1 Feb – the female flies in at 00:15 and sits on the ledge with a full crop. She flies off at 5:10, returning 15 minutes later then leaves at 6:30. She is back briefly at 8:10 and again at 9:55. At 12:00, she arrives looking well fed and carrying the remains of her Feral Pigeon prey which she stashes in the box before leaving, returning again briefly at 12:50.
2 Feb – the female lands at 8:40, goes into the box to retrieve yesterday’s stashed pigeon and flies out. She does not return until 21:00 but then leaves almost immediately.
3 Feb – the female lands on the ledge at 2:55 and remains until flying off at 6:30. She is back briefly at 8:00, again at 9:05 and then five minutes later. At 10:55, she returns with the remains of her fresh Feral Pigeon meal which she stashes in the box. She is back at 16:15 and goes into the box to retrieve the stashed pigeon and flies off.
4 Feb – the female flies in at 15:55 carrying the remains of a Black-headed Gull meal and stashes it in the box, then flies out.
5 Feb – there was no activity today until 22:45 when the female arrives with fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she leaves on the platform, then leaves.
6 Feb – the female lands at 17:10. She goes into the box where she feeds on the remains of one of the stashed pigeons for ten minutes, then moves to the ledge before flying off at 17:25.
7 Feb – the female lands on the ledge at 7:25 and goes into the box to retrieve the gull meal, feeds briefly, then flies out with it. She is back briefly at 10:20. At 12:35, she seems to drop off one of the crosses above the box and lands on the platform with the small remains of a meal, stashes it in the box then flies off.
8 Feb – the female flies in with very fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 3:10. She flies off with it 15 minutes later but returns almost immediately. She plucks and feeds on her meal then stashes the remains in the box at 4:05. She sits on the ledge with a full crop until flying off at 6:20. She is back briefly at 8:05, 9:55 and again at 11:30. She is back at 12:10 and picks up one of the older stashed pigeons and flies off with it, returning 20 minutes later with the remains to stash in the box. she is back briefly at 15:20. At 16:40, she returns and feeds on a pigeon stashed earlier in the day, flying off with it at 17:00. She returns with the remains ten minutes later. At 17:15, what appears to be a NEW MALE lands on the platform and feeds on a stashed pigeon until 18:00 when he moves to the ledge, flying off after ten minutes. Late News for 7 February. An email received from one of our regular observers, Jack Riggall said; “today I was lucky to see not one but two Peregrines. They flew in to land on two of the mid-tier crosses next to each other, and were calling to each other a little. One of the birds seemed smaller to me and flew away twice only to return immediately to the Cathedral, and then flew away a third time without returning in the time I was there at approximately 3:30pm for 10-15 minutes”. We knew from the female’s recent behaviour that there was another bird in the area and hoped it would be a male. Jack’s observation and the image on camera now confirm this. Let’s hope this is the start of a new , successful breeding season.

9 Feb – the female flies in at 4:15, picks at one of the old Woodcock meals then moves to the ledge. She takes a short flight at 5:10 and returns to feed on pigeon remains. The NEW Male arrives at 6:50 and feeds on the remains of a pigeon. He drags it into the box when the female lands at 7:05. She joins him and he quickly leaves; she flies off at 7:15. The pair return at 7:45, but he leaves quickly. She goes into the box and feeds, then flies out with some scraps at 7:55. She returns briefly with her meal at 8:05 and again a few minutes later when she takes it into the box, stashes it and flies off. The male returns at 8:10, picks up the stashed meal and feeds on the platform and flies off with the remains 15 minutes later. The female is back briefly at 10:35 and the pair land together at 11:00. The female goes into the box and the male picks at scraps on the platform. He soon flies off and she follows. The female is back at 12:20 and calls from the box, before leaving soon after. The male lands at 12:55 and feeds on scraps on the platform – it looks as if he is ‘tidying’ the nest site, taking long-standing stashed items away. The female is back in the box briefly at 13:25. The pair return together at 14:10; the female goes into the box and the male on the platform and there is calling between them. The male does a bit more ‘housekeeping’ and flies off after five minutes and the female follows quickly. He is back removing more stashed prey at 14:25. The pair return at 15:00, again the female goes into the box and the male on the platform. He sits on the ledge for ten minutes, then leaves when the female approaches. They are back again at 16:00, but the female leaves quickly. The male goes into the box, then follows. He is back at 16:25 for five minutes. He returns at 17:30 and continues to clear the platform, again leaving after five minutes.
10 Feb – the female flies in at 2:10 and sits on the ledge until 3:00. She is back at 6:15 for ten minutes. The male arrives at 7:10 and is followed by the female. She forces her way past him into the box. He remains on the ledge flying off after five minutes; she watches, then follows. He returns briefly at 7:40. The female is back at 7:55 carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she takes into the box. She leaves with it five minutes later. The male lands just after she leaves but flies off quickly. The female lands briefly at 8:50 and is back at 9:10 and goes into the box for five minutes. She is back briefly at 9:45 The pair return at 12:25. The female goes into the box whilst the well-fed male remains on the platform. He leaves a few minutes later and she follows. The female is back at 13:45 carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey. She takes it into the box and plucks her meal and feeds. The male lands at 15:00 and tries to take food from the female. He leaves when she retaliates, and she flies off soon after. The male is back at 15:30 carrying part-eaten remains of Feral Pigeon. He leaves with his meal soon after.
11 Feb – the female flies in at 5:10. She goes into the box at 6:00 and flies out 20 minutes later. The pair are back five minutes later; the female in the box, the male on the ledge. They swap places at 6:50, then fly off together at 6:55. The male is back with another part-eaten meal at 8:15. He flies off with it ten minutes later. The female is in the box briefly at 9:00. The pair arrive at 11:35, the female in the box and the male on the ledge. He flies off with some leftovers ten minutes later and she follows. She is back at 13:20 and goes into the box for five minutes and makes scrapes in the stones – as sure sign she is in breeding mode! She repeats this at 14:45. She is in the box again at 16:20 for five minutes calling loudly.
12 Feb – the female lands on the ledge at 5:25 but leaves five minutes later. She is back at 7:15 and goes into the box calling then flies off. She returns at 8:20 carrying the remains of her Feral Pigeon meal but leaves almost immediately with it. She is back a few minutes later and stashes it in the box. The pair fly in soon after, the male on the ledge, the female in the box. He grabs the stashed pigeon, and she flies out. He watches her go, then feeds on the pigeon in the box before leaving at 9:05. The pair return briefly at 9:40. She is back on the platform briefly at 12:15 and the male goes into the box ten minutes later and makes a scrape in the stones – in the opposite corner to the female! He flies off after 25 minutes. The female lands at 14:45 but she leaves after a few minutes, and is back briefly at 17:15.
13 Feb – the female lands on the ledge at 00:20, well fed and sporting a full crop. She flies off at 6:25 but returns immediately with the male. She quickly flies off and he goes into the box before leaving a few minutes later. She lands briefly at 9:15 and the pair are back at 11:35 and there is bonding in the box. He leaves after a few minutes and she soon follows. The male lands at 12:50 carrying a small item of prey and the female is close behind and goes into the box. After a few minutes, he flies off with his meal and she follows. He is back with the meal at 13:00, leaves it on the platform and sits on the ledge, then leaves 15 minutes later. The pair are back at 16:15 but soon leave. The male brings in part-eaten Feral Pigeon at 16:30 and is quickly followed by the female. They do not stay long.
14 Feb – the female flies in at 5:25 and sits on the ledge until 7:00 when she flies off. She returns with the male ten minutes later and goes into the box. There is calling between the pair until the male moves to the ledge after five minutes. The female remains in the box then moves to the opposite ledge. She flies off at 7:30 and he leaves ten minutes later but returns immediately with the female. They have a brief bonding session on the platform, then the male leaves. At 7:45, she flies off and he flies in. She flies into the box at 8:10 whilst he remains on the ledge. She eventually flies out at 9:55, but he remains for another 15 minutes. The pair are back at 11:10 and they spend a few minutes in the box before the male flies out and she follows. There is no further activity on camera today.
15 Feb – the pair fly in at 7:10 and the female goes into the box. The male soon leaves, and she follows a few minutes later. The pair are back at 10:05 and go into the box and there is a short period of bonding. The male flies out after five minutes and the female follows. They return at 11:40 and disturb a Stock Dove that had been investigating the box. The female goes into the box and the male sits on the ledge looking well fed; they leave five minutes later. The male returns briefly at 15:45 to be replaced immediately by the female. She goes into the box but flies out five minutes later.
16 Feb – the female arrives at 2:10 and sits on the ledge until leaving at 6:00. The male flies in at 7:20 carrying a small item of unidentifiable prey. He eats it on the ledge then flies off at 7:30 but is back briefly a few moments later. The female lands with Feral Pigeon prey and stashes it in the box before leaving. The male is back at 8:00 and sits on the ledge for 30 minutes. At 9:10, the male flies in and grabs the stashed pigeon and flies off with it. He is back briefly, looking well fed, two hours later. The female lands at 14:05 and goes into the box for five minutes before flying out.
17 Feb – the male flies in briefly at 7:05. The female flies into the box but leaves quickly at 15:50. There is no other activity on camera.
18 Feb – the female lands on the ledge at 3:05 and remains until 6:15. She is back with the male at 6:50. She goes into the box whilst he sits on the ledge but fly off together ten minutes later. The male, looking very well fed, is back at 10:55 and is quickly joined by the female. They go into the box for some bonding, then he moves to the ledge. He flies off after 15 minutes and she follows. He is back briefly at 14:55 and 15:35.
19 Feb – the female lands on the ledge at 00:30 until 3:45. The pair fly in at 6:55 and go into the box for a short bonding session before he moves to the ledge. She leaves at 7:05 and he follows. The male is back at 10:00 and the female can be seen going to land on the cross above the platform. He checks the box, then leaves, and is back briefly at 11:25.
20 Feb – the pair arrive at 6:45and go into the box for a brief bonding session. The male flies out after a few minutes and the female soon follows. They are back in the box briefly at 7:25, 8:45 and again at 11:40. The male is back for a few minutes at 12:25, then quickly returns with the female. They spend a few moments in the box bonding before he flies out. She remains in the box making scrapes before leaving five minutes later. They are back in the box bonding briefly at 14:40.
21 Feb – the pair fly in at 6:40 and the male goes into the box. The female flies off quickly and the male leaves five minutes later. There was no further activity on camera.
22 Feb – the female arrives at 00:55 and sits on the ledge. She flies off at 6:30 and returns immediately with the male who goes into the box. She flies off five minutes later and he follows. The male is back at 7:30 and sits on the ledge for five minutes. He is back again at 12:10, goes into the box, then moves to the ledge and flying off. He returns briefly at 14:05.
23 Feb – the female is on the ledge at 4:30 remaining until 6:25. She returns with the male at 6:45 and they go into the box before flying out five minutes later. The male is back briefly at 7:20. At 8:45, the female arrives carrying a part-eaten Feral Pigeon meal. She stashes it in the box and leaves a few moments later. The male then lands and picks up the meal and feeds on the platform until leaving at 9:00. The female visits very briefly at 12:50. The pair arrive at 15:00 and go into the box, bonding for five minutes – this is the first time I have seen this pair touching beaks, showing the strength of their relationship. The male leaves after five minutes whilst the female makes scrapes in the stones and leaves a few minutes later. The female flies in at 23:50 carrying fresh Teal prey which she tries to stash in the box but the wings on her meal get in the way and she flies off with it.
24 Feb – the male lands for five minutes at 6:25. He is back 20 minutes later until 7:10. The female arrives with fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 12:05 but quickly leaves with it. She is back with her meal ten minutes later but again soon leaves with it.
25 Feb – the male flies onto the platform at 10:30, watches the sky and quickly flies off. The female, looking very well fed, arrives at 17:45 carrying the remains of her meal. She leaves it on the platform then flies off. There was no further activity on camera, however, one of our viewers noticed an altercation between two males and a female just outside the city centre. The resident pair saw off the intruding male and headed back to the city.
26 Feb – the male lands on the ledge at 6:20 and looks out over the city, then flies off with some inedible scraps. The pair return at 8:15 and go into the box for bonding. The male flies out after a few minutes, and the female five minutes later after making a scrape in the stones. The pair are back in the box for more bonding at 10:30. Again, the male leaves with scraps and the female leaves a few moments later.
27 Feb – the male lands on the ledge at 6:25. He moves into the box on the arrival of the female 20 minutes later. He flies out after a few minutes bonding and she soon follows. The well-fed male bounces off the platform at 14:35.
28 Feb – for the third day in succession, the male lands at 6:30. He goes into the box, then sits on the ledge before flying off ten minutes later. The pair fly into the box at 7:20 but leave quickly. They are back at 12:55. The male moves to the ledge after a few minutes bonding, then flies off, she quickly follows.