1 August – the female remains on the ledge until 5:30 when she flies off and is replaced by the male ten minutes later. She forces him off the ledge when she lands at 5:50 but only stays for five minutes. He is back at 6:15 and sits on the ledge until 7:10 when he flies off. There is no further activity on camera today.
2 August – the first activity of the day on camera was at 10:25 when the female flew into the box and lay down in the stones. She remained there for over three hours until flying off at 13:35. She is back at 19:40 with very fresh Feral Pigeon prey and plucks and eats it on the platform. At 20:50, she has finished and stashes the remains inside the box by a column then settles on the ledge with a full crop. The male arrives ten minutes later and makes a grab for the stash, but the female is quick to pounce on it and prevents him. He sits on the ledge, but the female guards her meal and mantles it whilst calling loudly at him. There is an uneasy stand-off for 20 minutes until he leaves. She re-stashes her meal by the central columns and moves to the ledge. The male sneaks in at 22:50 and steals the stash. The female watches him go, then falls asleep.
3 August – the female remains on the ledge until 5:40 when she flies off to chase after a pigeon that passes close by. The male flies in and picks at some scraps on the ledge before flying off again. The female returns at 6:35 and looks around the box for food but leaves after ten minutes. She is back at 8:15 with fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she plucks and eats in the box. She stashes the remains by a column at 8:50 and flies off ten minutes later. The male flies in at 12:00, already with a full crop and so ignores the stashed pigeon. The female returns at 14:10 to recover her meal and the male flies off and she feeds for 40 minutes. The male is back at 15:40 and the female flies off with her meal and is followed by the male. She is back at 16:10, still with a full crop, holding the remains of her meal which she stashes. The male flies in and entices the female into the box but then sneaks around the column to steal the stash. The female sits on the ledge remaining until midnight.
4 August – the female remains sleeping on the ledge until 5:30. The male flies in five minutes later and goes into the box. The female joins him at 8:50 and after a few minutes bonding he moves to the ledge. She walks towards him, and he flies off; she leaves at 9:05. The male is back at 9:55 and goes into the box and falls asleep. At 13:20, he takes a walk onto the platform and looks out just as the female returns. He moves to the ledge then flies off and she follows. The pair are back at 14:05; the male sits on the ledge whilst the female is in the box. They swap places at 16:15 and she flies off five minutes later. The male moves to the ledge two hours later. He moves back into the box when the female returns at 20:55. She goes into the box and after a few moments, he flies out as she moves to the ledge remaining until midnight.
5 August – the female remains on the ledge until 4:50 when she flies off. The male flies in at 4:45 and goes into the box at 6:20 when the female returns with fresh Feral Pigeon prey. She calls loudly to the male for 20 minutes before she starts to pluck and eat her meal. She flies off with it ay 7:15 and the male walks to the platform and feeds on a few scraps before sitting on the ledge returning to the box at 7:30. The female joins him at 8:00 with a full crop then moves to the ledge. She is back in the box with him 35 minutes later, but he moves to the platform using the central columns to hide behind a few minutes later and then on the ledge at 9:00. They remain in these positions until he flies off at 13:15 and she moves to the ledge at 15:30, flying off ten minutes later. The male returns immediately and settles on the ledge. The pair are back in the box at 17:15 but the male soon flies out. She remains there until 19:50 when she leaves.
6 August – the male flies onto the ledge at 2:10 and falls asleep. He takes a short flight at 5:50 and another at 6:30 – no doubt hunting forays. He is off again at 6:45 and returns at 7:30. The female flies in at 11:50 and he goes into the box. She joins him and he walks to the ledge. She calls at him until he flies off at 12:10; she leaves 20 minutes later. She is back at 13:15 and takes a short flight at 13:35 before returning to the box. She lies down in the stones at 14:00 and remains there until the male returns sporting a full crop at 16:40. He flies out almost immediately and the female follows. She returns at 18:40 with very fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she plucks and eats on the platform. She stashes the remains by a column at 20:45, then settles on the ledge for the evening.
7 August – the female remains on the ledge from the previous evening. At 5:20, the male flies in and immediately the female protects her stash; he flies off. She stashes it again, this time a little closer to where she is sitting. At 6:05, she moves to the opposite ledge leaving her stash exposed. The male flies in at 8:20 and she goes into the box. He sees his opportunity to steal the stash but is too slow, the female beats him to it. He checks from a different angle but then flies off. The female feeds a little more on her meal, then stashes the remains and moves back to the ledge. At 9:00 when the male arrives, she goes into the box. This time he manages to get to the stash before the female realises what has happened. She returns to the ledge then in the box at 9:45 before flying out at 14:00. The male flies in at 20:50 and settles on the ledge for the evening.
8 August – the male remains on the ledge until 4:20 when he moves into the box. He is back on the ledge at 5:05 but returns to the box when the female flies in five minutes later. She calls loudly and he flies out; she leaves at 5:30. The male is back with a full crop at 5:45 and settles on the ledge. He moves into the box at 6:20, returning to the ledge three hours later. He flies off when the female returns at 8:30 but she only stays for ten minutes. The male is back at 12:05 and is soon joined by the female who goes into the box. He flies off at 12:25 and she follows soon after. He is back on the ledge at 12:35, moving into the box at 15:50 when the female returns with the remains of her morning meal. She soon leaves and the male follows. He is back on the ledge at 16:55. He flies off at 18:55 and returns a few minutes later with the female. She goes into the box and he flies off at 19:15. She moves to the ledge at 20:50 and settles down for the evening.
9 August – the female flies off at 5:35 and the male flies in at 6:20 with a full crop. He settles on the ledge until the female arrives at 10:10 and they both go into the box. He leaves soon after and she moves to the ledge. At 10:45, she returns to the box and falls asleep. She is back on the platform looking out at 12:10 and flies off five minutes later. The male is back on the ledge with a full crop at 12:20, flying off at 13:05. He returns at 18:00 and goes into the box. The female flies in with very fresh Feral Pigeon at 19:40 which she plucks and eats on the platform; the male watching from the box. She finishes feeding at 21:05 and stashes the remains by a column. The male walks forward, snatches the stash and flies out with the remains. The female clear up a few scraps on the platform then settles down on the ledge for the evening.
10 August – the male joins the female at 5:25 but the female chases him off five minutes later when he tries to feed on some scraps left over from the previous evening. She sits on the ledge still showing a full crop until she flies off at 6:15. The male is back at 7:40 but is pushed off almost immediately by the female who arrives with fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she plucks and eats on the platform. She stashes the remains by a column at 8:55 and flies out. The male arrives a few minutes later, grabs the stash and eats until 9:20 when he is full, then stashes the remains and flies off. The female returns at 10:10 and goes into the box. She moves to the ledge at 12:35 and remains there until 18:15 when she retrieves the stash and feeds on the platform. She has finished eating 30 minutes later and returns to the ledge. She flies off at 18:55 and is replaced by the male at 19:30. He feeds on a few scraps on the platform then settles on the ledge until 22:30 when he flies off.
11 August – the female flies onto the ledge at 1:40 and falls asleep. She picks at some scraps on the platform at 5:10, flying out 15 minutes later. She is replaced by the male after a few minutes and he goes into the box, moving to the ledge at 6:40. He moves into the box when the female returns at 8:10. He flies out ten minutes later returning at 9:35. The female moves from the back of the box to the central columns and places her head between them and lies in the stones [this is something she does fairly frequently, especially in warm weather. The male watches her from the ledge until he leaves at 10:25. She remains around the central column until 14:20 when she flies out. The male is back at 14:45 and sits on the ledge for the next six hours, flying out when the female returns at 20:45 and she settles down for the evening.

12 August – the female remains on the ledge from the previous evening until 5:20 when she flies off and is replaced by the male. He leaves at 7:00 and the pair are back at 9:05, both looking well fed. The male sits on the platform whilst she goes into the box. He flies off at 12:50 whilst she remains in the box until 14:25 when she leaves. She returns five hours later with a full crop but flies off at 20:20.
13 August – the male flies into the box at 5:50, then moves to the ledge. He is back in the box at 6:45 returning to the ledge at 8:40. The female flies into the box at 9:05. At 10:00, she walks to the platform looking for food. In doing so, she forces the male to fly off and she sits on the ledge for ten minutes before following him. He is back at 13:55 and the female returns at 14:40. He then flies off and she goes into the box before settling on the ledge until flying off at 17:25. The male returns 15 minutes later and the female a few moments after that. He flies out at 17:55, returning when she leaves at 19:05. He flies off 30 minutes later and neither bird returns for the evening.
14 August – the male is in the box searching for food at 5:05, then sits on the ledge preening. He takes a short flight at 6:35 and is off 20 minutes later. He returns at 7:45 and takes another short flight before continuing preening until he leaves at 10:00. He is back 45 minutes later with a very full crop and settles on the ledge remaining until 16:40. A Woodpigeon lands at 20:05 and picks at the grit and stones on the platform for 25 minutes. The pair return at 21:10 and go into the box. After a few minutes bonding, the male flies out and she moves to the ledge for the rest of the evening.
15 August – the female flies off at 5:40 and is replaced by the male who goes into the box then moves to the ledge at 5:55; he flies off at 7:20. The female is back at 7:35 carrying Common Tern prey. She leaves a few minutes later but returns soon after following the male onto the platform. He moves into the box and, even though she already has a full crop, she proceeds to pluck the tern as he watches. At 8:10, they leave together with the female carrying her bounty. He is back a few moments later and sits on the ledge until 8:40 when he moves into the box when the female flies in with the remains of the tern. Seeing the male there, rather than stash the remains, she flies off and he follows. She is back on the ledge at 9:00 with her full crop. The male joins her at 10:40 and he too looks well fed. He sits on the platform as she goes into the box. She moves to the ledge at 14:40 and he goes into the box until flying off at 15:05. Something catches her eye ten minutes later and she flies off. A Woodpigeon lands at 15:55 and pecks at the stones and grit until 16:05 when it leaves in a hurry on the arrival of the male. The female is back at 20:00 and the male flies off; she leaves at 20:25.
16 August – the pair fly in at 3:05, the male into the box with the female on the ledge. He flies off at 5:10 and she leaves at 5:35. A Woodpigeon lands at 6:00 and picks at the stones for 15 minutes. At 10:55, a Woodpigeon and Stock Dove have a brief fight on the platform, then fly off. The Woodpigeon is back at 11:30 for 25 minutes and the Stock Dove returns at 12:25 for ten minutes. A Woodpigeon is back at 17:40 for five minutes and again at 20:15 for 15 minutes. The Peregrine pair return at 20:45 calling to each other. The female goes into the box but the male flies off immediately; she moves to the ledge after ten minutes remaining there for the rest of the evening.
17 August – the female flies off at 5:50 and the male flies in at 6:25 to settle on the ledge until 7:15. He flies off when the female arrives with Feral Pigeon prey. She leaves with it a few minutes later but soon returns. She stands over her prey and does not start to pluck until 8:40. She finishes eating 35 minutes later and stashes the remains, then settles on the ledge with a full crop. The male arrives at 9:35 but the female grabs her meal and protects it. She starts to eat again, so the male flies off but is soon back. She moves towards him, and he goes into the box leaving her stash unprotected. He snatches it and flies off. She settles on the ledge and does not move for the rest of the day – some 15 hours.
18 August – the female eventually leaves the ledge after 20 hours and goes into the box when the male arrives at 5:25. He leaves almost immediately, and she returns to the opposite ledge before flying off at 5:50. She returns at 6:45 carrying very fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she proceeds to pluck and feed upon. She stashes the considerable remains by a column an hour later and moves to the ledge. She goes into the box at 7:55 as the male flies in, steals the stash and flies out. She returns to the ledge before flying off at 8:20. She is back at 15:25 and after checking for stashed prey, goes into the box, then moves to the ledge. She has another look around at 17:00 before flying off 20 minutes later. The male returns at 19:20 and sits on the ledge until 19:55 when he flies off. The female is back on the ledge preening at 20:50 then falls asleep at 21:25.
19 August – the female remains on the ledge and is joined by the male at 3:15. He goes into the box but flies out ten minutes later. The female leaves at 5:50 and is replaced by the male; he flies off at 7:10. He returns two hours later and sits on the platform in the sun preening, flying off at 10:15. The female flies in at 11:55 and goes into the box. The male lands briefly at 13:25 and the female then moves to the ledge, flying off 15 minutes later. The male is back at 14:00 and sits on the ledge. At 16:55, he spreads his wings and showers in the rain before flying off. He is back briefly at 19:40; the final visitation of the day.
20 August – the male flies in at 4:55 and sits on the ledge until 6:35. A Stock Dove visits the ledge briefly at 9:40. The male returns at 10:15 and the female flies in at 10:50. She goes into the box, and he sits on the platform until 11:55 when he flies off. She moves to the ledge after an hour and flies off at 14:20. The male flies in with a full crop five minutes later and dozes on the ledge until leaving at 18:00.
21 August – the male flies in at 5:55 and remains on the ledge. He leaves when the female flies in with fresh Feral Pigeon prey at 9:55. She plucks and eats her meal on the platform, stashing the remains in the box at 11:25. She sits on the ledge with a full crop. The male arrives five minutes later and tries to snatch the stash, but the female quickly recovers her meal and forces him from the platform. She re-stashes the remains and returns to the ledge. At 12:10, he has another attempt to snatch the stash but is foiled again. She stashes it closer by this time. He is back again at 13:05 and she stands on her meal; he goes into the box. He places himself so that the central column is between the pair, trying to conceal himself but he flies off at 13:20. She stashes the prey and sits on the ledge. He is back at 14:45 but again, she is close to her meal and is able to protect it. He sits in the box awaiting his chance to steal her meal. At 15:35, she decides the best way to protect her meal – is to eat it; despite already having a very full crop. There is still a substantial remains when she has filled herself. So over the next hour she picks at her meal. She flies off with it at 17:10 and the male walks to the ledge and watches her go, then follows. She returns five minutes later and stashes her meal. The male flies in and she goes into the box – he finally steals the remains! She returns to the ledge for the rest of the evening.
22 August – the female remains on the ledge from the previous evening until 6:15 when she goes into the box on the arrival of the male. He joins her and there is a short period of bonding before he flies out and she follows. He is back on the ledge at 9:00. A pair of Stock Dove land briefly at 10:10 but quickly realise their mistake. He flies off at 11:30 and the female flies in at 13:35 until 14:50. There is no more activity on camera today but the pair were seen on the Cathedral spire at 18:00.
23 August – the only activity during the first part of the day was up to two Stock Dove landing on the platform at least 11 times, occasionally visiting the box. This stopped when the female flew onto the platform at 13:50, moving to the ledge 15 after minutes. She flew off five minutes later and the male immediately flies in and visits the box. A Stock Dove lands at 14:45 whilst the male sits in the box but he ignores it and it flies off. He moves to the platform at 15:00 and flies off after ten minutes. The Stock Dove ends the day with another brief visit at 19:45.
24 August – the male flies in at 5:35 and sits on the ledge; he flies off at 6:50. A Stock Dove sits on the ledge preening at 8:15 for five minutes. There is no more activity on camera until the female flies in at 16:30 with fresh Feral Pigeon prey, quickly followed by the male. She mantles her meal then plucks it whilst he watches from the ledge. She calls loudly to him and he goes into the box but she continues. She only starts feeding at 16:55 when the male is obscured by the central columns. At 17:35 he moves into the open to check on the female’s progress. She stops feeding, stands on her meal and he moves to the ledge. She resumes feeding when he goes back into the box. At 18:10, she stops and starts to doze, still holding on to her meal. He emerges from the box at 18:40 and tries to steal the remains but she calls at him and he retreats back into the box. He has a second attempt a few moments later and manages to steal the prey from the female despite her holding on to it. She watches him go, then follows a few minutes later.
25 August – the male arrives at 7:10 and sits on the ledge for 25 minutes. A Stock Dove spends ten minutes on the ledge at 12:15, again at 13:55 and 17:25. The female makes her first visit of the day at 20:15, when she picks at scraps on the platform before settling on the ledge for the evening.
26 August – the female remains on the ledge from the previous evening until 6:00 when she flies off. She is back at 7:05 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she plucks and eats on the platform. She stashes the remains by a column at 8:30 and settles on the ledge. The male arrives 15 minutes later and she goes into the box, leaving the stash unprotected. The male takes his opportunity and flies off with the stash. She returns to the ledge where she remains for almost six hours, flying off at 14:15. There is no further activity on camera today.
27 August – the female flies in at 10:35 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon prey which she plucks and eats on the platform. She finishes her meal and stashes the remains by a column at 11:50 and settles on the ledge with a full crop. She flies off at 12:10 and does not return until 18:05. She spies that the stash still remains (where has the male been?) and feeds on it. There is not much left at 18:45 when she moves back to the ledge briefly before flying off.
28 August – the male flies in at 3:50 and settles in the back of the box. He moves onto the platform at 5:55, first light and flies off a few moments later. The pair are back at 10:30; the male goes into the box but does not stay long. The female sits on the ledge, flying off after 5 minutes. She is back at 11:45 carrying fresh Feral Pigeon which she plucks and eats on the platform. She finishes eating at 13:10 and stashes the remains by a column. A few minutes later the male arrives, and she flies off with the stash. He walks around the box looking for food and flies off at 12:25. There is no further activity on camera today.
29 August – there is no activity on the cameras before 9:25 when the cameras stop working.
30 August – the cameras continue to be an issue, so we have moved the PTZ NestCam to cover the front of the box and ledge. No activity was seen from 12 noon.
31 August – the first activity noted was the female landing at 17:05 carrying Feral Pigeon prey which she plucks and eats on the platform. She stashes the remains by a column at 18:15 and sits on the ledge. The male lands briefly ten minutes later but fails to snatch the stash as the female gets there first. She returns to the ledge. At 18:50, the male has a second attempt and this time manages to beat the female to the stash, but in his haste to leave loses grip of the meal. The female flies off at 19:00 and the male sneaks in and manages to steal the stash. He flies off with his prize.