1 Jan – unfortunately, the cameras are still down from New Year’s Eve. At some point in the day the female brought in fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she stashed in the box.
2 Jan – the cameras are still down. We will try and resolve the issue asap. At some point in the day the female retrieved the stashed pigeon from the box.
3 Jan – despite spending two and a half hours trying to rectify the camera issues, we were unable to resolve. A new part has been ordered but may not be available until the end of the month. We apologise to all our supporters and be assured we are as frustrated as you. Whilst at the Cathedral, the female sat on the north-east facing cross for all the time we were there.
4-8 Jan – unfortunately, the cameras were not available.
9 Jan – the cameras came back online intermittently at 11:40 but no activity was noted.
10 Jan – the cameras are intermittent through the day and the first recording was of the female arriving at 20:45. She sits on the ledge looking well fed remaining until midnight at least.
11 Jan – the female remains on the ledge from the previous evening until flying off at 7:00. She returns to the ledge at 23:50 remaining until at least midnight.
12 Jan – the female remains on the ledge until leaving at 6:45.
13 Jan – the female flies in at 1:40 and watches the sky from the ledge. She flies off at 7:25. She makes a very brief landing at 15:50. She is back at 18:45 looking well fed and carrying fresh Golden Plover prey which she stashes on the platform and flies off at 19:05.
14 Jan – the female returns at 00:45 and remains on the ledge until 7:35 when she flies off. She is back at 14:40, picks up the plover and flies off.
15 Jan – the female flies in at 00:10 and remains on the ledge until 7:05 when she leaves. She is back at 11:55 with a very full crop but quickly leaves.
16 Jan – the female flies in carrying the remains of an unidentified meal at 9:00. She leaves it in the box and flies out. Unfortunately, the cameras go down at 15:30.
17 Jan – the cameras resume intermittently at 16:20 but no activity was noted.
18 Jan – the female lands briefly at 15:00. She is back at 15:45 but leaves five minutes later.
19 Jan – the female arrives at 19:45 looking well fed and carrying the remains of her fresh Teal meal. She stashes it on the platform and quickly flies off.
20 Jan – the female flies in at 9:00 and removes the stashed Teal from the platform.
21 Jan – the female flies in at 10:50 and spends five minutes in the box before leaving. She appears to be making attempts at scrapes in the stones. She returns at 20:00 looking well fed and carrying fresh Teal prey which she leaves on the platform. She sits on the ledge until 21:25 when she flies off.
22 Jan – the female flies in at 8:45 and picks up the stashed Teal prey from yesterday and flies out.
23 Jan – the female arrives at 14:05 and visits the box briefly before leaving.
24 Jan – the female flies in at 1:30 looking well fed and carrying fresh Collared Dove prey. She stashes the meal on the platform then sits on the ledge until 6:55 when she flies off. She returns at 12:20 and retrieves the stashed meal and leaves.
25 Jan – there was no activity on camera today.
26 Jan – there was no activity on camera until 14:30 when the female flies into the box. During a short trip into the city, I saw the female sitting on an east-facing cross at 15:30, then on a south-facing cross 30 minutes later. She lands on the ledge briefly at 16:15 calling loudly before leaving.
27 Jan – the female arrives at 15:00 looking very well fed and carrying the remains of her meal. She stashes it in the box and leaves.

28 Jan – the female lands on the ledge at 9:05. She goes into the box, picks up the remnants of yesterday’s meal and flies out with it. She is back at 9:35, calling loudly and watching the skies, before flying off five minutes later. She returns briefly at 14:30.
29 Jan – there seems to be a change in behaviour today and a lot of activity. Between 9:10 and 11:05, the female made six short sorties to the platform, each time calling loudly on landing. There are also three short landings around noon. She is then back at 12:15, 12:35, 13:10, 13:45, 14:05, 14:35. 15:00 and 15:05. At 16:35, she arrives looking well fed and carrying the remains of her Feral Pigeon meal which she leaves on the platform. She flies off ten minutes later.
30 Jan – the female flies in at 8:35 and retrieves the stashed pigeon from the platform and leaves. She is back briefly in the box ten minutes later. She is back briefly on the platform at 8:55, calling loudly before flying off. At 12:25, she flies into the box, then stands on the platform for a few moments before flying off. She is back briefly at 13:05 and again at 14:15.
31 Jan – the female lands on the ledge at 00:45 and watches the night skies. She takes a short (hunting?) flight at 2:50, returning to the ledge. She remains until 5:40 when she flies off. She is back at 9:55, checks the box then flies out and is back briefly at 11:10.