1 Aug – XRF lands briefly at 6:25. This was the only activity on camera today.
2 Aug – the male lands at 7:45 and goes into the box, returning to the ledge five minutes later. He is joined by the female at 8:20 and they go into the box for a bout of bonding and scraping. He flies out after five minutes and she leaves after a further ten minutes.
3 Aug – the female flies in at 1:45 remaining until 5:30. The male arrives at 6:40 quickly followed by XRF. He soon leaves and the juvenile chases after him. The male is back at 7:35 carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey and is followed by the female who snatches the prey from him. He flies off and she takes the meal into the box. She flies off with it at 8:05. The male is back at 10:50 and goes into box for five minutes before moving to the ledge. He is forced off at 12:15 when XNF flies. The juvenile has a full crop and sits on the ledge until flying off ten minutes later. The male returns at 21:20 until 22:45.
4 Aug – XRF lands at 5:00 and sits on the ledge for 30 minutes. At 9:35, XNF flies into the box with food. XRF is close behind and sits on the ledge with a full crop and leaves 15 minutes later. XNF has finished eating at 10:05 and moves to the ledge, then flies off at 10:20.
5 Aug – the male arrives at 13:30 with a full crop, quickly followed by XNF. He goes into the box but soon retreats to the ledge. The juvenile remains in the box calling loudly until 13:55 when it forces the male from the ledge. It flies off soon after.
6 Aug – the male lands at 1:45 and sits on the ledge until 6:05 when he flies out. There was no other activity on camera today but during the Peregrine Watch there were at least two juveniles and both adults on the spire during the morning session.

7 Aug – the male lands at 4:45 until 6:00. He is back at 7:00 and is quickly joined by XRF. They go into the box, but he soon leaves and the juvenile follows. He is back on the ledge at 21:50 remaining until midnight.
8 Aug – the male remains on the ledge until 5:50. He is back at 7:35 for 20 minutes. He goes into the box at 9:10 but is back on the ledge a few minutes later remaining until 10:00. The pair fly in at 10:35 and the male leaves after five minutes bonding whilst the female tends the nest scrape before flying out at 11:15. The male returns at 17:30 looking very well fed. The female arrives at 18:30 and the pair went into the box. He returned to the ledge after a few minutes bonding and she tidied the scrape. They are disturbed at 19:25 by the arrival of XRF. Both adults leave quickly and the juvenile at 19:35. The male returns at 21:50 remaining until midnight.
9 Aug – the male remains on the ledge from the previous evening and is joined by XRF at 5:10, so he flies off and the juvenile follows. He is back at 19:05 until 19:25. The female flies into the box 20:05 for ten minutes.
10 Aug – the female flies in at 3:50 and leaves at 6:30. The male lands briefly twice at 10:55 but here was no activity thereafter on camera today.
11 Aug – the female arrives at 7:45 carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey and is quickly followed by XRF and XNF. She takes it into the box to pluck whilst the juveniles remain on the ledge. After a few minutes, XNF snatches the meal from the female and feeds. XRF tries to get a piece but fails, so returns to the ledge with the female sitting opposite. At 8:55, the female tries to retrieve some of the meal, but XNF will nor give up and drags the pigeon across the platform and back. The female and XNF fly off at 9:05 and XRF quickly follows. XNF is back briefly a few minutes later. The female flies into the box at 10:35 and XNF joins her at 11:25. But the female leaves and the juvenile follows a few minutes later. The male returns to the ledge at 20:50 until 22:25.

12 Aug – at 4:05, XRF arrives on the ledge, then flies off 45 minutes later. The female lands at 19:55 carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey. She is quickly followed by XNF although the juvenile already has a full crop and looks well fed. The female feeds in the box whilst the juvenile dozes on the ledge. XNF snatches a small piece of the meal at 20:40 when the female has finished eating. She flies out as XRF joins its sibling. XNF flies off five minutes later and XRF feeds on scraps in the box before leaving at 20:55. The male flies onto the ledge at 22:20 and remains until midnight.
13 Aug – the male remains on the ledge from the previous evening until 00:30. He is back at 13:35 and goes into the box feeding on scraps and tidying the scrape. He moves to the ledge at 13:55 and takes a brief flight at 16:00. The female arrives a few minutes later and goes into the box. He flies off at 16:05 whilst she tends to the scrapes before moving to the ledge at 18:30 and leaving at 18:55. The male arrives five minutes later but leaves at 19:20.
14 Aug – the male arrives at 7:00 and goes into the box tending the scrape for five minutes, then sits on the ledge briefly before flying off. XRF flies in at 20:30 and feeds on scraps in the box before returning to the ledge after 15 minutes, then flying off at 20:55. The male returns at 23:45 and remains until midnight.
15 Aug – the male remains on the ledge from the previous evening until 5:00 when XRF arrives and forces him into the box, then fly off. XRF moves to the ledge but leaves at 5:30. XNF flies into the box carrying Feral Pigeon prey at 8:00 but leaves with its meal just a few minutes later only to quickly return with the meal. It flies off after a few minutes but quickly returns. The female lands at 8:10 and XRF almost lands on top of her forcing her to leave. XRF sits on the ledge whilst XNF feeds on the pigeon in the box. It stashes the remains and moves to the ledge at 8:35. XRF flies off at 9:00 and XNF leaves soon after. The male flies in at 10:05 with a full crop. He moves into the box at 11:35 when the female arrives but he quickly leaves. She remains in the box feeding on the stashed pigeon, then tending the scrape and preening until 12:35 when she flies out. The male and XNF land together at 19:50. The male leaves after a few minutes whilst the juvenile searches for scraps, then sits on the ledge until leaving at 20:05.
16 Aug – XNF flies in at 9:00 carrying Great Spotted Woodpecker prey and takes it into the box. It tries to fly out with the meal ten minutes later but drops it. XNF returns to the platform looking for its meal, then leaves at 9:15. It is back 30 minutes later searching the box but soon leaves. The male lands at 12:25 and goes into the box at 12:55 and tends to both scrapes. He is back on the ledge ten minutes later flying off at 13:50.
17 Aug – XRF arrives on the ledge at 5:25 for 20 minutes. The female lands at 10:45 carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey. She takes her meal into the box and feeds until 11:40 when she flies out with a full crop. The male quickly arrives and feeds on the remains then moves to the ledge at 12:20 with a full crop. He goes into the box at 14:30 when XRF arrives but is quickly forced off by the juvenile. XRF leaves ten minutes later. The male is back at 17:35 and feeds on the remnants of the pigeon and moves to the ledge at 18:05. He is joined by the female at 19:40 and goes into the box and picks at scraps. The male flies out and XRF flies in a few minutes later and snatches the scraps from the female who quickly leaves. The juvenile feeds, then flies off at 19:50.
18 Aug – the male arrives at 3:40 with a full crop and falls asleep until he flies off at 5:50. The female flies in at 6:45 and goes into the box looking for scraps and tending the scrape, then moves to the ledge before flying off at 7:05. The male is back at 9:25 for 30 minutes. He returns again at 13:15 and is joined by the female at 13:45. They go into the box bonding, until he flies out at 14:00 whilst she remains until XRF arrives at 15:15 and forces her out. The juvenile sits on the ledge with a full crop for ten minutes. The male is back at 21:00 and remains until midnight.
19 Aug – the male flies off at 1:00 and is replaced by the female at 3:05. She falls asleep and is surprised by the return of the male at 3:20 and she flies off. He falls asleep until leaving at 5:45. The male flies in at 11:20 quickly followed by XNF. He is soon forced out and the juvenile sits on the edge until 11:30. The female is back at 20:25 and remains on the ledge until midnight.
20 Aug – the female remains on the ledge until 6:10 when she flies off. There is no further activity today.
21 Aug – the male flies in at 3:50 until 5:55. He is back at 19:50 and goes into the box when the female arrives with a full crop at 20:20. She joins him in the box and there is a brief bout of bonding before he moves to the ledge. She remains in the box until moving to the opposite ledge at 20:50. The male flies off three hours later whilst the female remains until at least midnight.
22 Aug – the male joins the female on the ledge at 1:15. He flies off at 5:50 and the female leaves at 6:25. She is back 20 minutes later and sits on the platform progressively moving into the box by 7:45 until flying out at 8:40. The female is back at 9:05 and goes into the box where she preens and dozes. The male lands at 12:00 quickly followed by XNF. The male flies off and XNF goes into the box which forces the female to leave. The juvenile moves to the ledge and flies off at 12:15. The male is back at 14:45 pursued by XRF. He quickly bounces in and out of the box and sits on the ledge for five minutes until the juvenile forces him off and follows. The male is back at 20:45 and remains until midnight.
23 Aug – the male flies off at 1:05 and returns 45 minutes later. At 5:35 he goes into the box, looks around and returns to the ledge. XNF flies in at 5:50 and the male leaves. The juvenile follows five minutes later. The female lands briefly at 9:10. The male flies in with a full crop at 10:25 and goes into the box. The female joins him ten minutes later and is followed by XRF. The male leaves whilst the female and juvenile remain in the box. XRF flies out at 10:40 but the female remains until 15:00.
24 Aug – XRF arrives at 7:25 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey and takes it into the box where it feeds. It takes it to the platform at 7:50 and flies out with the remains at 8:10. XNF flies into the back in the box with another Feral Pigeon meal at 8:55, then moves to the ledge at 9:10 after feeding, where it sits with a full crop until 9:40. The male lands on the ledge at 18:35 and goes into the box ten minutes later and feeds on the remains of a pigeon. He is back on the ledge at 19:25. The female arrives at 19:40 and they go into the box. He quickly leaves and she feeds on the pigeon scraps, moving to the ledge at 20:05 and flying off 15 minutes later.
25 Aug – the female lands at 12:20 and goes into the box. The male arrives on the ledge at 14:10 but leaves after five minutes. The female leaves at 16:50. The male returns at 17:15 remaining until 18:05. He is back again at 19:50 and is joined by the female at 20:45. They both remain until midnight.
26 Aug – the pair remain on the ledge together until 00:15 when the male flies off. The female leaves at 6:00. The male flies in at 19:45 quickly followed by XNF and XRF. He soon leaves. XRF flies off ten minutes later whilst XRF remains until 20:25.
27 Aug – the female flies in at 1:30 with a full crop and carrying Feral Pigeon prey and sits on the ledge. She flies off when XNF lands at 5:45, finds the stashed pigeon and feeds. The male lands at 6:05 and the juvenile flies out with its meal. XNF returns with a full crop at 6:30 and the male leaves. The male is back at 11:45 and is followed by XNF. The adult leaves at 12:00 and the juvenile moves to the ledge and flies off at 12:15. XNF is back at 14:35 and takes a short flight at 16:05 then leaves at 16:55. The female lands at 18:25 and flies off at 18:45.
28 Aug – XRF lands briefly at 9:25. The male arrives at 11:00 and remains on the ledge until 12:10. There was no further activity on camera today.

29 Aug – the female flies in at 00:05 looking well fed and carrying fresh Redshank prey which she stashes by a column. She remains on the ledge until flying off at 6:10. The male flies in briefly at 9:35. He is back at 11:35 quickly followed by the female. He goes into the box, and she picks up the stashed Redshank. He leaves and she follows with her meal. He is back again at 13:25 followed by the female and XRF. Both adults leave quickly, and the juvenile soon follows. He lands briefly a few minutes later. He is back again at 16:15 remaining until 17:35. XRF flies in at 18:15 carrying the remains of a Feral Pigeon meal and sits on the ledge after feeding before leaving at 19:35.
30 Aug – the male arrives at 13:00 and sits on the ledge for 40 minutes. He returns at 15:15 and goes into the box before moving to the ledge at 15:30 and flying off 15 minutes later. The pair land at 16:55 and go into the box for a bonding session. She sits in the scrape and tidies it whilst he watches. He leaves at 17:25 and she quickly follows.
31 Aug – the male lands at 19:55, checks the box then sits on the ledge before flying off at 20:05. This was the only activity on camera today.