined a few moments later by its sibling. TFC lands briefly at 7:30. At 10:50, TLC returns and looks around for food. TFC lands a few moments later and runs into the box and is joined by TLC and they both search for scraps. TFC moves to the ledge at 11:10 and starts to snooze whilst TLC remains in the box and lies down at 12:25 until 13:05 when it starts preening. Ten minutes later, TFC flies off and TLC runs to the ledge to watch it go then flies off at 13:20. TLC is back at 13:30 and stands on the platform looking out. It flies off at 16:25. The female and TFC arrive at 18:20. TFC goes into the box and is calling at the adult who settles on the ledge. TFC joins her after 10 minutes but is calling continually. The female leaves at 18:45 but TFC remains until 21:00.
21 July – the male arrives at 4:10 and sits on the ledge until 5:15 when he goes into the box on the arrival of the female carrying prey – a Feral Pigeon. She calls and he flies out. She plucks and eats the meal and when finished at 6:00 sits on the ledge and falls asleep. She flies off when TLC arrives at 8:10 with an item of prey who drags it into the box. A few moments later, the female returns with TFC in tow. TFC goes into the box and tries to spook TLC who is mantling the prey. The adult female picks some scraps left from her meal and feeds them to TFC. The female flies off when she has fed the scraps to TFC who then sits on the ledge whilst TLC is still in the box. After 5 minutes, TFC finds other scraps on the platform. At 8:35, TFC goes into the box and looks for bits that TLC might have dropped. There is little to be had and it returns to the ledge after 5 minutes. At 9:00, TLC returns to the ledge with a full crop and looks well fed. At 9:45, TFC flies off and TLC watches it go. It has a quick walk around the box then settles on the ledge. TFC returns at 10:15 and picks up some scraps from the platform. TLC runs back into the box to protect the left overs of its meal. After 15 minutes, TFC returns to the ledge but TLC keeps a careful watch over it from the box, then falls asleep. TFC is also sitting on the ledge snoozing, then falling asleep at 10:50. They are both awake at 11:30 and TLC gradually moves to the ledge at 11:40 and sits next to TFC. There is a short period of what appear to be mutual grooming but TLC soon gets a bit too aggressive and bites TFC a little too hard and TFC backs off slightly out of beak reach! There is another episode of ‘grooming’ and again this time TLC grabs hold of TFC’s wing. TFC is not best pleased and claws at TLC with its foot. There is a few moments of sparing then TLC walks off to find some food, with TFC following and finding the remains of TLC’s previous meal in the box. TLC is upset and runs into the box and chases its sibling around the central column then stands in the box defending its meal. TFC finds some scraps on the platform and TLC stands next to it watching, then returns to the box. TFC sits on the ledge. At 12:45, TFC goes into the box and TLC goes into defence mode. TFC makes a number of attempts to get to the remains but TLC forces it back onto the ledge. At 12:50, TLC stands in front of TFC on the ledge and starts to preen. It appears to be taking a high line in defence of its prey as TFC has nowhere to go easily. At 13:35, TLC sits next to TFC on the ledge and they both start to snooze. At 14:10, whilst TLC has its back turned, TFC makes a dash for the box but TLC soon sees what is happening and chases TFC out of the box and forces it onto the ledge again. Unperturbed, 15 minutes later TFC makes another dash for the box but not for the prey. It sits at the back of the box and falls asleep. Meanwhile TLC is preening on the ledge but keeps checking what is happening in the box with TFC. At 14:55, TFC moves back to the ledge and sits next to TLC. TFC stretches its wings at 15:20 and this makes TLC try to grab one with its talons. TFC makes its way to the box but TLC runs around the other side of the central column and cuts TFC off forcing it back onto the ledge. Five minutes later, TLC sits on the ledge and when TFC stretches its wings, TLC starts to peck at TFC and tries to force it from the ledge. TFC moves down out of reach. They both go into preening mode until TFC leaves at 16:05 with TLC following 25 minutes later. The male lands at 18:00 and feeds on some of the scraps left on the platform retuning to the ledge at 18:20. He picks up a discarded wing at 19:00 and tries to get something out of it. He leaves suddenly when TLC knocks him off the ledge and follows him. A few moments later, TLC is back picking at the wing left by the male. It sits on the ledge at 19:20. It finds more scraps at 20:10, then moves back to the ledge before flying off at 21:05.
20 July – the male takes a short flight at 4:45, then flies off on the arrival of TFC at 5:05. The juvenile is calling constantly and looking for food, leaving at 6:10. The male is back at 7:50 but forced off the ledge by the immediate arrival of TLC who picks at scraps before settling on the ledge. It flies off at 8:45. The male returns with a small item of prey at 9:05 which he plucks and eats on the platform as there are no juveniles looking to be fed. He sits on the ledge for 10 minutes until TLC arrives. It stands on the platform looking out then moves to the ledge at 9:45. The female arrives at 10:05 and runs into the box. She is pursued by TLC and jumps back to the ledge.TLC sits there, calling to her incessantly, then runs at the adult and forces her from the ledge. TLC watches her go, then at 10:25 goes on a search of the box and platform stash sites, returning to the ledge after 10 minutes, preening and dozing. She is back on the search again at 13:05 before flying off 5 minutes later. The male lands with a Starling at 14:20 and has it snatched off him by TLC following behind him. It takes the prey into the box where it plucks and eats it – albeit, rather slowly, before returning to the ledge at 14:55. At 15:45, something grabs her attention overhead (probably an adult with food) and TLC flies off. A few moments later, the male arrives with another Starling and is followed by TFC and TLC. TFC manages to get to the prey first but is relieved of it by the larger TLC who takes it into the box. The male flies out quickly and TFC sits on the ledge preening. TLC tucks into its meal. At 16:15, TFC picks at scraps on the platform. After a quick chase around the central column, both juveniles return to the ledge. TFC flies off at 17:05 and TLC 5 minutes later. TLC lands briefly at 17:45 and returns at 18:20 and sits on the ledge until 19:45.
19 July – the male arrives at 4:20 and sits on the ledge, flying out at 6:00. He is back with a full crop at 8:55 and remains on the ledge, dozing until flying off at 17:15. He returns at 20:00 and settles down until midnight at least.
18 July – the juvenile TFC arrives at 4:25 and sits preening on the ledge watching the street below, flying off at 5:00. The adult male lands 20 minutes later and sits preening. At 6:30, he notices the remains of an item prey that was stashed by TFC the previous evening. He feeds on it; there is not much remaining and it does not last long. He flies out at 6:40 and is replaced 5 minutes later by two juveniles TFC and TLC. I think this is the first time TLC has been recorded on the platform since fledging. TFC finds a discarded wing lying around and picks at it. It then goes into the box and is followed by TLC. They look in all the old stash areas for food by find none. TFC moves back to the ledge whilst TLC stays in the box. They are both on the ledge at 6:50. TLC proves her aggressive trait again by trying to push TFC from the ledge. It is a much bigger and stronger bird. It chases TFC around the column until they settle on opposite sides of the ledge. TFC flies off at 7:10 and TLC preens before flying off at 7:25. At 8:45, the adult male lands with an item of prey (Greenfinch) and is immediately followed by TFC and TLC. He quickly flies off leaving the two juveniles to fight over the meal. TFC manages to get hold of the prey and is pursued by TLC. It sits mantling the prey on the ledge and when approached by TLC flies off but strangely lands on the opposite ledge a few moments later. TLC picks up the discarded wing and plays with it whilst TFC starts to pluck and eat the prey. TLC tries to snatch it from its sibling but is not quick enough. TFC takes its meal into the box and is able to eat its meal in peace as TLC flies off. TFC is back on the ledge at 9:05 when it has finished eating. The female arrives at 9:15 with a Feral Pigeon. TFC runs to her and after a bit of tug-o-war, manages to snatch it from her. The adult flies off and TFC starts to pluck and feed on it. The remains is stashed by the column at 9:40. It sits on the ledge with a full crop. The female arrives at 10:25 and TFC runs into the box. The female notices the stash and pulls it from the column. TFC runs towards her and tries to take the prey back but the female is too strong. TFC sits on the ledge continually calling as it watches the female feed. At 10:40, it snatches a wing from the carcass but does not eat it – more of a trophy. The female sits on the ledge whilst TFC mantles the piece she has secured. TFC stands over its prey until 11:10 when it runs at the adult pushing her from the ledge. The tactic does not work however and the female lands on the opposite side. TFC keeps calling at her but slowly starts to fall asleep. At 13:10, TFC becomes a bit peckish and starts picking at the stashed wing. The female is dozing. TFC looks for more food and not finding any, pushes the female from the ledge calling at her as she goes. TFC flies out 10 minutes later and returns after a few moments with the female and TLC. The female leaves and the two juveniles look for scraps in the box and platform. Both juveniles are on the ledge at 13:35. TFC leaves 5 minutes later and TLC goes into the box before moving to the ledge. It spends the next 90 minutes searching in vane for food around the box before lying down on the platform. It is back on the ledge at 15:10 and flies off 5 minutes later. At 16:25, the male arrives with a small prey item (House Sparrow) and is followed by the two juveniles. He drops the prey on their arrival and flies out. TFC was first to get hold of the prey again. TLC tries to snatch it but TFC is a bit too quick and flies off with it. TLC searches for food before flying off at 17:00. The female is back at 17:10 and goes into the box making a scrape the sits back on the ledge. She flies off at 17:45 on the arrival of TLC. At 18:10, the male arrives with prey and is immediately relieved of it by the juvenile who takes it into the box and has a small feast. The adult flies off and after feeding, TLC settles on the platform, lying down watching the street below at 18:55. At 19:45, it is back searching the box and all the stash points. It settles back on the ledge before flying out at 20:10. The male flies in 30 minutes later remaining until midnight at least.
17 July – the male arrives with a full crop at 8:45 and sits on the ledge. He moves to the opposite ledge at 9:10 before flying off 5 minutes later. He lands at 10:10 calling and goes into the box calling. The female arrives almost immediately but their bonding is interrupted by the arrival of TFC and the male flies out. The female moves to the ledge and despite the fact that TFC has a full crop, it begs at the female. TFC walks around the box picking at stones and feathers. The female flies out at 10:20. The juvenile remains in the box until 11:00 when it moves to the ledge eventually leaving at 12:20. The male is back 5 minutes later and sits preening before flying off at 14:15. TFC flies in calling with another prey item – a Starling at 16:35. As it is already well fed, it stashes the prey by the column and moves to the ledge. At 18:15, it walks into the box and then retrieves the stashed prey from the column. It eventually manages to pluck and feed on it. When it has fed, it stashes what little is left and moves back to the ledge at 18:35, flying off 10 minutes later.
16 July – the male arrives at 8:05 and goes into the box. After a few minutes he is back on the platform moving to the ledge at 8:15. St 9:35, he walks back onto the platform calling in anticipation of the arrival of the female. When she does not appear he move back to the ledge at 10:00. He is in the box 15 minutes later but back on the ledge at 10:30. He remains until flying off at 13:05. The female flies in at 15:45 and is joined 10 minutes later by the male who goes into the box before moving to the opposite ledge. The female leaves at 16:30 and the male follows 15 minutes later. He returns at 18:40 but flies out 10 minutes on the arrival of the juvenile TFC carrying an item of prey. TFC plucks and feeds on the prey then settles on the ledge at 19:35. It retrieves the scraps left over on the platform at 20:00 the moves back to the ledge after 10 minutes. At 20:30 the male lands and walks into the box briefly but is away again soon after with TFC remaining on the ledge. It stays there until midnight at least.
15 July – the male arrives with a Feral Pigeon at 6:10 and is quickly followed by the female. He leaves immediately with his prey. She visits the box for a few moments before returning to the ledge, flying off at 6:45. She is back at 11:45 but leaves 15 minutes later. The male flies in at 12:10 and sits on the ledge until 12:25 when he takes a short flight. On his return, he goes into the box and is followed by the female. There are a few moments of bonding before being interrupted by the arrival of the juvenile TFC who is calling incessantly. The female moves to the platform before flying out pursued by TFC. The male is back at 13:55 but flies off at 14:20. There is no further activity.
14 July – the female flies in at 12:55, and remains on the ledge until 14:35. TFC flies in at 15:40 but stays for just a few minutes. There is no further activity today.

10 July – Peregrine Watch Day: the team were in St Martins Square this morning and there was a lot of activity. The adults and all three juveniles were seen during the morning, including TLC who we have been concerned about since her multiple groundings in June. However, she was spotted on a cross and on the weather vane and seen to take a food pass from the adult female. Whilst TFC is noted frequently on the platform (via the cameras), PAF and TLC appear to take their food in the direction of De Montfort University and use one of the multitude of buildings there. All three juveniles look extremely well fed.
7 July – the well-fed female remains sleeping on the ledge, waking at 4:15. She sits, preening and looking out over the city, until flying off at 7:30. A Woodpigeon lands 15 minutes later and walks along the ledge, flying off after 5 minutes, returning briefly at 8:40. The female arrives with fresh prey (Feral Pigeon) at 11:15 and looks around the box calling before proceeding to pluck and eat the item. She stashes it by the column, walks around the box the settles on the ledge. She sits there preening until the male arrives at 13:40 and she goes into the box. There is calling between the pair for a few minutes before the male snatches the stashed prey and flies off. The female looks around and picks at some scraps on the platform. The male returns after 5 minutes and sits on the opposite ledge until 14:00 when he goes into the box where he falls asleep, remaining until 15:00 when he returns to the ledge. The female flies out a few moments later and he flies off at 15:30.
6 July – the adult male arrives on the ledge at 4:10 and spends much of the time preening. An hour later he is joined by the female who goes into the box. The is posturing and calling before he returns to the ledge briefly then flies off, leaving the female in the box. She moves to the ledge at 5:20 and flies off returning at 9:25. After a spell of preening, she leaves at 11:05. The male flies in calling at 12:45 and settles on the ledge before leaving at 13:50. The female arrives with Feral Pigeon at 16:00 and is closely followed by TFC who watches closely as the adult despatches and plucks the prey. After 5 minutes, the juvenile pecks at the adult’s tail feathers begging to to be fed, but she just flies off and leaves the meal with the young who sits back on the ledge looking around. Eventually, at 16:30, TFC goes to the prey and starts to pick at it, initially plucking a few feathers then getting to the meat. Fifteen minutes later it has finished eating and tries to drag the remains to stash it but after three attempts leaves it on the platform and returns to the ledge to preen. At 18:35, TFC has another feed on the pigeon, this time for 30 minutes, before abandoning the remains on the platform. It flies off with a full crop at 19:25. The female arrives at 21:10 and heads for the remains and feeds on it until 21:40 when there is very little left. She sits on the ledge with a full crop before falling asleep remaining until midnight at least.
5 July – the male arrives at 4:25 and enters the box for a few minutes before settling on the ledge. At 4:55, he enters the box on the arrival of the female but she forces him out and he flies off. After making a small scrape, she moves to the ledge, then flies off at 5:05. The male is back at 6:50 and sits on the ledge after a few moments in the box, flying off at 8:05. The female lands and goes straight to the box at 11:20 moving to the ledge 5 minutes later but changes sides after a few minutes as the sun is in her eyes, then flies off. The male is back at 14:10 and is joined by the female at 15:20. She goes into the box and there is calling and posturing whilst he is on the platform. He is back on the kedge after a few minutes but is displaced by the female who takes his place and he flies to the opposite ledge before leaving at 16:45. He is back 30 minutes later and goes into the box, moving to the ledge 10 minutes later. He flies off at 19:05 returning to the box 30 minutes later and the ledge after a further 10 minutes. The female leaves at 20:05 and the male at 21:35.
4 July – the male flies in at 10:15 and enters the box and looks out over the city. He moves to the ledge at 11:35 and preens. He runs into the box at the arrival of the female at 13:25, then stands on the platform with the central column shielding him from her. There is calling between the pair. After a few minutes he flies off whilst she makes a couple of scrapes before moving to the ledge. She remains on the ledge until 19:20 when someone catches her eye from above and she flies out quickly.
3 July – there was no activity on camera today.
2 July – TFC remains on the ledge from the previous evening waking at 4:05. It runs into the box 30 minutes later picking at scraps before flying off a few minutes later. There was no further activity on camera today.
1 July – TFC is sleeping on the ledge from the previous evening and is joined by the well-fed female at 1:00. The juvenile calls to the adult for the next 40 minutes before both fall asleep. They are awake at 4:00 and the juvenile resumes its calling – ignored by the female. At 4:20, the juvenile jumps across the platform to knock the adult from the ledge and chases it in flight. The male arrives at 4:35, remaining for 30 minutes. He is back with a full crop at 7:30 but is knocked from the ledge by the arrival of TFC. The juvenile falls asleep on the ledge until 8:20 when it goes into the box for 5 minutes, before lying down on the platform. At 9:40 it stands up, stretches and preens then settles on the ledge. It resumes lying down on the platform at 11:00 but something catches its attention and it flies off. The male flies in at 14:20 and is soon replaced by TFC following behind. It settles on the platform 20 minutes later and falls asleep. It is back on the ledge at 15:45 before flying out 10 minutes later. The male is back at 18:45 and sits on the ledge until 19:05 when he flies off, returning 30 minutes later. At 20:05, he runs into the box on the arrival of the female. There is some posturing and grunting between the pair which is disturbed by the arrival of TFC. The male has to jump over TFC to make his escape and TFC watches him go from the ledge. The female is still in the box but is chased out by the calling juvenile who flies out at 20:10. TFC is back at 21:35 and settles on the ledge, falling asleep at 22:05, remaining until midnight at least.