This is a diary of the Leicester Peregrines activities. If you have any questions or comments, please contact: Jim Graham: cropstonbirder@gmail.com

Click here for LIVE STREAMING of all three cameras.

DNA testing of the 2024 juveniles reveal that XRF and XNF are both males. Unfortunately, the sample for XSF failed.


13 Feb – the male flies into the box at 7:00 quickly followed by the female and then XRF who sits on the ledge calling. The male knocks the juvenile from the ledge as he exits the box, but XRF soon recovers. It goes into the box and forces the female onto the platform. The juvenile soon flies out quickly followed by the female. She returns at 8:35 and goes into the box briefly then flies out. The male lands with a full crop at 13:30 but quickly leaves.

13 Feb – the male flies into the box at 7:00 quickly followed by the female and then XRF who sits on the ledge calling. The male knocks the juvenile from the ledge as he exits the box, but XRF soon recovers. It goes into the box and forces the female onto the platform. The juvenile soon flies out quickly followed by the female. She returns at 8:35 and goes into the box briefly then flies out. The male lands with a full crop at 13:30 but quickly leaves.

12 Feb – after not seeing juvenile XRF on camera since the 6th, it lands on the ledge at 6:30 but leaves soon after. There was no activity thereafter.

11 February 2025 – Video: the pair bonding in the box.

11 FebPeregrine Watch Day: the male flies into the box at 7:45 and sits in the scrape. He is quickly joined by the female and there is a short period of bonding before he leaves. She tends the scrape, then moves to the ledge before flying off. When we arrived for the Watch Day at about 9:30, the male was sitting on a north-facing cross. The female soon landed on a south-facing cross. At 10:20, the pair flew off together going north and returned together five minutes later. The female left at 10:40 but the male remained until flying off at 11:10. He returned with the female five minutes later. He when on a hunting dive at 11:30 but returned without a meal a few minutes later. The pair left at 12:05 and the female was back at 12:15. She then went on a number of hunting sorties, mainly to the north and was last seen at 12:55, a few minutes before we left for the day. There was no sign of XRF in the area during our time in St Martins Square.

10 Feb – No activity on camera today.

9 Feb – the male arrives at 16:10 and goes into the box but leaves five minutes later.

8 Feb – the female is on the ledge at 7:30 for 25 minutes. The pair arrive together at 16:35 and go into the box for a bout of bonding. The male soon leaves and the female shortly after.

7 Feb – No activity on camera today.


14 Jan – the female flies in at 00:35 remaining until 7:05. XRF lands at 8:05 and picks at the stashed plover on the platform for a few minutes, then leaves it – it is probably still frozen from the freezing temperatures. The juvenile flies off five minutes later.

13 Jan – the male lands on the edge at 7:25 and is joined by the female at 7:45. He goes into the box, but she decides to grab the stashed pigeon and fly off. He returns to the ledge and leaves after a few minutes. The pair are back at 11:10 and go into the box for a bout of bonding but both quickly fly out.

13 January 2025 – Video: the pair bonding briefly in the box.

12 Jan – XRF arrives at 15:55 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey. It stashes it by a column and flies off five minutes later.

11 Jan – the male lands at 8:30 in the freezing, icy, foggy air. He checks out the scrape in the box an hour later before returning to the ledge and flying off at 9:35. He is back at 13:20 quickly followed by the female. He goes into the box but quickly leaves. She picks at scraps on the platform, checks the scrape then sits on the ledge until flying off at 14:55. She is back an hour later, checks the box then sits on the ledge until 16:50. The male is back at 19:30 for 20 minutes.

10 Jan – XRF lands at 7:25 and sits on the ledge for 15 minutes. This was the only action on camera today.

9 Jan – XRF flies in at 6:50 and the male lands briefly at 7:05. The juvenile leaves at 7:25. The male is back again at 8:55, ignores the stashed plover and flies off. He returns for a few minutes at 9:40. The female flies in briefly at 13:20.

8 Jan – the male arrives at 3:05 and falls asleep on the ledge. He is joined by XRF at 6:40. The male flies off at 7:05 and the juvenile follows 45 minutes later. The juvenile is back at 15:50 with a small prey item and feeds on it, then flies off ten minutes later. The female flies in at 18:45 carrying fresh Golden Plover prey, stashes it by a column and leaves.

7 Jan – the pair fly in together at 12:00. They go into the box for a short bonding session, but the male quickly leaves, and the female follows soon after.

6 January 2025 – Video: the pair bonding noisily in the box.

6 Jan – the male flies in at 12:25 quickly followed by the female with a full crop. He goes into the box, and she soon follows for a brief bout of bonding. He flies off after five minutes and she leaves a few moments later. XRF arrives at 16:05 and checks the box for scraps, then sits on the ledge until 16:15.

5 Jan – the sleet and snow started soon after midnight and continued for most of the morning. There is no activity on camera until XRF land briefly at 19:30. It is back 20:55 but does not stay long.

4 Jan – the male remains sleeping on the ledge until 7:45. At 9:10, XRF arrives with part-eaten Golden Plover prey followed by the female who quickly leaves. The meal is stashed in the box and the juvenile sits on the ledge with a full crop until leaving at 9:50. The female is back ten minutes later and feeds on the plover before flying off at 10:30. XRF is back at 14:15 and sits on the ledge. The female flies into the box ten minutes later and is pursued by the juvenile. She quickly leaves and XRF feeds on scraps before returning to the ledge at 14:50 and flying off 15 minutes later.

3 Jan – the male lands briefly at 11:50. He flies into the box at 12:35 and is soon joined by the female. He moves to the ledge after a short bout of bonding and quickly fly out together. XRF flies onto the ledge at 15:25 and remains until 16:30. The male returns at 23:30 and falls asleep until midnight.

2 Jan – XRF lands with the male at 7:20 but they quickly leave. The adults fly in together at 12:55 and go into the box for a short bonding session. He soon flies out as she feeds on scraps, then moves to the ledge before leaving at 13:10.

1 Jan – the female leaves the safety of the box at 00:10 after the fireworks had calmed down. The male is back at ten minutes later looking for her. He sits on the ledge then goes into the box at 00:30. He is back on the ledge at 2:10 but is displaced by XRF at 6:05. The juvenile flies off at 8:00 and returns at 10:25 followed by the female who goes into the box to feed on scraps. XRF is unhappy about this and forces the adult onto the ledge, then to leave. The juvenile flies off at 11:10 but returns at 13:30 with a full crop. It flies off at 16:30 and is replaced by the male but he does not stay long.

1 January 2025 – Video: the male sits in the box preening.


31 December 2024 – Video: the male flies off and the female cowers in the box as the New Year fireworks begin!

31 Dec – the male remains on the ledge from the previous evening and is joined by the female at 3:20. She goes into the box at 6:35, picks at an old Woodcock and moves back to the ledge as the male flies off. She leaves at 7:50 and returns at 1:25 for ten minutes. XRF flies in at 10:15 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey which it plucks and eats in the box. The female lands briefly at 10:25 then flies into the box with fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 10:55 and joins the feeding juvenile. She leaves with the remains at 11:20 and XRF stashes its meal then moves to the ledge with a full crop and flies off. It is back ten minutes later and sits on the ledge with a full crop. The male lands at 12:00 but is forced off by the arrival of the female. She feeds on the juvenile’s stashed pigeon, then moves to the ledge at 13:00 with a full crop. The juvenile goes into the box at 15:40 then forces the female from the ledge and follows her. The male lands at 16:00 and is joined by the female at 22:55. They sit on opposite ledges until 23:55 when the male flies off and the female cowers in the corner of the box as the fireworks start for New Year! She flies off when they stop after ten minutes.

30 Dec – the female arrives at 3:30. She makes a short flight at 4:45. She goes into the box at 7:25 on the arrival of the male. He sits on the ledge whilst she feeds on the stashed pigeon. He leaves at 7:50 as she continues feeding until 8:05 when she flies off. XRF flies in at 11:55 for 15 minutes. The female is back at 14:55 and feeds on the scraps of an old Woodcock then flies off with it. XRF is back at 15:10 and is joined by the female at 15:55. The female leaves at 16:10 but returns at 16:45; the juvenile immediately flies off but quickly returns to force the female off and quickly follows. The male flies in at 18:05 and is joined by the female at 21:35. They fly off together at 22:55 but he quickly returns and remains until midnight.

29 Dec – XRF lands briefly at 3:20. It is back at 13:45 with a very full crop. The female lands briefly ten minutes later, also with a full crop. The juvenile leaves at 14:35. It returns at 15:00 carrying the remains of a Feral Pigeon meal and stashes it by a column, then flies off at 15:50.

28 Dec – XRF arrives at 6:35 until 7:15. The male flies in briefly at 16:35.

27 Dec – the female flies in through the fog at 7:45 and leaves after 15 minutes. She is back at 15:05 immediately followed by XRF with a full crop. She flies off after ten minutes whilst the juvenile remains until 15:30.

26 Dec – there was no activity on camera today – probably recovering from the festivities!

25 DecMerry Christmas to all our Viewers – at 10:40, XRF flies in carrying its Christmas lunch, a half-eaten Woodcock – no doubt caught the previous evening. It takes the meal into the box then moves to the ledge after ten minutes with a full crop. The female lands a few minutes later and feeds on the remains of the Woodcock as the juvenile watches on. The female leaves at 11:00 but XRF remains until 12:00.

24 Dec – XRF arrives at 6:45 until 7:10. The female flies in at 8:50 for five minutes. The male lands at 9:40 and goes into the box at 10:45 on the arrival of the female. He leaves a few minutes later and she soon follows, after tending to the scrape. The female flies in at 12:55 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon quickly followed by the juvenile. She goes into the box to feed whilst XRF sits on the ledge until 13:05 when it attempts to snatch the meal from the female but has to return to the ledge. it has another attempt 15 minutes later. Again, it is thwarted and moves back to the ledge. at 13:35 XRF grapples with the female to force her to give up her meal. The female flies off with it pursued by the juvenile. XRF is back at 14:15 and must have eaten as it now has a full crop remaining until 17:25.

23 Dec – the male lands at 7:30 quickly followed by XRF. He flies off pursued by the juvenile who returns a few minutes later. XRF moves into the box when the female arrives at 7:40 and then flies out followed by the female. The male is back briefly at 8:40 and the female at 10:00, calling loudly. The pair return together at 13:25 and go into the box. The female finds some scraps and feeds, whilst the male flies out after a few minutes. She moves to the ledge before leaving at 13:50.

22 December 2024 – Video: juvenile XRF forces the female from the box.

22 Dec – the female arrives at 1:25 and remains until 7:25. She returns ten minutes later quickly followed by XRF. She goes into the box but is forced out by the juvenile. They fly off together at 7:40. The adults return together at 9:00. The male flies out after five minutes bonding in the box whilst the female tidies the scrape, then feeds on scraps on the platform which she takes into the box. She shelters from the hailstorm until it has subsided at 9:50. She returns at 11:30 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey and looking well fed. She continues feeding on the platform until there is nothing left by 12:10. She remains on the platform until 12:35 when she goes into the box before flying out at 13:10. The pair return together at 15:05 and go into the box. The male quickly leaves, but the female remains in the box tending the scrape until flying off at 16:00.

21 Dec – the female arrives at 1:35, remaining until 7:35. The male flies in at 8:10 and feeds on yesterday’s Blackbird, leaving with it after ten minutes. The male and female arrive together at 9:35 and go into the box for a short bonding session. The male quickly leaves, and the female moves to the ledge. She takes a short flight at 10:55 and leaves five minutes later. The male is back at 15:20 and feeds on scraps on the platform, then flies off after ten minutes.

20 Dec – the male lands briefly at 7:50. The female goes into the box at 13:45 and tends to the scrape before picking at scraps. She flies out an hour later when XRF arrives. The juvenile flies off at 15:55 but is back a few minutes later carrying fresh Blackbird prey. It feeds on the platform, then moves to the ledge until flying off at 16:45.

19 Dec – XRF lands briefly at 3:55. The female arrives at 4:40 and takes short hunting flights at 5:00 and 5:05 before leaving at 5:40.

18 Dec – the female remains on the ledge and is joined by the male at 4:35 but he leaves after 20 minutes. The female goes into the box when XRF lands at 7:25. She grabs the stashed pigeon but the juvenile snatches it from her. She takes a short flight at 8:05 and XRF protects its meal in the box. Between 9:00 and 10:25, the female takes six short flights, most probably hunting, whilst the juvenile feeds. XRF flies out and the female feeds on scraps. She flies out at 11:10. The male is back at 15:05 quickly followed by XRF who goes into the box. He soon flies off and the juvenile leaves five minutes later.

17 Dec – the female flies in at 2:15 remaining until 7:15. The male arrives at 9:50 and is quickly joined in the box by the female but he then leaves. She tends to the scrape then feeds on the stashed pigeon in the box, and the remains of a Woodcock on the platform before flying off at 10:45. The male is back at 16:10 but flies off when the female lands five minutes later carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey. She plucks and feeds on the platform then stashes the remains by a column at 16:40 and leaves ten minutes later. She is back at 22:50 followed by XRF but she forces the juvenile from the platform and remains until midnight.

16 Dec – the female sleeps on the ledge until 1:35 when she feeds on another stashed Woodcock on the platform, then returns to the ledge at 2:15. XRF lands at 7:00 and the female moves to defend the remains of her meal. The juvenile calls loudly but the female continues to fee until 7:10 when she flies off. The juvenile feeds on leftovers for 15 minutes, then leaves at 7:30. The male lands at 18:15 and sits on the ledge with a full crop. He takes a short flight at 20:15 then returns to the ledge until 22:30 when he flies off.

15 Dec – the male lands on the ledge at 6:30 and remains for an hour. The female arrives at 7:55 and grabs one of the long-standing Woodcock meals and flies off with it. The male returns at 11:50 and goes into the box calling, then sits on the ledge before leaving at 12:00. He is back again briefly at 13:35. XRF flies in at 13:50 and sits at the back of the box, then feeds on a stashed pigeon at 14:35 before moving to the ledge at 14:50. It returns to the box at 15:25 to feed on the pigeon. The male lands on the ledge at 15:25 but quickly leaves. The juvenile is back on the ledge at 15:40. It feeds on scraps on the platform 30 minutes later and flies off at 17:45 on what looks to be a hunt. The female lands at 23:15 and feeds on an old Woodcock, then sits on the ledge until midnight.

14 Dec – XRF is on the ledge from 6:10 until 7:40 and the male lands briefly at 9:05. The juvenile is back at 13:20 with a full crop until 13:45.

13 Dec – there was no activity on camera today.

12 Dec – there was no activity on camera today.

11 Dec – the male lands at 15:15, pecks at one of the old Woodcock meals but leaves it, then checks the box before flying out.  

10 December 2024 – Video: the bonding pair are interrupted by the arrival of XRF.

10 Dec – XRF lands at 8:25 and goes into the box for five minutes, then leaves. The adults fly in together for a short bout of bonding at 14:15 but are soon interrupted by the arrival of the juvenile. The male quickly flies out followed by the female, then the juvenile a few minutes later.

9 December 2024 – Video: Juvenile XRF bring in fresh Little Auk prey.

9 Dec – XRF arrives at 15:10 carrying fresh Little Auk prey (!) and takes it into the box. After feeding, it moves to the ledge with a full crop at 15:45 and flies off ten minutes later. The male lands at 16:05 and retrieves the remains of the juvenile’s meal and flies out with it. He is back a few minutes later and returns to the box for five minutes before moving to the ledge and flying off. The juvenile is back at 18:10 and goes into the box and grabs one of the old, stashed meals. It feeds briefly then sits on the ledge looking up into the sky before leaving at 18:25. NB: Little Auk is a rare vagrant to the county the most recent records being in 2007 and 1997. Amazingly, there was another flying around at Rutland Water on the 10th.

8 Dec – XRF flies in at 8:25 carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey. It takes its meal into the box to pluck and feed. The adults arrive at 9:05 whilst the juvenile is still feeding. The male grabs some scraps and flies off whilst the female leaves five minutes later. XRF continues feeding for another hour then sits on the ledge with a full crop. It soon returns to the box and shelters at the back before flying out at 10:25. The juvenile is back at 15:25 and goes into the box to continue feeding on the pigeon remains until it flies out at 15:50. The female flies into the box at 17:55 and leaves after ten minutes.

7 Dec – the female joins the sleeping male at 1:00. He flies off in very windy conditions at 7:05 and the female follows 45 minutes later. XRF arrives at 9:10 carrying the remains of a Feral Pigeon which it stashes by a column before leaving ten minutes later. The juvenile returns at 12:45 to finish off the stashed meal. It flies off after 15 minutes. It returns at 15:50 and feeds on the scraps of the pigeon before leaving at 16:30.

6 Dec – the female remains sleeping on the ledge until 7:00 when she flies off. She is back briefly at 16:15. The male flies in at 21:05 and remains on the ledge until midnight.

5 Dec – the male is joined by the female at 00:40. She goes into the box and scrape at 1:10 for ten minutes, then returns to the ledge. The male flies off at 6:25, whilst the female remains until 7:10. The male is back at 13:55 for 15 minutes. He returns at 15:50 and is quickly joined by XRF who looks well fed. The juvenile takes a short flight at 16:10 but is soon back. The male flies off at 16:30 and the juvenile at 16:55. The female lands five minutes later also looking well fed. She is joined by the male at 17:05 and goes into the box and scrape, returning to the ledge after 20 minutes. The pair go into the box at 18:05 for a short bonding session but the male soon flies out and the female returns to the ledge and remains until midnight.

5 December 2024 – Video: the pair have a short bonding session.

4 Dec – The male lands on the ledge at 8:10 for ten minutes. XRF arrives at 15:15, checks the box then flies out five minutes later. The male is back at 15:35 for ten minutes, then returns at 23:40 and remains until midnight.

3 Dec – XRF lands briefly at 7:30. It returns at 8:50 and goes into the box and feeds on a stashed meal. It moves to the ledge with a full crop at 9:35 and flies off at 9:45.

2 Dec – the male remains from the previous evening until 6:50. XRF flies in at 12:05 carrying part-eaten Woodcock prey, takes it into the box and feeds. It then moves to the ledge 30 minutes later and flies off at 12:45 taking yesterday’s unidentified meal with it.

1 Dec – the male remains on the ledge from the previous evening and is joined by the female at 1:05 carrying freshly plucked unidentifiable prey. She stashes it by a column and flies off and the male follows. XRF lands at 10:10 and picks at one of the Woodcocks but then decides to explore other prey, and finds the freshly stashed item from earlier. It proceeds to feed for ten minutes, then flies off leaving the remains. The male is back with a full crop at 22:30 and sits on the ledge until midnight.