1 January 2022 – the male flies in at 8:00 and sits on the ledge for 15 minutes. He ignores the stashed Fieldfare but picks at the remains of the pigeon. He flies off with his meal as the female arrives a few moments later and she chases after him. They both soon back on the platform and the female goes into the box. She then picks up the Fieldfare and flies off with it; he is left feeding on scraps. He moves to the ledge at 8:30 and is joined by a well-fed female at 9:40. She flies off an hour later, but he remains until 11:00 when something catches his eye in the sky above. He is back at 12:55 and the female flies in at 14:40. She walks over to the male and there is brief posturing between the pair; the male flies off. She takes a short flight at 15:15 then falls asleep at 16:45 and remains on the ledge until midnight at least.
2 January – the female remains on the ledge until 6:55 when she flies off. She is back at 8:10 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she plucks and eats, stashing the remains at 8:55 and flying off a few moments later. The male immediately swoops in and grabs the pigeon and is quickly followed by the female. He flies off and she gives chase. She is back briefly at 9:45 calling loudly and again at 11:30 and 11:35. She is back on the ledge at 13:50 remaining until 15:45. There is no further activity today.
3 January – the female flies in at 00:20 and sits on the ledge until taking a short flight at 7:00. She is off again at 7:15, returning at 8:10. She picks at scraps on the platform and then moves to the ledge until 8:45 when she goes into the box on the arrival of the male; there is calling from the female. He grabs a small scrap and flies off with it, then returns at 8:55 and sits on the ledge. The female joins him on the opposite ledge and they swap sides at 9:45; she flies out five minutes later and he leaves soon after. The male is back at 10:25 with a full crop, flying off at 11:45. The female returns at 16:30 remaining until at least midnight.
5 January – at 1:35, the female is obviously a little peckish as she goes and feeds on the stashed pigeon. She returns the remains at 2:15 and moves back to the ledge. She takes a short flight at 7:40, no doubt hunting, then returns to the ledge but leaves at 7:55. The male flies in five hours later, picks one of the stashed pigeons and feeds on the remains. He moves to the ledge at 13:40 and leaves a few minutes later. The female is back at 14:35 and feeds on the other pigeon, moving to the ledge 20 minutes later with a full crop. She flies off at 16:00, after which there is no further activity.
6 January – the female arrives at 5:10 and feeds on the stashed pigeon. She has finished 50 minutes later and sits on the ledge. She flies off at 7:25 and returns a few minutes later with the male. He picks at scraps on the platform for ten minutes and she moves stones in the box and calls quietly. At 7:40, she walks towards the male and forces him to fly off and she follows. The male is back a few moments later and goes into the box when she arrives carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she plucks and feeds on the platform. The male sees an opportunity to snatch a scrap at 8:25 and flies off with it. The female leaves with her meal at 8:55. She is back at 13:35 with a full crop but leaves 20 minutes later to be replaced by the male but he leaves when she returns a few minutes later. After a brief visit to the box, she sits on the ledge until moving to the box when the male flies in at 15:05. They both spend time picking at scraps on the platform until the male flies off at 15:15. She then moves to the ledge remaining until midnight at least.
7 January – the female remains on the ledge until flying off at 7:40. She is back at 8:05 and takes a number of short flights until returning with fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 8:30 which she plucks and feeds on the platform. The male arrives at 9:00 and watches from the ledge. She flies off with the remains at 9:15 and the male feeds on scraps on the platform, then settles on the ledge after 15 minutes; he leaves at 10:25. The female is back at 14:20 calling loudly and goes into the box. She makes a scrape in the stones then moves to the ledge a few minutes later, then flies off at 14:45. There is no further activity on camera today.
8 January – the female flies in at 7:35 and goes into the box 20 minutes later, flying out at 8:00. The male lands after a few minutes and feeds on scraps on the platform, then sits on the ledge, flying off at 8:25. The male flies in at 9:05 carrying part-eaten pigeon which he feeds on and stashes the remains by a column at 9:20. The female arrives a few moments later and grabs the stash and flies off with it; the male sits on the ledge with a full crop. He goes into the box at 9:55 and is soon joined by the female. He then moves back to the ledge and she moves stones around the box before joining him on the opposite ledge at 10:10. They remain there preening for the next three and a half hours until the female walks into the box. They swap places after five minutes and they are both on the ledge again at 13:45, then fly off together at 14:45. The female returns at 15:40 with very fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she plucks and eats on the platform. She stashes the remains at 16:15 and flies off ten minutes later. She is back at 23:15 and grabs the stashed pigeon however, she does not feed on it but re-stashes it by the column, then sits on the ledge until midnight at least.
9 January – at 2:35, the female drags her meal to the platform and feeds for 20 minutes, then returns to the ledge. She flies off at 7:30 and the male arrives at 8:15. Initially, he feeds on scraps on the platform, then the stashed pigeon. He drags the remains into the box at 8:45 and sits on the ledge. He leaves a few minutes later when the female flies in and she resumes feeding on the pigeon. She flies off at 9:05 and returns at 11:00 and sits on the ledge until 12:30, returning at 15:55 and picks at scraps on the platform. She is joined by the male ten minutes later and she goes into the box; he feeds on the scraps. He flies off with an old pigeon wing when the female walks to the platform at 16:10 and she follows. She returns to the ledge at 16:45 remaining until midnight at least.
10 January – the female remains on the ledge until 7:50 when she takes a short flight and returns with the male. They take turns in the box and there is calling between the pair, but the female flies off after a few minutes and the male settles on the ledge. The female is back at 8:20 with fresh Feral Pigeon prey. The male flies off and she follows ten minutes later carrying her meal. She is back 15 minutes later with her prey partially eaten. She stashes her meal and flies off at 8:55. The male arrives soon after and feeds on the pigeon. He flies off with it at 9:20 with the female flying just inches away trying to snatch it from him. He returns at 10:20 and goes into the box ten minutes later where he remains until 13:15 when the female flies in and forces him out onto the ledge. A few minutes later she walks onto the platform and he flies off. She sits on the ledge until leaving at 14:05. She is back 16:25 and remains until midnight at least.
11 January – the female flies off at 8:00. Whilst visiting the Cathedral in the afternoon to clean the cameras, the pair were noted sitting on crosses of the spire. They fly onto the platform together at 14:20 but leave together just five minutes later. The male is back after an hour but leaves after ten minutes. There is no further activity today.
12 January – the female makes a brief visit to the ledge at 7:40 and again at 8:55. She is back at 9:30 and goes into the box ten minutes later, then sits on the ledge; she leaves at 10:20. She is back at 13:05 carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she plucks and eats on the platform. She stashes the remains in the box at 13:35 and flies off a few minutes later. The male arrives at 16:00, quickly followed by the female. He tries to grab the stashed meal, but the female snatches it from him; he flies off whilst she feeds on the pigeon. She has finished at 16:10 and flies off. The male is back ten minutes later and sits on the ledge until he notices the pigeon remains; he feeds for 15 minutes then flies off at 16:30. There is no further activity this evening.
13 January – the female flies in at 7:35 but leaves after ten minutes. The pair return together at 9:15 and he picks at scraps as she feeds on the pigeon remains. He flies off after a few minutes and she leaves with her meal ten minutes later. The male is back picking at scraps at 9:45 but does not stay long. The female returns at 13:45 and sits on the ledge for 50 minutes. They return together at 15:55 and he picks at scraps again, as she makes scrapes. He walks to the ledge as she sits in the scrape moving stones. They swap places after ten minutes and she then flies off at 16:10; he returns to the ledge until leaving at 16:50. The female is back at 17:10 and remains until midnight at least.
14 January – the male flies in to join the female at 0:20. The female goes into the box and scrapes the stones before returning to the ledge 15 minutes later; they both fall asleep. At 7:30, they go into the box; the female in the scrape, the male looking for food. They move back to the ledge after five minutes. The female flies off at 8:10 whilst the male remains on the ledge, falling asleep at 9:55; he leaves at 10:20. The female flies in with very fresh Feral Pigeon prey an hour later. She plucks and feeds on her meal, then stashes the remains by a column at 11:20 and flies off. The male is back briefly at 15:05 and the pair fly in at 16:00. The female retrieves her meal and feeds whilst the male watches from the ledge. He flies off after 20 minutes and she stashes the remnants and leaves five minutes later. There is no further activity this evening.

15 January – the male flies in at 7:35 and feeds on the pigeon remnants. The female arrives 15 minutes later and snatches the meal; he flies off and lands on the opposite ledge. There is calling between the pair, then he settles and watches her feed. She finishes eating at 8:30 and pushes the male from his position; he moves into the box. They are on opposite ledges a few minutes later. He flies off at 8:40 and the female follows at 9:05. She is back at 16:40 picking at scraps but leaves after ten minutes. There is no further activity today.
16 January – the male lands at 4:40 and falls asleep on the ledge; he flies off at 8:10. The female flies in with fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 8:55. She plucks the pigeon then flies off with her meal at 9:15. She must have stashed it as the pair arrive together a few moments later. The female goes into the box and is followed by the male. He spies some scraps on the platform and starts to feed, then flies off. The female leaves five minutes later. The pair return at 11:20 but they both leave after a few minutes. The pair return briefly at 14:15 and the male flies in at 14:55 but quickly leaves. The female is back at 16:50 and settles down for the evening. She is joined by the male at 22:45 and she goes into the box to sit in the scrape for ten minutes, then returns to the ledge. They fall asleep and remain until midnight at least.
17 January – the pair remain on the ledge until the female makes a visit to the box at 00:25 and sits in the scrape for ten minutes before returning to the ledge where they remain until 7:10 when the female flies out. The male searches for scraps at 8:05. He goes into the box with the female when she arrives back at 9:30 but he quickly leaves, and she quickly follows. She returns briefly at 11:35 and again at 14:20. She flies in with very fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 14:45 which she plucks and eats on the platform. She stashes her meal at 15:00 when the male arrives, and they go into the box. Surprisingly, she then allows him to feed on her meal albeit, she is looking well fed. At 15:24, he tries to fly off with the pigeon, but the female grabs it from him, and she feeds for five minutes, then stashes it. She flies off at 15:55, is back at 17:00 and settles on the ledge remaining until midnight at least.
18 January – the female remains sleeping on the ledge until 7:30 when the male flies in and tries to snatch the stashed pigeon. She secures her meal and starts to feed whilst he watches on. The male leaves at 7:50 and she follows carrying her meal. The pair return two hours later; the female goes into the box and sits in the scrape. The male leaves five minutes later and is quickly followed by the female. The pair are back briefly at 14:20 and the male returns at 16:00 and remains on the ledge until 16:50 to be replaced by the female at 17:00. She remains until midnight at least.
19 January – the female takes a flight at 00:55 and returns at 1:40. She leaves again at 6:55 and returns with the male at 7:30. She goes into the box and sits in the scrape calling to the male. They swap places five minutes later and the male sits on the opposite ledge at 7:40. They both leave five minutes later returning together briefly at 10:10. The female returns at 15:55 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she plucks and eats on the platform. The male arrives 20 minutes later. She leaves with her meal at 16:35 and is followed quickly by the male. There is no further activity today.
20 January – the male arrives at 7:45 and sits on the ledge watching over the city; he leaves after ten minutes. There is no further activity until the pair fly into the box at 15:50. They call to one another, and the male then moves to the ledge and flies off. The female leaves at 16:00 after moving stones in the scrape. She is back at 17:05 and goes into the box where she falls asleep after a short preen. She is awake at 19:30, probably from the bell ringing, and walks to the ledge 15 minutes later. She falls asleep at 21:50 and remains until midnight at least.
21 January – the male joins the female on the ledge at 1:20 and he falls asleep. There is calling between the pair when she goes into the box briefly at 7:05. She flies off at 7:45 and is quickly followed by the male. He is back briefly at 10:30 and again a few minutes later. He is on the ledge at 11:05 and remains until 12:00. The female is back at 16:00 with fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she plucks and eats on the platform. The male flies in to check 15 minutes later but initially gets too close and the female mantles her meal; he retreats to the ledge. She flies off with the remnants at 16:35 and the male feeds on the scraps but before he has finished, the female returns and he is forced back onto the ledge. He then takes three short flights before leaving – probably to find the stash meal. The female remains on the ledge sleeping with a full crop until midnight at least.
22 January – the female remains on the ledge from the previous evening and is joined by the male at 7:15. She calls and walks towards him and gets very close. Their bond must be strong as he does not leave but remains on the ledge. The female flies off after a few moments. The male searches the platform for scraps, then returns to the ledge. He searches the box briefly at 7:35. At 7:50, the female arrives with fresh Feral Pigeon prey and he flies off. She stashes the remains at 8:25 and leaves. The male flies in immediately and snatches the stash and leaves with it just before the female returns; she flies off. The female is back at 9:50 and picks at scraps despite looking well fed. She then sits on the ledge, then the male returns at 10:55, snatches a piece of leftovers and flies out followed quickly by the female. A Stock Dove lands at 12:20 for a few minutes and is back 20 minutes later but leaves in a hurry when the male flies in. He flies off at 12:55 and is back at 15:45 and the female arrives at 16:00 and goes into the box. The male flies off and the female moves to the ledge, leaving after 30 minutes. There is no further activity.
23 January – the female flies in with very fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 6:55 and plucks it. She is about to stash it at 7:15 when the male arrives, so she flies off with it. She is back a few moments later and resumes plucking. She leaves carrying her meal at 7:50, followed by the male. She is back at 13:15 and picks at scraps on the platform, then sits on the ledge until the male arrives half an hour later and she goes into the box calling. She flies out at 13:50, then displaces the male at 14:30. She flies off at 15:00 and the male is back an hour later. He sits on the ledge for 40 minutes and the female returns at 17:15. She remains until midnight at least.
24 January – the female remains sleeping on the ledge from the previous evening and is joined by the male at 7:00. She goes into the box and sits in the scrape calling, whilst he picks at scraps on the platform. He is back on the ledge at 7:15 and she returns ten minutes later. She flies off at 7:45 and he leaves at 8:10. The female returns with fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 8:25 which she plucks and eats on the platform. The male arrives at 8:50 and watches from the ledge. She flies off with her meal at 9:00 and the male immediately follows. He is back a few minutes later, checks the box then feeds on scraps on the platform, leaving at 9:10. He returns at 9:30, again checks the box then picks at scraps and flies off ten minutes later. The pair return at 10:50; the female goes into the box and the male picks at scraps, then flies off quickly and the female soon after. The female returns briefly at 12:50 and at 15:45 she is on the ledge until 16:40. There is no further activity on camera today.
25 January – the male arrives at 6:35. He sits on the ledge until 8:00 when he searches the platform and box for food before returning to the ledge. The female flies in with fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 8:20; the male flies off five minutes later. She plucks and feeds on her meal flying off with the remains an hour later. The male immediately arrives and scours the platform for scraps, then sits on the ledge at 9:35, leaving ten minutes later. The female flies into the box at 14:00, then moves to the ledge, flying off at 14:55. The male soon replaces her but leaves after 15 minutes. The female is back on the ledge at 16:30 where she remains until at least midnight.
26 January – the female remains on the ledge and is joined by the male at 2:15. She goes into the box as he sits on the ledge and falls asleep. She moves back to the ledge at 5:30 and returns to the box at 6:35 and calls from the scrape for ten minutes; she flies off at 7:40. She returns 20 minutes later with fresh Feral Pigeon prey; the male goes into the box as she plucks and feeds on the platform. She flies off with the remains at 8:35 and the male walks to the platform and feeds on the scraps, then leaves. He is back at 15:25 and picks at scraps on the platform, then moves to the ledge. The female flies in at 15:55 and goes into the box and moves stones in the scrape. She moves to the ledge at 16:00 and the male flies off. She remains until 21:35 when she takes a brief flight then returns to the ledge and falls asleep until midnight at least.
27 January – the female remains on the ledge until 7:30 when she goes into the box when the male arrives. They swap places five minutes later. He flies out at 7:40 and she soon follows. There is no further activity until the male returns at 16:00 feeds on scraps, then moves to the ledge. He flies off 15 minutes later and the female lands at 16:30. She too feeds on scraps on the platform, then moves to the ledge at 17:05. She flies off at 20:20 and returns at 23:55 carrying very fresh Stock Dove prey.
28 January – the female continues to feed on the Stock Dove until 00:25 when she stashes it in the box. She moves to the ledge with a full crop and falls asleep. The male arrives at 6:35 and the female immediately defends her stashed meal. Her best defence is to eat it; which is what she does, with the male watching from the side. She then stands over it at 7:00 and turns her back on him. She starts feeding again 20 minutes later, then stashes the remains at 7:30. She flies off leaving the male with the remains. He grabs them and quickly starts to feed. He drags it into the box at 7:45 when he has had his fill and stashes the remnants. He flies off a few moments later. The female lands briefly calling loudly at 9:55. She returns five minutes with the male. There is a lot of calling and posturing and she goes into the box for a few moments, then flies out and he follows. He is back at 10:25, remaining until 11:45. He briefly lands ten minutes later. The female returns at 15:20 to feed on the stashed prey. She has finished at 15:50 and goes into the box as male flies in. He ignores the female calling from the box and snatches the remains and starts to feed on the platform. She walks to the ledge with a full crop and watches him. He has had his fill after ten minutes and flies off; she follows. She returns at 17:05 and picks up the remains from the platform and stashes it by a column, then walks to the ledge. She falls asleep and remains until at least midnight.
29 January – the female flies off at 7:30 and returns a few minutes later with the male. They go into the box for a brief bonding session. The male then moves to the ledge and the female follows after a few moments. The male picks up some scraps, ignoring the stashed meal, and flies off followed by the female. The pair are back at 9:05 and go into the box calling to each other. The male soon flies out and the female sits on the ledge, flying off ten minutes later. The pair are back 12:05, the male flying in at pace calling loudly. The female goes into the box as the male looks out over the city calling. They both fly out quickly. The female is back briefly at 12:20. The male lands for ten minutes at 12:30 and the female is back at 13:25 for five minutes. Their actions today suggest that there is an intruder in the area and indeed, at least three Peregrines have been observed in the city in recent days. The female is back at 14:15 but leaves almost immediately. She is back again at 15:50 and picks at scraps on the platform, then moves to the ledge until flying off at 17:05. There is no further activity today.
30 January – the pair arrive at 6:45 and the female goes into the box and sits in the scrape calling quietly to the male; he sits on the ledge. She moves some stones around and has a general tidy up. The male flies off at 7:20 and the female follows. He is back ten minutes later and goes into the box, then moves to the ledge and looks out over the city. He goes into the box at 8:40 and is joined by the female. They are on opposite ledges five minutes later but leave together soon after. The female is back at 11:15 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she stashes by a column. The male flies in calling ten minutes later and goes into the box. The female looks up into the skies and flies off; the male walks to the platform and calls loudly watching activity overhead, then flies off. He is back at 11:50 and takes the opportunity to feed on the stashed pigeon. He has had his fill after 15 minutes and re-stashes the pigeon, then sits on the ledge until 12:20 when he flies off. He is back with the female at 13:35. She moves stones in the scrape then feeds on the pigeon as he watches from the ledge. She flies off with her meal at 13:55 and the male feeds on scraps on the platform, then returns to the ledge. The female is back in the box at 14:35 and the male flies out ten minutes later; the female then moves to the ledge. She takes a short flight at 16:40 then remains on the ledge until midnight at least.
31 January – the female flies off at 7:05 returning at 7:40 remaining until 8:00. The male lands at 14:05 for five minutes. There is no more activity on camera today.